Fall in Love with Mr. Nian Slowly

Chapter 123

"It's a birthday gift from his mother. He has a strong relationship with Xiao Si. Let alone the car, his pants are all worn together."

Yi Jingxi's handsome face darkens. It seems that the man just now is Xiao Si. Xiao Si knows that. He has eaten twice and looks good. He is not inferior to him in the slightest. Even his family background is very prominent.

Such a man is no worse than him.

"OK, I know, this is you don't say to Xiao Si," Yi Jingxi hung up the phone impatiently.

"Jingxi, I have seen it all," she said, her back was suddenly patted, and her love appeared behind her.

"What do you want to do again?" Yi Jingxi's eyes twinkle with broken cold.

"Just now that sports car looks very expensive. I didn't expect that Lausanne would climb up to such a person," Zhong Yi tried to resist fear. "However, such a person must have a prominent family background. If you know Lausanne's life experience, no one can accept it. She had a headmaster's father who molested college students. At that time, the case was well known to all, and no powerful world would tolerate it."

Yi Jingxi was stunned and then sneered, "you can be really cruel. At the beginning, it was because of your bad ideas that she couldn't bear to leave me."

"I'm all for your good. At the beginning, there were countless pursuers in Lausanne. If you didn't, Lausanne could find a rich man to marry for his dream at any time," he bit his lips bitterly. "You see, the limited class sports car just now has a lower status than you, and may even be better than you. Such a person can hold Lausanne up Cloud, give her everything she wants, even To get rid of you, you have forced her to the utmost. If you don't take measures, she will be in the arms of that person at any time... "

"Shut up," Yi Jingxi grabbed her neck and roared, "she's mine. She's my fiancee."

“…… You set up her father, Xu Zhengxuan Sent to prison I like to say something hard with a red face.

Yi Jingxi pushed her away, her red eyes were sad and cruel.

Yes, ever since Xu Zhengxuan was in prison, he and she have become enemies who love and hate each other.

But what could be done, he could not help watching her fall into the arms of others.


On the sports car, Lausanne took such a luxurious car for the first time. He couldn't help looking at it curiously. "Mr. Nian, Lu Kang, why are you driving today? What's more, you are driving a sports car. I've seen you drive it for the first time."

"Well, I've been keeping a low profile and introverted, so I don't drive very much," Mr. Tong said faintly while driving.

Lausanne: ---.

Mr. Nian, you have misunderstood the four words of low-key and introverted.

"Today How did it work? "

"Don't get me wrong, it's not for you," he looked back at her with pride.

Lausanne choked again. She didn't seem to say anything.

It's six or seven kilometers away from the city. It's already seven o'clock when we get to the city. Lausanne has been tired for a day, hungry and hungry That Have you had dinner yet? "

"No, I'm going to have dinner first. You should be very hungry with your character of reincarnation," he replied in a light tone.

Lausanne was relieved. Fortunately, he had food to eat. After all, he was hungry without a meal.

More than ten minutes later, the sports car stopped in front of a delicately decorated noodle shop in the dark.

"Get out of the car and eat here," he opened the door.

Lausanne followed. "Noodles?"

"Don't you like to eat noodles," he said casually, raising his eyebrows and lips, and casually throwing the car key in his hand. "I forgot that when I left last time, I said I would take you to taste the real delicious noodle restaurant in Xiacheng. This is it."

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