Fast Crossing Strategy Villain Male God

Chapter 406: Great God, please let me go (27)

Chapter 406 Great God, please let me go (27)

  Thinking of this, Song Ci can’t help but hate the current and why of the love that destroyed his plan.

  If it weren\'t for these two damned fellows, how could she have carried the hat of plagiarism and had to change the plot of Concubine Zhen\'s biography again and again, and finally changed it beyond recognition? !

   Fortunately, she still has He Tang.

  Whether she can become a **** or not, at least the billionaire He Tang is here, and she doesn\'t have to work hard to make a living like in her previous life.

   After saving the full text of the president’s text in his current hand, Song Ci turned his attention to those inspirational workplace dramas in his previous life.

   After recalling the Ugly Girl Transformation and the workplace drama of a certain promotion, she wrote a new article based on the ugly girl transformation series that became popular in later generations.

  Because the content of workplace dramas is not as good as TV dramas look, Song Ci actually doesn\'t like to read workplace novels, but this does not prevent her from adapting workplace dramas she has watched into her own novels.

   Just in case, Song Ci also discussed with He Tang, and said: "There are not many novels in the workplace now, I think I can just take the opportunity to write two books, and then I can sell the film and television copyright."

   He Tang nodded when he heard the words of Song Ci, and said in agreement: "You have a lot of ideas, you can write this. The length doesn\'t need to be too long. If the response is good, you can write a sequel."

  Song Ci smiled slightly, "I think so too."


And after talking to He Tang, Song Ci started to be ridiculed for being ugly according to the very beginning of later generations, and then she became beautiful after learning to make up and changing her hairstyle after orthodontic treatment. Human routines to write.

   This kind of routine is a big catch in later generations, but there are not many people who write it like this now, so Song Poetry can be regarded as a precedent for an alternative counter-attack current.

   And once her article was published, it immediately attracted the attention of fans.

   This kind of writing style of wanting to promote before suppressing, although they clearly know that it is to make people\'s appetite, but readers are buying it, wanting to wait to see how the heroine counterattacks.

In addition, Song Ci has seen a lot of workplace dramas and knows a lot of jokes, so even though her writing still likes nonsense as in the past, but this workplace essay she writes constantly climaxes, and reversals exist everywhere, so soon this essay will be exploded.


Readers who like to read workplace articles are indeed not as good as the president\'s articles. After all, workplace articles involve some intrigue at work, and some people find it boring to read, but the Song Ci article is because it uses the cool points in workplace dramas. And some of the passages that were passed down by word of mouth later, there are some cool and funny points, so people don\'t feel tired at all, but they are looking forward to the next chapter.

   After seeing the Song Ci texts, Mu Yunge knew which workplace texts she got from later generations.

   But this time Song Ci has become smarter, knowing that the plot of the workplace text is directly integrated with the characteristics of the president\'s counterattack text.

   But so what?

   As the saying goes, it’s not that you don’t report the time, Song Ci will soon know what the fate of plagiarism is.


   At this time, on the forum, Song Ci\'s workplace articles were recommended by readers in the book push section not long after.

"The author of Gong Ci has a lot of controversy on the forum. To be honest, her writing is not very good, but all her writing is better than the plot. This ugly girl turns into a book, starting from the first chapter. It’s just fun, and the jokes and jokes are endless, and you won’t regret watching it!”

   Under this post, the loyal fans of Song Ci are applauding at this time.

   "The landlord has a vision! The plots of Gong Ci\'s books are all good!"

   "I also like this book about the transformation of an ugly girl. If it can be made into a TV series, I will definitely follow it!"

   "If Ugly Girl Transforms into a TV series, who do you want to play the hero and heroine? I hope it\'s Zhang Yixing for the hero, and I want the heroine to be a big power!"

   And those readers who had a very bad impression of Song Ci replied: "Palace Ci is always black! Don\'t read it!"

   "Bah! This kind of scumbag primary school student writing plot, but also wants us to play the heroine! Think beautiful!"

   "Our little sheep won\'t accept dramas written by such plagiarists! That fan, you are a senior black of the little sheep!"

   "Who knows if she copied the stalks of another street writer or **** writer in this book?"


   Song Ci is not worried at all about the doubts on the forum. She uses the stalks from the TV series anyway, so she is not afraid of being told.

But what Song Ci never thought was that after her routine became popular, major websites soon sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Just like in the previous life, when a topic became popular, a large number of similar routines appeared immediately. stalk.

  You said someone copied it?

   However, other people\'s language and characters have changed, but the routine is the same as that of Song Poetry.

   And the stalks in these texts are not written in Song Ci, nor have other authors written it.

Song Ci uses the male protagonist and the female protagonist who got together after entering the wrong room 419, while other authors use what is popular in later generations Pushing the pregnant heroine down the stairs to kill the heroine was reborn as revenge.

   All in all, these stalks of the rotten streets of later generations, no matter whether Song Poetry has been reborn or not, at a certain time, the author will always think of it.

   In addition, among these authors, many of them have much better expressive skills and sensational skills than Song Poetry, so once these routine essays were published, they immediately swept the rankings of major websites and swept the entire Internet!

   In this way, although there are still a large number of readers of Song Ci\'s president essays, more readers have been diverted to other writers who wrote very good president routine essays.

   And Song Ci saw that the female protagonists of the website were dumped and framed and then encountered the real male protagonist counterattack, and his chest hurts.

   These are all the memes she is going to use. How can these people take the routines she published and occupy the memes she wants to write? !


  If Mu Yunge knew what Song Ci was thinking, he would only laugh.

   What stalk is she going to write? !

  Is it true that Song Poetry thought that she had been reborn, and the stalks of the later generations belonged to her, and she was the only one?

The wisdom of the crowd is infinite. Some people can write a wonderful piece of writing just by giving her some hints and introductions. For people like Song Poetry, although she has mastered a lot of stalks, they can give her Write, she can\'t write the taste that the original author can write!

   As more and more routine president articles come out, the advantages of rebirth that Song Ci has will naturally become less and less.

   One more update!



   (end of this chapter)