Fate-Changing Wild Consort



Am I the one this Small Turtle is waiting for?

Black Turtle somewhat hesitantly lowered its head and thought for a moment. It was unknown what its little brain could think about. In the end, it violently shook its head.

"Who is the Master Mo?"

Su Xia Yue asked, his eyes revealing a look of displeasure.

This Master Mo was truly preposterous, to actually assign a Small Turtle to him to forcefully contract it. This was such a scam. He had to settle this debt with the other party when he had time!

"Master Mo is indeed Cloud Country! He was already an immortal master! "Very powerful. Master, if you want to see him, I can bring you to see him. He can solve many unknown secrets of your life."

Black Turtle's eyes revealed an expression of adoration and yearning, as though he wished to be dust under the Master Mo's feet. Even Xu Man Qi, Nie Shi Xun, He Zi Yi and Xi Che Ying let out a low cry at the same time.

"Master Mo!"

"You guys know about this Master Mo?" Su Xia Yue turned his head and looked at the few people behind him.

Xu Man Qi, Nie Shi Xun, He Zi Yi, and Xi Che Ying all immediately looked at Su Xia Yue with an expression that seemed as though they knew very little about him.

"Sister Su, you don't even know about Master Mo? Although he is not someone from our Han Dynasty, he has long been famous in the outside world, and is the famous immortal master of the entire inherited five continents! "

That's right, Master Mo, Mo Jin Chen! "Rumor has it that not only are her mana high and powerful, she also has a transcendent air, as well as an unforgettable handsome appearance. Her beauty is comparable to the Ling Wang s of our Han Dynasty!"

"I wonder if he will come to the Feast of the Four Kingdoms Competition in a month's time. I really want to personally see it."

Xu Man Qi and the others could not help but praise him. That expression, was even more yearning than seeing a sovereign of the Han Dynasty, Su Xia Yue was simply at a loss for words.

Right now, it was not the time to argue with them about whether Mo Jin Chen was a gentleman or a villain. If things continued this way, the Five Elements Mountain Range exit would probably close. They had to finish exploring the three remaining hills of Five Elements Mountain Range before nightfall in order to find the exit.

"Don't think about Mo Qingchen anymore. She is so famous, I think the imperial harem has reached 3000!"

Under Su Xia Yue's direct command, everyone looked resentful.

After regaining their composure, the group could only increase their speed and continue on their way to the next mountain peak. On the third peak, they could no longer see any caves in front of them. He only saw a stone forest.

The shortest of the strange stones was as tall as a man. A high stone was seven or eight stories high. Even when Su Xia Yue raised his head to look, he simply could not see the top of the stone. Looking at this pile of layered stones, Su Xia Yue had a faint bad premonition in his heart.

Just as they were about to pass through the stone forest on the mountaintop, Xiao Qi suddenly shouted out loudly. She pointed at one of the rocks, her face full of shame and anger.

"What's going on?" Su Xia Yue asked.

Xiao Qi replied indignantly, "This rock, it seems to have just touched me!"

He Zi Yi, Nie Shi Xun and Xi Che Ying who were at the side immediately let out a burst of muffled laughter. After all, the first reaction of anyone who heard that a rock could be molested was to joke around.

However …

However, Su Xia Yue carefully walked over, and observed for a moment in the direction Xiao Qi pointed. On the surface, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but there were quite a few moving marks around the bottom of the rock.

How could such a huge rock move?

Su Xia Yue became alert and immediately pulled Xiao Qi, Xi Che Ying and the rest who were by his side and started to run.

Unfortunately, just as they sped up, those stones seemed to have sensed something and started moving towards the five of them.


Hundreds of boulders were moving toward them. The voice was like a clap of thunder, it was as sharp as the blade in the back, causing Su Xia Yue and the others to feel as though their hearts were drumming. He could only try his best to quicken his pace.

However …

There were too many of them, and in an instant, they were trapped in an open area in front of the exit.

Stone after stone grew eyes, ears, nose, limbs, and torso. Every one of them looked like a human, gathering closer and closer to Su Xia Yue and the others, as though they were going to be surrounded soon.

Su Xia Yue could only follow the crowd and use his [Gale Technique], [Fireball] and [Ice Arrows] to get rid of the Rock Monsters.

However …

Nie Shi Xun who was standing on the outer circle was careless and got caught by the two nearby rocks. He was held to his chest by one of the stone men, unable to move.

Su Xia Yue turned his head around and saw this scene, he immediately raised his hand and released an eight star Fire Talent skill — Fire Burst. It easily shattered the two stone monsters. Pulling Nie Shi Xun back to everyone's side.

However …

It was too late.

Nie Shi Xun then started to change his hand inch by inch at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye. His skin slowly stiffened, and his complexion slowly changed. When his skin turned completely ashen, he had turned into a rock!

"World Merit Points!" How did you become like this? Say something, look at me! " Xiao Qi's tears instantly flew out, helplessly deluding Su Xia Yue.

"Sister Su, what are they? What are they going to do? "

"They probably want us to be their kind." As Su Xia Yue replied, he had already pulled out his own Xie Yin.

He raised his sword and sliced apart several stone men. With the help of Xi Che Ying and He Zi Yi, the Stone Golems were temporarily chased away.


Even if these stone men were broken into chunks the size of mung beans, they could still roll on the ground. In the end, a Stone Golem that was at least ten floors tall rolled out, and stepped down towards Su Xia Yue and the others.