Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 973: fierce battle

"This abyss emperor really has some skills!"

The abyss overlord saw the success of the abyss emperor, and immediately raised his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered all the remaining meteor gods to head towards the abyss giant mountain.

"Hahaha, I didn\'t expect it to go so smoothly."

"This abyss emperor really has two strokes."

"The solution we came up with is really amazing."


After the other Meteor Gods got the news of the abyss overlord, they were all very excited and couldn\'t help but communicate through voice transmission.

However, none of them knew that this was just a trap set by giant tortoises and flying beasts.

Once they step into this trap, the beasts they enslaved will be freed.

boom boom-

A group of giant beasts marched towards the abyss and made a loud noise.

While these giant beasts were advancing, the flying giant beast transmitted a voice to the giant tortoise and asked, "What should we do next?"

The giant tortoise replied: "Next, you attack the giant tiger first, and then Lin Yu will take advantage of your attack to absorb the anima of the giant tiger and make the enslaved giant tiger lose its mobility."

"After attacking the giant tiger, you go to attack another giant tortoise, and so on until all the enslaved giant beasts lose their mobility."

After listening to the flying beast, he immediately replied: "Okay, just follow this plan."

Hearing the words, the giant turtle added: "Wait, if there is any change in the middle, we will discuss it later."

"Okay." The flying beast replied.

Then they ended the conversation.

The giant tortoise took Lin Yu and followed the other five enslaved giant beasts all the way to the abyss giant mountain.

As he got closer to the abyss giant mountain, the abyss overlord ordered the abyss emperor to say: "The flying beast trusts you the most now, and you find a way to lead it down from the mountain."

The abyss emperor immediately took the order, disguised as a giant tiger again, and communicated with the flying giant beast at the top of the abyss giant mountain.

"We\'ll be there soon, do you want to come down and take a look?" asked the Abyss Great Emperor.

The flying beast replied: "That\'s right, I\'ll fly down now."

When the Abyss Great Emperor heard this, he was overjoyed again in his heart.

This flying beast is too deceitful, how can he believe whatever he says to it.

Sure enough, these giant beasts are just big, but they have no brains.

Immediately afterwards, the abyss emperor once again informed the abyss overlord of this situation.

After listening to the abyss overlord, he praised again and again: "Okay, very well done!"

After he finished speaking, he conveyed the news to several other Meteor Gods, so that they could be ready for battle at any time.

When the flying monsters come down, they will take action depending on the situation and try to keep the flying monsters on the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The giant beasts took heavy steps and finally came to the foot of the abyss giant mountain.

And just as they stopped, there was a sharp air breaking sound from above.

"It\'s here, get ready!"

The abyss overlord ordered.

All the Meteor Gods said that they were always ready to take action, and this time Ding let the flying beast come and go.

call! Valley

The flying beast kept flying down the abyss mountain and went straight to where the giant tiger was.

Seeing this scene, the Abyss Great Emperor thought that it was the flying behemoth he contacted. Now that the flying behemoth is flying towards him, he must want to join the giant tiger he enslaved.

Now that the time has come for him to make meritorious deeds, he can take one step forward and let the giant tiger entangle the flying behemoth and grab the first merit.

Thinking of this, the Abyss Great Emperor hurriedly controlled the giant tiger to rush up, approaching the flying giant beast that fell from the sky.

But just when the Abyss Great Emperor felt hopeful that this time things were going to happen, the flying behemoth suddenly stopped.

The upper body suddenly stopped the momentum, while the lower body leaned down and stretched out a bunch of sharp claws.

In this way, the claws of the flying giant beast aimed at the oncoming giant tiger, and stretched forward to directly grab the back of the giant tiger\'s neck.

After grasping it tightly, the flying behemoth slammed its wings again, and pushed the giant tiger towards the other behemoths with its strength.


The giant tiger was unstable, twisting and retreating to the side of the giant bear, giant bull, giant spider, and giant tortoise that had just arrived.

All the meteor gods, including the abyss overlord, were shocked to see this scene.

What the **** is going on with this flying behemoth, doesn\'t it look very obedient, why did it overturn the giant tiger as soon as it came up?

All the Meteor Gods were greatly puzzled and could not understand the behavioral logic of the flying behemoth.

They even wondered if the abyss emperor was lying just now, obviously he couldn\'t handle the flying behemoth, but he lied that he had already done it.

For a time, all the Meteor Gods were a little confused, not knowing what to do next.

On the other hand, Lin Yu quickly flew away from the giant tortoise and flew to the top of the giant tiger when all the Meteor Gods had no time to distract him.

This giant tiger must be the same as the giant tiger controlled by the Abyss Supreme, and all the important facilities are in the hairy jungle above its head.

Therefore, Lin Yu decided to go directly there to find the artificial blood vessels flowing with anima.

Lin Yu quickly approached the giant tiger.

At the same time, the overlord of the abyss sent a voice transmission to the gods: "Don\'t panic, the beast hasn\'t left yet, we still have a chance."

In the air, after attacking the giant tiger, the flying beast immediately flew into the sky and looked for an opportunity to attack again.

This made the abyss overlord see hope and felt that he still had hope of winning.

Under the order of the abyss overlord, the abyss emperor was busy controlling the giant tiger to stand firm, waiting for an opportunity to find an opportunity to counterattack.

Seeing this, the other Meteor Gods also controlled the giant beasts to stand up, ready to attack the flying giant beasts that rushed down at the right time.

And just when all the Meteor Gods were only looking at the flying giant beasts, Lin Yu successfully flew into the hairy jungle above the giant tiger\'s head and began to look for artificial blood vessels to absorb anima.

Soon, he found a hole with artificial blood vessels buried in it and got into it.

After entering it, he immediately drilled along the artificial blood vessel all the way to the point where the artificial blood vessel and the giant tiger\'s own blood vessels were connected.

As long as a hole is opened here, even if the abyss emperor finds that the heart of the giant tiger is draining, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can\'t stop it, unless he takes the initiative to stop the heart of the giant beast.

But at this moment of facing the enemy, how dare he stop the heart of the giant beast and make the beast lose its ability to move.

Lin Yu got this right, so he let the giant tortoise transmit the sound to the flying giant beast, and let the flying giant beast attack the giant tiger first.

Next, he wants to absorb the anima of the giant beast, and let the flying giant beast deal with it.

While Lin Yu was absorbing the giant tiger\'s anima, the flying giant beast rushed down for a while and then stopped suddenly.

There are a total of five enslaved terrestrial beasts below, and it is definitely not their opponent if it rushes down.

Therefore, its strategy is to keep the five giant beasts down by repeatedly harassing them, and giving Lin Yu a chance to absorb his anima.

"What\'s the matter with this beast? Don\'t you dare to come down?"

The abyss overlord saw that the flying giant beast flapped its wings and hovered in the air, disappearing and appearing in the mist, and immediately became puzzled.