Fast Crossing Strategy Villain Male God

Chapter 404: God, please let me go (25)

Chapter 404 Great God, please let me go (25)

  He Tang saw that Song Ci was so angry that he cried, and hurried over to comfort her.

   "Don\'t be afraid, I\'ll take care of you anyway, it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t write a book." He Tang patted Song Ci\'s back lightly.

  Song Ci grumbled aggrieved, and then said: "But, I also want to sell the copyright of Zhen Fei\'s biography! Even if it can\'t sell 50 million, it is good to sell a few million!"

   "I know, this time it\'s because of the same relationship, they are too despicable!" He Tang said bitterly.

   This time, they not only ruined Song Ci\'s reputation, but also stained his reputation!

   Sooner or later, he will find a relationship to settle accounts!


   At this time, in Yan Chen\'s company, Feng Han has been paying attention to the interaction between Mu Yunge and Yan Chen.

   After finding that there was nothing wrong with Mu Yunge, Feng Han\'s eyes were on Yan Chen.

   But what confuses Feng Han is that Yan Chen\'s every move is very in line with the image of the domineering president Yun Chuan in the original plot, and the same is true for his methods of doing things.

   This also means that there is nothing abnormal about the two of them at all. Maybe the abnormality listed in the list is caused by some distortions caused by the competition between him and the male protagonist!

   Thinking of this, Feng Han couldn\'t help but feel a little angry in his heart.

   But he rarely came here, at least he had to wait until the world was over before leaving.

   At least, he has to see the ending of this world, and make sure that the male and female protagonists are happily together before leaving.

   Once something happens in the middle, there is a tendency for lovers to end up resentment, that means that there must be someone in this world that has a problem!


   And after the copyrights of Concubine Shu and several other domineering CEO essays were handed over to Yan Chen\'s company, the filming of several CEO essays started.

   Although it is said to be the president\'s essay, Shen Mingchu\'s writing is delicate and unconventional, so it\'s okay to change it to a silly white sweet dog abuse drama that will be popular a few years later.

   The list at this time is helping the family with some business matters.

   Although it is an NPC, it is a virtual world, but if he lists it, he will not reduce himself to the point where he needs to ask for help!

   Even so, it goes against the plot of the mission world.

  So with the help of Luo Lie, instead of closing down the Li family that was about to go bankrupt, he decided to use his novel to gamify it.

After   Luoli successfully made a few investments, his novels were officially turned into games and anime.

   As for the boss who had strong Li Wei in his previous life, he was listed in the pit and went bankrupt and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

   In this regard, Luo Li doesn’t feel that he has done too much.

   Even when he thought that if he didn\'t bring his memory in, he would end up in such a tragic end, and he could not wait to cut the fat boss into eight pieces and ten thousand pieces to relieve his hatred!


   And at this moment, Song Ci began to publish again.

  The new article is an interstellar sweet article, with a lot of laughs at the beginning.

   But what Song Ci didn\'t know was that Mu Yunge had already posted on a new site that had just started ahead of her.

This article only has seven or eight chapters now, and the title of the book was changed by Mu Yunge, and the small website is not easy to be searched by browsers and ranked in the first few pages, so Song Ci has no idea that someone has already posted under another pseudonym. .

   So, half a month after Song Ci was published, another post about her plagiarism appeared on the forum.

   "Hang Wannian to copy palace words! It\'s shameless, don\'t you like the articles that are cut off! I seriously suspect that Concubine Zhen\'s biography was copied by Concubine Shu, who hates where is now! Look at the evidence for yourself!"

   Afterwards, the landlord posted a long paragraph, saying that he was an author, and was pulled by the editor of a newly opened small station to open the article, and then saw an interstellar article in their few library.

  Because she was also paying attention to Gongci\'s new book, after accidentally opening the beginning of this interstellar essay, she found that the fronts of the two books were the same.

   At first, she was angry and thought that the author was plagiarizing the text of Gong Ci, and moved the text over as it was.

   But soon she realized she was wrong.

  Because the article on this small website was published half a month earlier than Gongci\'s Interstellar article, and it was also a **** article.

   If this person is not a palace ci, then it is obviously a palace ci plagiarism from someone else\'s text!


   And after seeing this post, Song Ci himself was dumbfounded.

   She has clearly searched, but no interstellar text has appeared yet!

  Why now, that author has already posted on a small website! ?

   What can we do now?

   And the netizens at this time are also boiling again.

   "My God, is the palace word born with a black physique? Since Concubine Zhen became famous, it has often appeared on the forum and was hung up!"

   "Haha! There are so many up-and-coming stars, why don\'t they just hang up on her? It\'s not her copying! Get used to copying this!"

   At this time, He Tang was also asking what happened to Song Ci.

   "I don\'t know either! My manuscripts are clearly in the manuscript deposit box! I have already finished writing this book! If you don\'t believe me, read it." Song Ci moved the computer to He Tang.

   Seeing this, He Tang frowned slightly, and then said, "Could it be that your manuscript was stolen?"

   Hearing this, Song Ci opened his eyes slightly, "Impossible! I didn\'t upload the background of the website."

  He Tang squinted his eyes when he heard it, and then said to Song Ci: "At this time, you can only use these archives to prove your innocence."

   Song Ci couldn\'t help asking: "What should I do?"

   "Put out these manuscripts in their entirety! Say that person stole your manuscripts!"

   Song Ci nodded immediately after listening, and then went to the forum to reply according to He Tang\'s words, and then went to the website to post.

   Fortunately, the content of this interstellar text is not too long, and it is less than 200,000 words, so the Song Ci will be published soon.


At the end of the article, Song Ci also wrote: "I am fast, I can write seventy or eighty thousand words a day, so I am used to saving the whole book. Others saw it and published it in advance, and now I have to release all the content for free in advance, the author, if you see me, please tell me, how did you get my manuscript?!"

   Readers were surprised when they saw this passage.

   Gongci means that someone stole her manuscript?

   Was it made by hackers?

   For a while, netizens couldn\'t help but spontaneously made up their minds.

   And under another pseudonym of Mu Yunge, messages from many fans of Song Ci also flooded in at this time, questioning why she stole the manuscript of Song Ci.

   But how could Mu Yunge have no successor?

   Then, a screenshot of the manuscript she submitted to a publishing house editor with another email address was uploaded to the forum.

"This manuscript was submitted by someone to our publishing house two months ago. Because the subject matter is relatively biased, we killed the manuscript. I just don\'t know if this contributor is a palace word, or if it is something else. people."

   Three shifts!



   (end of this chapter)