Falling in Love: I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 159: Abandoned

It had been a week since Ian had been rescued by the police. All the kids had been admitted to the hospital to get their wounds treated. After that, they had been made to take counseling sessions from a therapist. The children had been traumatized from being locked in the warehouse. So, it was very necessary to get them out of the trauma.

The police had also tried to contact the kids\' parents to inform them about their kids. Within a week, all the kids parents\' had come to take their child away. However, they had to wait until the counseling ended. So, they had stayed a few days until the sessions completed.

Time passed and it was already two months. All the kids had left with the parents, except Ian. He had also attended the counseling. However, he had not spoken much during the time. His mind could not forget the boy\'s lifeless body as his father hugged him and cried. After he had been shot, somebody had taken Ian with him. So, he could not see what happened later on. Since none of the other kids had seen the gruesome scene, it had not affected them as much as it had affected Ian.

The police had come to meet Ian again that day. They were worried as nobody had come forward to contact him, let alone meet him. They had also checked the address Ian had given them to contact his family. However, to their dismay, the house was locked and on inquiring the neighbors, they found out that the family had moved out after a month. Nobody had any idea where they had gone.

The police had then gone to the nearest police station to see if any missing complaint was registered. But, there was nothing. Nada. Having no other choice, they had returned to Ian. Now, they were standing in front of the boy, looking at him with pity. "Do you have someone you want to contact, any family or friend?"

Ian shook his head. He was not that close to any of his relatives, nor did he have many friends. Whenever he had tried to make friends, he would end up getting annoyed by their immature behavior. It was not his fault though, his mind was a lot mature than his peers. So, he had stopped mingling with them. Now, he had no idea where to go. He had also noticed that he was also in another city, far away from where he lived.

"What shall we do now?" The police spoke among themselves. Right now, Ian was in an orphanage under police protection. From the looks of the police, Ian had realized that his family had not yet approached them asking about him, unlike the other parents who had rushed to meets their kids. It did not take him long to deduce that his family had abandoned him and this made him despondent.

"Let\'s discuss this with Mr. Carter." The other policeman said and the two men left Ian alone in the room.

Ian\'s heart which was already dispirited turned even more melancholic hearing them. \'Did I become so unbearable that nobody wants me now? What did I ever do anybody? Why is this happening to me?\'

As far as Ian knew, he had been a good boy though at times he had been straight-forward. He had never hurt anybody and had been an obedient boy. At times, he had yearned for the familial love which he had been missing all these years. But he had never complained about it to anyone. Now that the reality had shown its presence, he could clearly see that he was not wanted by his family. This was making him depressed and he started to loathe himself for no fault of his.

The policemen returned after an hour. However, his time they were being accompanied by another man. Ian recognized him to be the one who had lost his son the day he was saved. The man nodded at the policemen and they left him and Ian alone.

The man took a thorough look at Ian, his eyes softening a little. He did not hesitate to caress the boy\'s cheek gently. Ian looked at him startled, unsure of what he had in mind. The man pulled the chair and sat in front of Ian. Ian noticed that he had lost some weight, but he looked as intimidating as ever. He looked more refined than the last time he had met him.

"Are you alright child?" The man asked Though his voice was hoarse, Ian could sense the worry and concern in his voice.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I am sorry that you had to go through such agony at such a young age." The man bowed as he held Ian\'s hands.

"Please do not apologize sir. It was not your mistake, in fact, it was because of you and your son that I am even alive."

At the mention of his son, the man\'s face saddened even further and for a moment Ian felt as though he had dug up his old, painful memories. "You are a lot mature and wise than I thought. I\'ll come to point without beating around the bush." Ian listened to him intently to see what he had in mind.

"Now that we are unable to locate your family, what have you thought to do?"

"I have no idea, sir."

"In that case, do you want to come with me?"

Ian looked at him bewildered. He did not know what to say, so he forced out the only word he had in mind. "Why?"

"Let\'s just say you were the last person my son was close to. he saved your life and that means he had you in his heart."

Ian\'s eyes widened. He had not done anything that could make the boy to like him, other than giving him food. \'Did the boy like me for that?\' Ian noticed the man\'s eyes fixed on him, waiting for him to speak. "But I do not want to be a burden to you."

"You are not a burden to me. I just lost a son and you don\'t know where your family is. So, we could support each other..." The man\'s suggestion that had Ian thinking.

"I am not going to force you. It is up to you if you want to come with me or not, but I would be happy if you would." Ian could see the tenderness from the man\'s eyes which he had never seen in his father. This was the first time he had experienced such warmth and it made him feel happy.

The man got up to go, but Ian\'s next words stopped him. "Sir, I am ready to go with you."

"Then, in that case, you will call me mentor from now on. Before that, what is your name child?"

"Ian, sir. My name is Ian." Ian had no idea what came to his mind at that moment and what made him blurt out that name. But he never regretted what he had done. The man had given him more love than he had ever received from anybody.