Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 971: count up

Abyssal Overlord means that good footholds like Abyssal Mountain are not everywhere.

Therefore, once the flying beast finds such a foothold, it will not easily fly into the sky.

Even if the heart can be replenished enough, it will still stand on the abyss giant mountain and not walk.

After the abyss overlord explained to Lin Yu, he immediately turned his head to look at the other meteorites and said, "Now that we have a powerful new member like Lin Yu, we already have enough strength to enslave that flying beast."

"What the overlord said is." The Abyss Great Emperor nodded again and again.

The other meteor gods also echoed.

Seeing this, the abyss overlord returned to the topic and said, "Hurry up and study how to approach that flying beast."

Venerable Invincible suggested: "Overlord, I think it\'s OK to pretend to be a free beast approaching the flying beast, as I agreed before, to deceive its trust..."

While they were discussing, Lin Yu whispered to the giant turtle: "What they said, do you think it\'s feasible?"

"It should be feasible. If it is really a free beast, then the flying beast will definitely not be alert, and it can indeed deceive its trust." The giant turtle replied.

After finishing speaking, it proposed again: "But I think if you can figure out where the flying beast is, then I can take you directly to find it, and I will help you persuade it and let it take you to the sky. have a look."

Lin Yu thought about it and agreed: "It\'s a good idea, but the problem is, I can\'t know where the flying beast is now."

Without knowing the whereabouts of the flying beast, there is no way to find it.

Therefore, it is still necessary to honestly cooperate with these meteorites.

At this time, the six meteor gods, including the abyss overlord, had already discussed how to approach the flying beast disguised as a free beast.

Seeing that Lin Yu had not spoken, the abyss overlord asked, "Lin Yu, what do you think of this proposal?"

"I think it\'s feasible." Lin Yu nodded.

If it can be perfectly disguised as a freedom behemoth, it must be feasible.

The giant tortoise just made it clear.

"Then do you have a better way to disguise as a free beast?" The Abyss Overlord asked again.

Hearing this, Lin Yu pretended to think deeply for a while, and then said, "I don\'t have a better way, but I can try the method you just proposed."

Just now, these Meteor Gods mentioned that they separated a ray of divine soul into the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant beast they enslaved, and then disguised as a free giant beast to deceive the flying giant beast.

So Lin Yu decided to take the plan and let the abyss overlord take him to find the flying behemoth, and then let the giant tortoise convince the flying beast to act again.

At that time, if these Meteor Gods are looking for trouble, they will all be killed.

"Okay, you can try it out." Abyss Overlord said to Lin Yu.

When Lin Yu heard the words, he immediately flew to the giant tortoise.

Upon seeing this, the Abyss Great Emperor said: "We have practiced for so long before we can barely pretend to be like a free beast. If he tries, who knows how long it will take."

"Don\'t worry, he will definitely not spend less time than us." The abyss lord disdainfully said.

The other Meteor Gods also expressed that Lin Yu would have to practice for a long time to disguise himself as a free beast, and he could not be counted on at all.

Upon seeing this, the abyss overlord said: "I didn\'t expect him to be able to do it. Let him join in the hope that his giant tortoise can add a fighting force to us."

His idea was that after Lin Yu joined, if he had to fight the flying beast, he would have a greater chance of winning.

After all, when the flying behemoth is enslaved, the flying beast will definitely resist.

On the other side, after Lin Yu flew back over the Turtle Continent, he said to the giant tortoise: "If you go with these enslaved giant beasts to find the flying giant beast, how sure are you to convince it?"

"At least 90% of the confidence is there." The giant tortoise said: "All the giant beasts living in the abyss hate these meteor gods very much."

"So I just tell it that we need its help to free the five enslaved beasts, and it will most likely help."

"Also, you need to know one thing, no matter how those Meteor Gods are disguised as free beasts, we can see through them at a glance."

"Because our giant beasts communicate through thoughts, it\'s easy to tell whether the other party is real or fake."

"So, when we go over together, the flying behemoth will instantly find out that the five behemoths are fake freedom beasts and know that I am real."

"It\'s better to convince it to help."

Tortoise explained.

After Lin Yu heard it, he also had a perfect plan in his heart.

Later, follow the abyss overlord and the others to the foothold of the flying behemoth. When it is really close, let the giant tortoise convince the flying beast to help.

Then, he thought of a way to rescue the five enslaved giant beasts, and at the same time took the opportunity to absorb some anima.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu said to the giant tortoise: "Okay, let\'s do this first, and act accordingly."

After speaking, he flew to the open space among the six giant beasts again to find the abyss overlord.

After coming to the side of the six Meteor Gods again, Lin Yu said; "I just tried it, this method is indeed feasible, and it can really disguise as a free beast."

The abyss overlord smiled and said: "That\'s natural, we have been thinking about this method for a long time, and we will use it to ensure that it is foolproof."

After he finished speaking, he said solemnly: "But you just learned this method, and you don\'t pretend to be a free beast later, and let other fall gods come."

"You are responsible for controlling your behemoth to contain the flying beast, understand?"

the abyss overlord asked.


Lin Yu didn\'t talk too much nonsense with the other party, and nodded in agreement.

It is impossible to convince the other party now. After all, in their eyes, they only learned how to disguise the behemoth of freedom, and they are bound to be full of flaws.

Besides, he didn\'t need to prove it to them at all, this was his trump card.

Seeing that Lin Yu had no objection, the abyss overlord said, "Okay, then we will act according to this plan and set off now."

He was afraid that if he continued to wait, the flying beast would fly away from its foothold, and all plans would be in vain.

Therefore, we must hurry up and act.

Then, under the leadership of the abyss overlord, everyone, including Lin Yu, controlled their respective beasts and headed towards the abyss mountain together.

Along the way, Lin Yu repeatedly discussed with the giant turtle about how to deal with various situations.

In this way, after a full three-hour journey, everyone finally arrived not far from the abyss giant mountain.

The abyss overlord immediately ordered everyone to stop, and then ordered the abyss emperor to say: "You come first, you go up first to pretend to be a free beast and deceive the trust of the flying beast."

The abyss emperor is the most disguised so far, and he has the highest success rate.