Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 993: sacrifice

The Abyss King and the Invincible Venerable flew at full speed and flew to the top of the flying beast.

As they got closer to the top of their heads, they heard loud fighting sounds one after another.

Judging from this voice, it was completely one side fighting the other.

"Lin Yu really can\'t."

The abyss emperor rejoiced.

"Yeah, Lin Yu has just completed the fifth-order **** body, how can he be the opponent of the overlord." Venerable Invincible also smiled and continued.

In their opinion, this battle is definitely the abyss overlord prevailing, Lin Yu prevailing, it is impossible to reverse.

After all, the abyss overlord has been cultivated into the fifth-order divine body for many years, and Lin Yu has just broken through.

A person who has just broken through, how can the control of the divine body be comparable to that of a master.

After thinking of this, they all felt relieved.

Don\'t worry now, Lin Yu will be subdued soon.

Then the abyss overlord will successfully enslave the flying behemoth.

At that time, he will be able to return to his giant beast and restore his anima in peace.

Or you can just give up the two giant beasts, take the flying giant beast of the abyss overlord to fly into the sky, and return to the eternal paradise.

In short, as long as the abyss overlord wins, then all problems will be solved.

It\'s nothing more than a pity for the abyss lord and the abyss monarch.

They have been killed by Lin Yu, and there is no possibility of them coming back to life.

In this way, the two flew rapidly with excitement and flew to the top of their heads.

At this time, the abyss overlord suddenly transmitted a voice to the two of them and asked, "Where are you? I\'ll pick you up now."

As soon as the two heard it, they said without hesitation: "Overlord, we will be there soon."

At this point, they were all overjoyed.

Because the abyss tyrant said that he was coming to pick them up, it meant that he had completely gained the upper hand, and he would be able to kill Lin Yu immediately.

Thinking of this, the two of them flew faster.

However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the top of the flying behemoth.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, secret thoughts in their hearts, it is estimated that the abyss overlord struck with all his strength and killed Lin Yu.

After all, judging from the previous speculation, this could only be the case.

"Hahaha, that kid is finally dead!"

The abyss emperor laughed.


The two suddenly saw a black shadow flying towards them with their backs facing them.

"That\'s it? Is it Lin Yu?"

Invincible Venerable doubts.

Abyss Great Emperor was also stunned.

The main reason is that this black shadow doesn\'t look like Lin Yu, but looks a bit like the abyss overlord.

However, how could the abyss overlord lose to Lin Yu?

Could it be that Lin Yu already has a sixth-order divine body?

The shadow flew closer and closer, and the two of them quickly saw the true appearance of the shadow.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an abyss overlord!


The Abyss Great Emperor and the Invincible Venerable were both puzzled.

How did things turn out like this?

At this time, the abyss overlord had already flown upside down not far in front of them, barely stopping the momentum.

"This kid actually?!"

The overlord of the abyss cursed loudly and was burning with anxiety.

However, when he instinctively turned his head, he suddenly found that the Great Abyss and the Invincible Venerable were behind him.

"Hahaha, good time!"

The abyss overlord was ecstatic and laughed.

At this time, if Lin Yu rushes over again, he will never be able to resist, he will definitely lose completely, and even be killed here by the opponent on the spot.

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However, people\'s calculations are not as good as heaven\'s calculations. Who would have thought that Lin Yu\'s blow just now made him fly to the abyss and the Invincible Venerable reluctance.

Now it\'s saved!

Without hesitation, the Abyss Overlord immediately grabbed the Abyss Great Emperor and the Invincible Venerable, and then rushed down along the body of the flying behemoth.

He had already thought of a plan to get out of trouble.

First of all, using the soul boxes in the hands of the Abyss Great Emperor and the Invincible Venerable as threats to prevent Lin Yu from chasing.

Then, return to the giant bear at the fastest speed, and let the giant bear release the claws of the flying giant beast.

In this way, the flying behemoth will definitely fly up instinctively, taking Lin Yu to the sky.

In this way, there is an opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to turn the giant bear and run away from these free giants.

As for Lin Yu and these free beasts wanting to catch up, that\'s easy to do, and they still use the soul box in the hands of the Abyss Great Emperor and the Invincible Venerable as a threat.

Presumably Lin Yu and the free giants would not dare to act rashly for the sake of the giant tiger and giant tortoise.

"Overlord, where are we going now?"

The Abyss Great Emperor and the Invincible Venerable saw the abyss overlord coming and took them down without hesitation, and suddenly they were a little confused about the situation.

Qi Qi asked.

The abyss overlord replied: "Go to the giant tortoise and leave here."

There is no need to hide this matter, after all, these two meteor gods only have third-order gods, and they are far from his opponents.

He was not at all worried that after his plan was known to these two guys, things would be out of control.


"Why leave?"

The abyss emperor and the invincible venerable wondered.

At this time, they already had the answer faintly in their hearts, but they still wanted to hear what the abyss overlord had to say.

"Don\'t ask so many questions, just leave here and talk about it."

The abyss overlord stopped them.

The strength of these two guys is far inferior to him, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

The abyss emperor and the invincible venerable were both firmly held by the abyss overlord at this time, and they could not break free.

So they could only glance at each other helplessly~www.novelhall.com~ Both of them had secret thoughts in their hearts, it seemed that the Abyss Overlord had indeed lost to Lin Yu.

Otherwise, why would he run away like a lost dog?

It\'s just that the two of them really don\'t understand why Lin Yu is so powerful, even the abyss overlord with a fifth-order divine body can easily defeat him.

Could it be that the flying beast was helping him?

The two had their own thoughts, and the abyss overlord didn\'t bother to care what they were thinking, and just ran all the way down.

It didn\'t take long for the abyss overlord to carry the two to the right claw of the flying beast, and go all the way down the right claw.

"Victory is at hand!"

The abyss overlord was overjoyed, and now he finally saw the hope of getting out of trouble.

But just when he was happy, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a strong aura chasing him behind him.

"Did Lin Yu catch up?"

The Abyss Overlord didn\'t have time to turn his head to look, so he asked the Abyss Great Emperor and the Invincible Venerable.

After the two turned their heads to look, they immediately replied, "Yes, it\'s Lin Yu!"

"It sure is him!"

The overlord of the abyss is burning with anxiety.

At this time, he was still some distance away from flying to the bear\'s paw of the giant bear.

If Lin Yu catches up at this time...

"It seems that we can only sacrifice these two guys first!"

The abyss overlord glanced left and right, and after seeing the direction, he threw the abyss emperor in his left hand into the fog.

"Overlord, you?"

The Invincible Venerable was terrified, unable to react at all for a while.

But just when he was stunned, the abyss overlord stretched out his hand again and threw him into the fog. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!