Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1153

"Dong Zhu, this is the company\'s performance report." Liu Xin, the new secretary, was transferred from other departments. She was 25 years old and graduated from a famous university. She was a smart and capable woman, otherwise she would not be introduced to Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi chose her as her secretary, just because Lin Xin and Yang Yuxin both have the same word Xin. They feel very kind and are about to leave. But Liu Xin\'s working ability is still very strong. She has gradually been recognized by Zhu Xi and turned her into a regular.

Liu Xin is a beautiful woman with a tall figure and a delicate face. She became the chairman\'s secretary at a young age. Naturally, she is a very excellent girl. She pursues a lot of people, but none of them can rest assured. She replaced Mu Zihan who had left and became one of the three beauties of the company. Of course, others didn\'t know what had happened to Yang Yuxin.

Zhu Xi glanced and said, "put it down. I\'ll see it later."

Seeing Zhu Xi\'s tired eyes, Liu Xin hurriedly poured a glass of water and said, "Zhu Dong, drink some water."

"I want coffee." Zhu Xi shook her head.

If others may not dare to disobey the chairman, Liu Xin did not, but insisted on letting Zhu Xi drink water and said, "Dong Zhu, you have drunk three cups of coffee since the morning. Too much coffee is bad for your health. I suggest drinking water."

Zhu Xi frowned and said displeased, "don\'t you know what I should drink?"

Liu Xin didn\'t seem to see Zhu Xi\'s face. She nodded and said, "Dong Zhu, even if you quit me, I\'ll suggest you drink water. This is the persistence of a subordinate. You are the person I admire most. I don\'t want to see your body deteriorate."

Zhu Xi wanted to get angry, but when she saw Liu Xin\'s persistent eyes, her heart softened and sighed. This kind of eyes was really familiar. She was not like this before. Self-confidence is a good thing, but with persistence on the basis of self-confidence, she may get results in her work, but what about her feelings?

"Are you single?" asked Zhu Xi.

Liu Xin was stunned for a while. It took a long time to understand that Zhu Xi asked her feelings and hurriedly said, "Dong Zhu, I don\'t have a boyfriend yet, but I\'m still young. Women have to live for themselves. First make themselves better and then talk about others. You\'re my idol."

"Are you learning from me?" said Zhu Xi in surprise.

Liu Xin got excited and said, "yes, Mr. Zhu, your resume is a legend. You can create a company worth one billion dollars at a young age and build your own group. Your taste and achievements should be admired by all women."

Zhu Xi smiled, waved her hand and said, "well, stop talking. That\'s all the old things. If it\'s okay, go out first."

Liu Xin showed her disappointment. She thought it should be that Dong Zhu listened to these words too much and was a little tired. So she secretly reviewed whether to be euphemistic next time. Unlike others, Dong Zhu is a strong woman who is independent.

Zhu Xi silently looked at the performance report, and then looked at the time. She found that five years had passed unconsciously. It took only five years for her to become an investment legend from Princeton University to China Airlines Group, which now has assets of more than 10 billion. In these five years, she has been working.

She just wanted to prove that she could still succeed without the Zhu family.

But what about the Zhu family?

The old Taijun left. The relatives of the Zhu family who once hated her disappeared one by one and were erased by Zhu Yan. Zhu Yan became very strange and completely different from her childhood impression. Now Zhu Xi sees through Zhu Yan and knows that these are plays and life.

What is the purpose of my hard work?

Zhu Xi suddenly came up with a terrible idea, that is, she has achieved her current achievements, but she is becoming more and more empty and has no motivation to struggle. Even if China Airlines Group is getting bigger and bigger, what can it do?

I am a legend and an idol for all women to learn?

Zhu Xi laughed at herself and said secretly that if all women learn from her, there will be a lot of wealth in the world, but their feelings are in a mess. If they can exchange all their wealth, won\'t they be as capricious as before?

Unfortunately, there is no if in life

Zhu Xi shook her head and smiled. She felt why she suddenly became sentimental. It was not like this before. Even if she was lovelorn, she was still very strong. She could forget her troubles through high-intensity work, but now a person\'s shadow appeared in her mind from time to time.

She\'s doing well now.

Thinking of Yang Ping\'s indifferent eyes before leaving, Zhu Xi felt very painful and really painful.

Why do I give him the most important thing and get indifference.

Zhu Xi bit her mouth and said secretly, maybe he never cares about me, maybe it\'s a kind of revenge. Revenge once hurt him deeply, but Zhu Xi is not lost and angry now, but accepts everything calmly.

She has become more mature.

No, I need to find out why Yang Ping did this to me.

Zhu Xi\'s mind was not at work. When her thoughts were myriad, the phone rang. It looked like Wang\'s and answered the channel: "what\'s the matter?" Wang would not call her normally. Once there was a phone, there was an accident.

"Come and sit down," said Wang in a hoarse voice.

Zhu Xi was awe inspiring and knew that something big must happen, so she made an appointment with a place to explain some things, and then left the China Airlines building to the fate cafe. On the Bank of Luoshui River, I once met Yang Ping again, with beautiful scenery.

Wang sat by the river and looked at Luoshui with a lonely look.

Zhu Xi sat down and said with concern, "look at your heroic appearance at ordinary times, because there is nothing in the world that can annoy you. What happened, my chief director."

Wang is now the director of Chengbei public security branch. He was promoted exceptionally because he made great contributions to destroying dozens of important and serious cases in a short time. It\'s strange that people with backgrounds and abilities like Wang don\'t take rockets when they are officials.

"Yang Yuxin is dead."

Wang suddenly said.


The water cup fell to the ground. Zhu Xi opened her mouth, looked at Wang blankly and asked, "what did you... Say?"

Wang said, "the body is in the Public Security Bureau."

Zhu Xi bit her lips. The news of Yang Yuxin\'s death was too shocking to accept for a moment. She reluctantly smiled and said, "Wang, the joke is not funny. Today is not April Fool\'s day. I saw her the day before yesterday. She\'s fine..."

"The place of death was in the parking lot of Haodu Hotel. I jumped from the top suite. It was the night before yesterday." Wang shook Zhu Xi\'s hand and said with a bitter smile, "I didn\'t want to tell you, but I still said it."

Zhu Xi sighed and thought of the little things they had done before. Although it was a relationship between superiors and subordinates, she was emotionally in love with her sisters. She gradually regarded Yang Yuxin as a person who could say intimate words. Yang Yuxin suddenly died and was difficult to accept.

"Did the killer find it?"

A cold light flashed in Zhu Xi\'s eyes. There was a faint sign of explosion in her momentum, which surprised Wang. She stared at Zhu Xi and felt the power that shocked her. It seemed that the person in front of her was not an ordinary person, but a huge black hole. Even if Wang had a special identity, she was still afraid of Zhu Xi.