Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1013

There is no language to describe this golden needle. It is simple and atmospheric. Although it looks very small, Yang Ping thinks it is higher than the vast sky above his head.

what is it?

Is this golden needle the pole hidden in the center of the eyebrow?

Yang Ping muttered to himself, shocked in his heart, stretched out his hand to touch, but felt very far away. It was like raising his arm to touch the sky. In fact, he was thousands of miles away.

In the end what is it?

The golden needle disappeared and returned to peace.

Yang Ping\'s eyes were confused. At that moment, when the golden needle disappeared, the Qi of Nine Yang came out again, moistening the meridians, orifices and acupoints. The eight nodes were stable and the strength increased ten times.

Mental and physical strength have been greatly improved.

Yang Ping felt that if he fought again, he could easily solve the scum of Xiao Shang, clench his fist, crack in the void, and then restore stability.

This feeling

Yang Ping didn\'t taste it carefully. When he came to Mu Lao, he saw that his breath was weak and his life was not long, but he had a happy smile on his face and was sad in his heart.

Old Mu is dying!

"When I saw you kill Xiao Shang, I knew you were strong enough to hold up the sky, Yang Ping. I didn\'t read you wrong." old Mu smiled at Yang Ping and looked at him silently for a while. Suddenly he said calmly, "I\'m going."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were slightly red. He held Mu Lao\'s hand and said in a deep voice, "I won\'t let you go by any means, Mu Lao, you believe me."

If Tao fruit is broken, it is equivalent to burying one\'s life and practice, and then fighting with Xiao Shang is equivalent to exhausting all his vitality. Da Luo Tianxian can\'t save a saint who wants to die.

Mu Lao knew his situation very well, so he didn\'t hope. He shook his head and said, "don\'t waste your energy on me. You still have more important things to complete."

Yang Ping listened silently and didn\'t want to miss any word.

Mu Lao said two last wishes that must be fulfilled.

One is to protect Mu Lao, the other is to find his granddaughter.

"Unfortunately, I don\'t have a chance to play chess with the old man, and I don\'t have a chance to see my granddaughter marry you, Yang Ping. To tell me the truth, if my granddaughter is very beautiful, will you marry her? No, my granddaughter must be as beautiful as heaven and lying in a trough. I feel a big loss. It feels like an inverted post."

Mu Lao\'s face was ruddy and said excitedly.

Yang Ping hesitated for a moment. Seeing the expectant eyes of old mu, she couldn\'t bear it. She said, "old mu, I have someone I like. If you don\'t mind her being a junior. I can..."

"Fart your mother! How can I be a junior of Mu family? Boy, do you think I\'m going to die and bully my granddaughter?" Mu scolded.

Yang Ping smiled and said, "I dare not."

Mu Lao hummed, "just know. Even if I\'m dying, you\'re not my opponent. I\'m a saint now. You\'re not a saint, okay?"

Yang Ping nodded hurriedly.

After swearing a few words, old Mu was tired. He lay in Yang Ping\'s arms, stared at the sky of Longcheng and sighed: "I didn\'t look carefully before. I really don\'t know. In fact, the sky is quieter and more beautiful than any scenery."

"That is."

Yang Ping replied.

Mu Lao said again, "what will future generations say about me after I die?"

Without thinking, Yang Ping immediately said, "with your great achievements, you must erect a monument. I believe future generations will remember your contribution to the whole of China."

Mu Lao smiled.

"On my first day in the army, I was fighting against little devils. In those days, the nine saints of the island participated in the war. There were few people here. The Holy Land didn\'t fight, and other saints didn\'t want to be implicated. But I did. I went to face the saints of the island with Lord Junshen and old man Lin. I remember that there was a beautiful Phoenix at that time. Now think about it, I didn\'t have it I\'ve seen a woman more beautiful than that Phoenix, but it\'s a pity... "

The woman Mu Lao said should be the Blue Phoenix.

Yang Ping couldn\'t help saying, "I actually saw the Phoenix you said. It was just a month ago."

Mu Lao opened his eyes and hurriedly said, "have you seen the Blue Phoenix?"

Yang Ping nodded.

Mu Lao smiled, showed his nostalgic eyes and said, "I was also a master in those years, but it was far worse than the Blue Phoenix. People were the peak state of saints. One foot stepped into the loud threshold. I just entered the saint. I wanted to soak her, but I couldn\'t beat others. Fortunately, she liked me."


Yang Ping said with a dry smile, "how can you be so sure."

Mu Lao stared at him with an unhappy face and sneered: "boy, you know a fart. The induction between saints will never be wrong. The Blue Phoenix looked at me more. He must like me."

Yang Ping was speechless.

Do you like you by looking at you more?

Seeing Mu Lao\'s excited face, Yang Ping couldn\'t bear to blow. There is only one person in Blue Phoenix\'s heart forever, that is his master, Xuanji.

But Yang Ping won\'t reveal it and doesn\'t want to destroy Mu Lao\'s hope.

He thinks he likes it.

What\'s wrong?

In fact, people live in many dreamy bubbles. Rather than we have hope, we are afraid of despair and dare not face it.

"By the way, where\'s the Blue Phoenix?"

Mu felt it was inappropriate to talk about his feelings in front of the younger generation and asked, "is the Blue Phoenix in Longcheng? Can you help me ask and have an opportunity to meet?"

Yang Ping bowed his head and was silent.

The excitement on Mu Lao\'s face slowly disappeared, followed by silence.

"What a pity."

After a long time, he woke up from his grief, and old Mu sighed.

"Where is it buried?"

Asked Mu Lao.

"Under the Wutong University\'s phoenix tree."

Yang Ping answered honestly.


Mu Lao smiled with a gratifying smile and said, "good place, phoenix phoenix tree. That\'s right. Let\'s go and take a look, if I can see it."

Soon, two people came to the Wutong University\'s Indus tree.

Wutong is still in class, so there are few students on campus. Mu Lao stands under the phoenix tree, watching a bunch of Wutong leaves, covering the sky and looking away.

"She\'s still so beautiful."

Mu Lao praised.

Yang Ping was surprised. Looking at Mu Lao, he looked down his eyes, but it was empty. There was no shadow of the Blue Phoenix. It was probably an illusion.

"Blue Phoenix, do you remember me?" old Mu shouted at the sky. "I\'m Mu Qian. You still remember your little attendant before."

"I\'ll introduce you to a younger generation who almost became my grandson-in-law. It\'s powerful. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, so I\'m going to die on the beach."

"Don\'t go. Wait for me. I have a lot to say to you."

Yang Ping listened silently without interrupting. Old Mu\'s cry echoed in his ear, with a faint sadness in his heart. Suddenly, the voice stopped suddenly.

Turning around, Yang Ping was shocked and tears couldn\'t help falling.

Mu Lao stood straight under the Wutong tree, looking far away at the sky, pursuing his dream in his youth. He seemed to be so tall and upright forever, and would not fall down.

But Mullah really left the world.

Deep sadness surged into my heart.

A generation of famous generals, Chinese Anti Japanese heroes, left the world with a smile.

He stood under the Wutong tree and talked to the love woman, perhaps the best ending.

Yang Ping\'s eyes were blank. Looking around, she found that there was no one else except herself. She was very lonely.