Fall in Love with Mr. Nian Slowly

Chapter 289

"Don't we go yet? We don't fly at 11 o'clock," Lausanne reminded, feeling tired.

Xiao Si started the car.


To the airport, three people take VIP access.

After the security check, the staff asked to open Lausanne's bag for inspection. Fortunately, in order to avoid the embarrassment of security inspection, she had already rolled the clothes into a ball and wrapped them in a paper bag. Only when the staff found a box of red Okamoto, Lausanne was completely confused.

Standing by and waiting for her annual ting and Xiao Si all together will stop their eyes on the box of Okamoto.

Xiao Si chuckled and shrugged the annual thunder.

He took Okamoto from the staff for a second, then pushed it back into her bag calmly. When the zipper was pulled up, he looked at her eyes with a meaningful smile.

Lausanne was heated by the soles of his feet.

She couldn't understand where the box came from.

By the way, last time Yan Su asked her if she wanted to bring TT with her. When she came out of the bathroom this morning, she saw Yan Su come out of her room. She thought she was borrowing cosmetics. Could it be.

"OK, it's OK. You can go in," the staff member glanced at them with interest and pushed the bag over.

Lausanne grabbed the bag and stepped in with a red face.

She's just trying to get out of here. It's embarrassing.

The three waited for 20 minutes in the VIP lounge before boarding first class.

Every year ting and Lausanne sit in a row, Xiao Si sits in the back.

When you turn your lips around, it's funny

"Well?" Lausanne is foggy.

"Pretending, you art school people like to pretend," annual Ting kneaded her small face with joy. "Fortunately, I know you. I'm shy on the surface and sultry in the heart."

Lausanne had a bad hunch, "what are you talking about?"

"Okamoto," annual Ting chuckled, "I just saw two words on it. I don't quite understand it. Please explain it to me."


Lausanne wanted to cry without tears. She thought he would not mention it. She didn't expect.

"You don't know. How can I know?"

"You bought it. You don't know."

Every year Ting was very happy. She said that she would not have relationship with herself if she did not get married. The result was very good. She kept a box of TT in her bag for the first time.

What did you say before the marriage did not have sex, is to deliberately force himself and her to marry early.

It's really duplicity. It's one of the thirty-six tactics in Sun Tzu's art of war to say that she is still young and doesn't want to get married.

"I didn't buy it. It must be in my bag," Lausanne explained.

"Don't say it, I understand it all," he said with a smile.

Just as he always likes to take sister LAN out to carry the pot, she also takes Yan Su to carry the pot now.

Sure enough, I've been with myself for a long time, and I've learned from myself.

"You know, do you really understand?" Lausanne looked at his expression and felt his clothes were stripped away by his hot eyes.

"Well," diannian Ting nodded, "since you don't want to say it, I'll check the meaning of Jibo online with my mobile phone."

Lausanne wanted to die.

What do you know.

She took her mobile phone to Yan Su to send wechat.

She really did not expect ah, at ordinary times looks clear pure facial element unexpectedly can secretly buy TT this kind of thing.

Yan Su quickly replied: I found out so soon. I put a box for you, just in case. I don't believe that the general manager will do nothing this time. "

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