Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 78 - What If I Want You To Be More Than My Secretary?

Yang Zi, who despised faking how she truly felt did not go down to the hall for breakfast again. She stayed back in her room and sketched all the new designs that came to her head. She wanted to make enough designer collections to launch in the upcoming year that was just two weeks away. She knew that being on holiday was the best opportunity she has got to design every item that came to her mind before work resumed fully. She only forced herself to stop working when her stomach made rumbling noises. It was then she recalled that she ate nothing the previous night, and she also starved herself of breakfast.

She frowned when she saw the snacks Shui Shui packed for her displayed on her magnificent princess bed. She was tired of eating snacks for her meals. At the moment, she was craving a proper meal. The loud knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts. She rubbed her stomach, which was still making rumbling noises as she went to open the door. All her thoughts was that it was Wen Min who came to check up on her like she normally did, but she was surprised when she saw who was standing at the door with two gigantic lunch boxes. ​​

"I thought you might need this since you missed breakfast," Yifeng suggested, entering the room without waiting for her invitation. He was afraid that Yang Zi would close the door on him if he waited another second outside.

"Boss, it\'s rude of you to enter a lady\'s room without her inviting you in or don\'t you know that?" Yang Zi asked as she followed behind after closing the door.

"I know but you didn\'t expect me to wait out there forever right? I know you didn\'t have any intention of inviting me in so I did the needed," Yifeng said without remorse as he sat down on her bed. He scrutinised the room with his sharp eyes. His eyes met her sketchbook, which was on the centre table.

"Drawing again?" Yifeng asked, pointing his index finger to the sketchbook. Yang Zi ignored his question and moved closer to where he was sitting down.

"What brings you here, boss? I know you didn\'t come here just to ask me questions about my sketchbook or stare at my face so to what do I hold this visit?" Yang Zi asked nonchalantly, sitting down beside him. She made sure she kept a tremendous distance between them.

"What if I said I came because of the latter?" Yifeng asked meekly, turning his gaze on her. Yang Zi quickly looked away when she saw him staring at her intensely. "Your joke is not funny," Yang Zi replied.

"And who says I was joking?" Yifeng asked, his gaze still on her. His gaze and words made Yang Zi feel uneasy. She dared not stare at him directly. She was afraid that his burning stares might melt her stony heart. She was scared his gaze might stir up her dead heart, and she loathed that.

"Boss, stop flirting with me. Maybe you have mistaken our relationship since I have been with you for long. I am your secretary and not one of your many ladies," Yang Zi said with boldness.

"What if I want you to be more than my secretary? What will you do?" Yifeng softly questioned Yang Zi. For the first time since he entered the room, she turned around and stared at him. "Is he out of his damn mind or is he drunk that is why he is spewing nonsense?" Yang Zi thought, staring at him. Through his gaze, she knew he was not lying. But who is she? She is one who hates being romantically involved with a man. She promised herself never to fall in love after the betrayal her sister experienced from the guy she loved so much. She died in the hands of the man she loved and so she hated being involved in any relationship that has to do with romance.

"I will quit," Yang Zi declared vehemently to the awe of Yifeng. He looked away in disappointment when he heard her reply. Although he expected that much of an answer from her, he still felt hurt by her reply.

"Forget I ever discussed this topic with you," Yifeng said, standing up to his feet. "It\'s fine if you hate me but you don\'t have to starve yourself because you don\'t want to run into me. I brought the dishes for you. You can throw them away if you don\'t want to eat the stuff I bought for you. I don\'t care," Yifeng said coldly as he walked away. Yang Zi watched him walk away without looking back. A part of her felt bad for hurting him when he was so nice to her, while a part of her felt nothing.

"I heard everyone is supposed to gather outside in an hour for the treasure hunt game. Eat and come out before then. Dress warmly too since we will enter the forest for the hunt," Yifeng added without looking back before he walked out through the door.

Starved Yang Zi immediately displayed the dishes on the centre table. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw all the tasty dishes he packed for her. "Wow! Surprisingly these are all my favorites," Yang Zi murmured. Coincidentally all the dishes were her favourite. She just brushed it off as a coincidence, not knowing that Yifeng went through the trouble of asking Yuan Quan about all her favourite dishes.

Yang Zi ate to her heart\'s satisfaction. She called it over only when her stomach could not accommodate any more food. She didn\'t forget to call her two best friends and mum to inform her that her phone might be out of service because of the game they would play. She headed outside after making sure she dressed warmly, like Yifeng had advised. She didn\'t forget to put on her sad expression before she got outside.