Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 963: game

After dashing down for a while, Lin Yu finally came to the depths of the cave.

"It really is here!"

The artificial blood vessels in the monitor lizard are even directly exposed and can be seen without digging down.

However, it is not a single blood vessel there, but an altar-like thing that protects the blood vessel.

Therefore, even if the god-level powerhouses who have not cultivated the divine body come here, they will never try to destroy the exposed blood vessels.

Of course, for a **** with a divine body, it is too easy to destroy the blood vessels, and it can be easily destroyed by releasing a little divine power.

Probably because it is useless even if buried underground, this abyss God Lord just left him naked.

Lin Yu guessed in his heart.

"This blood vessel will be disconnected from the real blood vessels of the monitor lizard for a while. It is better for me to find the monitor lizard\'s own blood vessels directly along this artificial blood vessel."

When the anima was absorbed from the giant tortoise and the giant tiger before, it disappeared for a while every time, because the artificial blood vessels were disconnected from the blood vessels of the giant beasts themselves.

So in order to avoid this situation this time, Lin Yu decided to find the blood vessels of the giant beast first.


Lin Yu smashed the altar with one palm, then drilled into the ground and drilled along the artificial blood vessels.

After drilling for an unknown number of kilometers, he finally found a very thick blood vessel.

This artificial blood vessel is attached to this thick blood vessel, which is similar to what was seen on the giant tiger at that time.


Lin Yu released his divine power and condensed a long sword.

Immediately afterwards, he tore off the artificial blood vessel, and then stabbed the part where the blood vessel of the giant beast was closing with his long sword.

This part is the weakest, unlike other parts of the blood vessels, it has the strength comparable to the sixth-order seventh-order divine body.

After hundreds of quick stabs, the scar that had just closed opened a small hole, from which the heart could escape frantically.

[Yuanneng + 1000 Yuanling Crystal]

[Yuanneng + 1000 Yuanling Crystal]

[Yuanneng + 1000 Yuanling Crystal]

Soon, Lin Yu jumped out in front of a series of prompts to obtain Yuan energy.

On the modifier panel, the number behind Yuanneng keeps flashing and keeps getting bigger.

On the other side, the largest spike on the monitor lizard\'s back.

Not long after Lin Yu began to absorb the heart energy, the abyss lord sitting on the throne sensed that the giant beast\'s heart energy was constantly being lost.

"Sure enough, it\'s for sabotage."

The abyss lord naturally didn\'t know that Lin Yu could absorb anima, so just as he thought, he felt that Lin Yu was deliberately coming to destroy it, so that the anima would be lost, so as to weaken the monitor lizard\'s combat effectiveness.

"This just shows that your tortoise doesn\'t have much heart and can\'t support long-term battles."

Abyss God Lord sneered.

At this time, he must concentrate on controlling the giant beast to fight, and he has no time to stop Lin Yu from destroying.

Of course, he felt that there was no need to stop it now.

Because as long as you persist for a while, the giant tortoise\'s heart energy will definitely be exhausted, and it will not be too late to concentrate on dealing with this intruder.

"Hmph, fortunately I have enough hearts in reserve this time, but I will see who can persevere to the end."

Without thinking any further, the abyss lord concentrated on controlling the monitor lizard and giant tortoise to fight.

On the other hand, Lin Yu was naturally happy to see that no one came to disturb his absorption of anima.

This is exactly what he wants.

"One hundred thousand!"

After more than a minute, the number after Yuan Neng on the modifier panel became one hundred thousand.

Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise and asked, "Is the monitor lizard showing signs of exhaustion?"

"No, its combat power is still very strong, and it is estimated that it has enough anima." The giant turtle replied.

"Okay!" Lin Yu said with a smile: "Then I\'ll **** enough this time."

Afterwards, he quietly looked at the prompt on the modifier panel, watching the number behind Yuan Neng getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, at the Throne of Monitor Lizards.

With the continuous loss of heart energy and the continuous fighting, the Abyss God Lord can no longer remain as calm as before.

I became a little panicky.

He thought that the giant tortoise came from a distance, and his heart energy must have been consumed a lot.

As a result, there was no sign of fatigue at all after this battle.

If this continues like this, the situation will become more and more unfavorable for him.

Although the heart of the monitor lizard has a lot of heart energy, even if it is continuously drained, it is enough to support the giant tortoise.

But consuming so much mental energy for no reason is not a happy thing after all.

It will affect your next series of plans.

"When this battle is over, I will definitely smash you to pieces!"

The abyss lord gritted his teeth.

Afterwards, he continued to control the monitor lizard and the giant tortoise to fight with a gloomy face, and could no longer maintain his composure.

blood vessels.

At this time, Lin Yu absorbed nearly 100,000 yuan of spiritual energy, and the number on the modifier panel was about to approach the 200,000 mark.

"200,000, enough for me to modify two first-order divine body exercises to second-order."

"However, if I get another 200,000 yuan, and if I am able to collect 400,000 yuan, I can modify the third-order Yuanling Divine Body to the fourth-order, and I will gain more strength."

Lin Yu secretly analyzed in his heart, pondering the use of these existing energies.

After pondering for a while, he voiced again to the giant tortoise: "Is there any sign of the monitor lizard being exhausted?"

"No." The giant turtle replied decisively.


Lin Yu\'s confidence in his heart soared, and he felt that this time, he might be able to collect 400,000 yuan of spiritual energy.

Anyway, the giant tortoise is a free giant beast. It can recover its anima while fighting. No matter how much anima the monitor lizard reserves, it can fight to the end, so that the abyss lord cannot be distracted.

In this case, as long as the monitor lizard reserves enough heart energy, then he has the hope of absorbing another 200,000 yuan of spiritual energy.

Modify the Yuanling Divine Body.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lin Yu kept popping up to get Yuanneng prompts in front of his eyes.

But the abyss God Lord, who is located at the throne of the monitor lizard, is getting more and more unable to sit still at this time.

"How much heart energy does this giant tortoise reserve, and why is there no sign of exhaustion at all?"

The Abyss God Lord felt at this time that maybe his decision at the beginning was wrong, and he should not spend all his energy with the other party. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

It is possible that the other party did not just pass by here on a long journey, but made a special trip to trouble him.

The former can naturally have the advantage, but if it is the latter, then the other party\'s mental energy reserves are absolutely sufficient, and they can\'t ask for benefits at all.

"It\'s troublesome now, I can\'t ride a tiger, what should I do?"

The abyss God Lord was caught in a dilemma, and he was very annoyed in his heart.

If you turn your head now to deal with the intruder who came to wreak havoc, the monitor lizard will lose control.

But if you want to continue to control the monitor lizard to fight against the giant tortoise, maybe when the monitor lizard runs out of heart energy, the giant tortoise still has remnants of heart energy.

In that case, your situation will be very dangerous.

"I don\'t know what kind of strength the Meteor God who controls the giant tortoise has, and the Meteor God who came to destroy it."

The abyss lord secretly pondered.