Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 987: identity exposure


The abyss monarch flew fast while letting the giant bull\'s heart bless him, increasing his power.

Suddenly, his breath rose steadily, and he instantly possessed the power equivalent to the fourth-order divine body.

At the same time, he also saw the figure in the distance in front of him.

No matter how you look at this figure, it is Lin Yu.

At this moment, the figure was standing next to a blood vessel of the giant cow. There was a small hole in the blood vessel, and it was obvious that the heart energy was lost from there.

"It\'s him!"

"It sure is him!"

The abyss monarch was furious, and his speed suddenly increased sharply.

While flying, he sent a voice transmission to all the people who wanted to fall, including the abyss overlord: "Lin Yu, it really is Lin Yu who is doing damage!"

"What? It\'s really Lin Yu!"

"Fuck, I\'ve seen something wrong with this guy for a long time!"

"Beast, **** it! Abyss monarch, you must kill him!"


All the Meteor Gods were full of anger, and they kept yelling and cursing.

In particular, the Abyss Great Emperor and the Invincible Venerable wanted to strip Lin Yu alive on the spot, drinking his blood and eating his flesh.

"Lin Yu, give me death!"

At this time, the abyss monarch had rushed to the vicinity of Lin Yu, and he suddenly released his divine power, stretched out his claws covered with bone spurs, and stabbed Lin Yu with a front thorn.

At this moment, he just wanted to use the most ruthless means to kill Lin Yu and vent his hatred.


There was a loud roar, and the mud splashed.

The claws of the abyss monarch stabbed behind Lin Yu with a thunderous force, one claws aimed at his heart and the other at his head.

If both claws hit Lin Yu at the same time, Lin Yu would be seriously injured even if he didn\'t die.

In this regard, the abyss monarch is very confident.

Because as early as when he first discussed the plan, he took the time to analyze Lin Yu\'s weaknesses, knowing that a creature like Lin Yu has the biggest weaknesses in these two places.


Just when the abyss monarch thought this attack would be successful, Lin Yu turned around abruptly and blocked his attack with only one left hand.

"how come?"

The abyss monarch was horrified.

He couldn\'t believe it, how could this blow be easily blocked by Lin Yu.

Could it be that Lin Yu suddenly improved his cultivation and raised his divine body to the fifth order?

But how is this possible?

On the other side, Lin Yu said lightly, "Thank you for your kindness."


The abyss monarch was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood in his heart.

This situation is not because Lin Yu\'s cultivation has been improved, but because the giant cow\'s heart energy is completely exhausted, causing him to lose the blessing of heart energy.

If you lose the power of anima augmentation, then your own strength will naturally fall back to the third-order divine body.

No wonder!

The abyss monarch secretly said in his heart, no wonder that the moment he was about to hit Lin Yu, he suddenly felt that his power was rapidly declining.

It wasn\'t an illusion, it was real.

From this, he also wanted to understand why Lin Yu kept his back to him and didn\'t move. It turned out that his mental energy would be exhausted immediately.


The monarch of the abyss cursed, and wanted to ask Lin Yu how he calculated that his heart would be exhausted at that critical moment.

However, as soon as he said the word "you", Lin Yu moved, came directly to his side, and smashed his head.

After the head of the abyss monarch was arranged into powder, the sea of ​​​​consciousness burst, and the soul immediately floated out of it.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yu stretched out his hand to grab this divine soul, used divine power to condense a flame, and burned it to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he burned the body of the abyss monarch into ashes, and found the soul box that he hid on his body.

In this soul box, is the divine soul of the giant cow.


Lin Yu\'s body moved, and he quickly left the place, returned to the surface at the fastest speed, and went straight to the throne of the giant bull.

Around, these creatures enslaved by the abyss monarch felt a powerful and unparalleled force flying past in the air.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

It\'s a pity that none of them knew what was flying by.

They can only know that it is definitely a **** with a divine body.


After a few breaths, Lin Yu came to the cave of the giant bull\'s throne and jumped down into it.


Lin Yu decisively crushed the soul box and let the giant cow\'s soul return to its own sea of ​​consciousness.


A voice sounded in Lin Yu\'s mind, obviously from the giant bull.

"No need to thank you, hurry up and recover your anima, you might need your help later."

Lin Yu replied through voice transmission.

"Okay, I will cultivate and recover now. If you need it later, feel free to speak."

The giant bull immediately agreed to Lin Yu\'s request.

"I\'ll let the giant tortoise contact you later. He has already signed a contract with me. I\'ll go first."

Lin Yu quickly explained, and then with a flash, he left here and flew to the giant spider next to the giant cow.

At this time, on the modifier panel, the number behind Yuan Neng is 775,000, that is to say, there is still 25,000 to be able to collect the Yuan Neng of 800,000 yuan of spiritual crystals.

Once he has enough, he can immediately modify the fourth-order Yuanling Divine Body to the fifth-order.

In this way, with the addition of the three first-order divine bodies, it is possible to steadily defeat the abyss overlord and prevent him from enslaving the flying behemoth.

Of course, the premise of all this is that by the time of his ascension, the abyss overlord has not yet enslaved the flying behemoth.

Otherwise, if it has been successfully enslaved, it will be completely useless.

Because in that case, the abyss overlord can use the anima of the flying beast to increase his strength, so that he has the strength equivalent to the sixth-order divine body. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

This kind of strength is a bit stronger than him, and he absolutely cannot defeat the opponent.

So be quick.

You must dare to raise your cultivation base before the abyss overlord enslaves the flying beast.

While flying along the horns, Lin Yu flew to the giant spider, and while transmitting a voice to the giant tortoise, he asked, "How long can the flying giant beast last?"

He couldn\'t directly transmit his voice to the flying beast because he didn\'t make a contract with the flying beast.

In the absence of a contract, the only way to communicate with the free beast is to go to the free beast and get close enough.

Therefore, he can only use the giant tortoise to transfer one hand, first contact the giant tortoise, and then let the giant tortoise contact the free giant beast.

"Wait for me to ask." After the giant turtle replied, he immediately went to voice transmission with the flying giant beast and asked about the other party\'s situation.

It didn\'t take long for the giant tortoise to transmit to Lin Yu again: "Lin Yu, you must hurry up, it can\'t hold on anymore."

"How long can it last?" Lin Yulian asked.

"I don\'t know, and it doesn\'t know it myself," said the giant tortoise.

"In this case…"

Lin Yu pondered inwardly, and then continued to say to the giant turtle: "In this way, my identity has been exposed anyway, and it is estimated that the abyss monarch has told all the meteorites about me. In this case, you simply don\'t hide it anymore. Deal with that giant bear and interfere with the abyss overlord."

If the giant tortoise attacked the giant bear, it would be difficult for the giant bear to control the flying giant beast steadily, and if the flying giant beast struggled, the abyss overlord would be disturbed.

"Okay." The giant turtle agreed immediately, but then added: "But this will be a bit inappropriate."