Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 957: Convince the public

After drilling the hole along the way, Lin Yu quickly left the giant tiger and flew up into the sky to look down.

At a glance, it was found that the giant tiger had been lying there motionless because it had exhausted its anima, while the giant tortoise was still as before, biting the giant tiger\'s throat firmly and refusing to let go.

The only difference is that there are wounds all over the tortoise\'s head, and it is unknown whether there is any breath of life.

Looking back, Lin Yu quickly fell, heading straight for the entrance of Dadi Cave.

After entering the hole in the earth, he advanced at full speed, and when he came to the heart of the giant tortoise, he slammed into the ground.

After drilling for a while in the ground, he finally reached the big hole where the giant heart was.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The giant tortoise\'s heart is beating slowly, which means that the giant tortoise is still alive and not dead.


Lin Yu secretly rejoiced.

As long as the giant tortoise is not dead, there is still hope for everything, and it will not be trapped in this place.

Afterwards, he quickly left the place and rushed to the hairy jungle above the giant tiger\'s head to check the situation.

"Geqi, Bai Meng, is there anyone else approaching the throne?"

Lin Yu asked through voice transmission while flying.

"Go back to the master, the rest of the people were killed by us."

The two replied in unison.


Lin Yu gave a reply and continued to fly forward.

After a while, he came to the hairy jungle above the giant tiger\'s head again, suspended right above the hole where the throne was located.

Seeing Lin Yu\'s arrival, Hall Master Geqi and Bai Meng quickly flew to his side.

Lin Yu glanced at the ground.

I saw broken limbs everywhere on the ground, and countless dead creatures.

Moreover, these dead creatures maintained their posture of marching towards the throne. In order to reach the throne, they were not even afraid of death.

It can be seen how much Abyss Supreme has brainwashed them.

After watching for a while, Lin Yu quickly fell again and entered the cave of the throne.

The situation in the burrow was worse than outside.

But in general, fewer corpses fell here than outside.

Obviously, most of the creatures were blocked by Hall Master Geqi and Bai Meng.

"Well done!"

Lin Yu praised Hall Master Geqi and Bai Meng who followed him down.

If it wasn\'t for these two desperately resisting the various creatures heading for the throne, the giant tiger would definitely absorb more anima.

In that case, I am afraid that the giant tortoise has already been killed by the giant tiger.

"Master, this is what we should do." Hall Master Geqi and Bai Meng replied respectfully.

"Okay, now go back to Dadidong with me."

After that, Lin Yu left the hole above the giant tiger\'s head, returned to the hairy jungle outside, and flew all the way in the direction of the giant tortoise.

Hall Master Geqi and Bai Meng followed closely behind him.

In this way, the three quickly returned to the earth cave.

At this time, all the creatures in the earth cave are still rejoicing for the rest of their lives.

Most people don\'t know what caused the Dadidong earthquake, they just lament that they are lucky to survive.

After Lin Yu flew into the Dadi Cave, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Sidi, asking the six of them to go to the palace, and he himself flew towards the palace with Hall Master Geqi and Bai Meng.

After entering the Great Ruler\'s Palace, Lin Yu said to the gathered cronies, "I killed both the Great Ruler and the Abyss Supreme, and now this giant tortoise has no owner."

When Sidi and the others heard it, they hurriedly congratulated: "Congratulations, master."

"Nothing to congratulate, the real problem hasn\'t been solved yet." Lin Yu stopped everyone from continuing.

Then, he ordered again: "Sidi, take someone to gather everyone in the Dadi Cave."


Sidi immediately took the lead and set off with Bouson and others.

Seeing this, Lin Yu also flew out of the palace and came outside the palace to wait for everyone to gather.

clang clang-

The melodious bell rang, spreading to every corner of Dadi Cave.

Immediately afterwards, a group of figures flew towards this side from the air.

Soon, more and more people gathered at the gate of the palace.

After the people gathered, Lin Yu took the spirit of the Great Master out of his dantian, forced him to form, and then said to everyone: "The Great Master has been killed by me, starting today, I will have the final say here."

Hearing this, a commotion broke out in the crowd on the ground.

It was hard for everyone to believe that the Great Master would die like this.

However, the commotion soon subsided, because the people on the ground had already adapted to the rules of survival in the abyss and knew that it was time to bow down to the strong.

Seeing that everyone had recognized him, Lin Yu immediately announced his disbandment and let them continue to live in the way they were before.

After the crowd dispersed, Lin Yu returned to the palace with Sidi and others.

Now this palace has become his territory, so everyone else in the palace has been blown out by him.

Taking everyone to the throne, Lin Yu asked, "Bai Meng, did Yuan tell you how to free the enslaved giant beast?"

Now this giant beast can only be controlled by the big master. If you want to control it, you must first let it be free.

Bai Meng replied: "Master, Yuan didn\'t say it, but I speculate based on what he said, as long as the spirit of the imprisoned giant beast is released, the giant beast can be freed."

"Do you know how to do it?" Lin Yu asked again.

"Back to the master, I don\'t know, but I guess it should just be released directly." Bai Meng replied.

"Release directly?"

Lin Yu thought for a while, and then said, "Okay, just let it go and have a look."

The abyss Supreme just crushed the soul box in the abyss fog, so the giant tiger\'s soul instantly dissipated in the fog, causing the giant tiger to lose his mind and go crazy.

But now he is in the body of the giant tortoise, so after releasing the spirit of the giant tortoise, it should return to the sea of ​​consciousness on its own.

It was because of this thought that Lin Yu decided to crush the soul box and release the giant tortoise\'s soul.

"Bai Meng, judging from the communication with Yuan, how do you think we should conclude a contract with the giant beast?" Lin Yu asked again.

Bai Meng replied: "Master, according to Yuan, as long as you find a way to get the approval of the giant beast, the giant beast will be willing to conclude a contract with you and cooperate with you."


Lin Yu groaned to himself.

I don\'t know what to do to get the approval of the giant beast and fight with the giant beast?

"Forget it, give it a try, it\'s useless to just wait like this."

"If the contract cannot be concluded at that time, it\'s a big deal to enslave this giant tortoise and let it be at my disposal."

"But it\'s better to succeed. After all, the enslaved monster needs me to find a way to help it develop anima."

Without hesitation, Lin Yu took out the soul box that imprisoned the spirit of the giant tortoise from his dantian.


He squeezed lightly and directly crushed the soul box.

In an instant, the spirit of the giant tortoise imprisoned in it flew out and disappeared in front of Lin Yu\'s eyes.

Lin Yu looked at the throne and suddenly remembered that energy might be absorbed around the throne, so he ordered: "You all go outside the palace."

Sidi, Bai Meng and others immediately took the order and left the palace in unison.

After they left, Lin Yu sat directly on the throne and reached out to touch the strange device on the right armrest of the throne.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out his divine sense and immersed it into the device.