Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 950: retain

"Lin Yu, do you think we are stupid? If we help you condense the shape of the ancestor, will you tell us how to use anima?"

The great master refused.

Abyss Supreme also sneered: "Lin Yu, don\'t use Yuan to fool us, we won\'t be fooled by you."

Seeing that the two of them were unwilling, Lin Yu said again: "You two don\'t trust each other, and now you don\'t want to believe me, why, are you going to wait here until the end of the world?"

"Okay, you have to wait as you like, and I will go elsewhere to find colorful stones."

Seeing that Lin Yu turned around and was about to leave, the Great Master and the Supreme Abyss hurriedly stopped: "Wait, where are you going to find the colorful stone?"

"There are multicolored stones on the giant beast."

Lin Yu said.

"This colorful stone is what I need. For others, it is just a pile of waste and useless. Some people are willing to exchange it with me."

After saying that, he turned and left.

The Great Master and Abyss Supreme hurriedly stopped in front of him and said, "Where are you going to find the giant beast?"

"There are many, all over the place." Lin Yu said lightly: "There are two enslaved beasts in the east, one in the west and one in the north, and one free-roaming beast in the south."

These are all nonsense he came up with, but there is a lot of fog in the abyss, so these two guys can\'t verify it.

Seeing what Lin Yu said so decisively, the Great Master hurriedly asked, "Did Yuan tell you?"

"That\'s natural. Yuan not only told me where there are giant beasts, but also told me how to make a contract with the giant beast."

Lin Yu said with great certainty.

When the Great Master and Abyss Supreme heard it, Qi Qi was surprised: "You actually know how to make a contract with the giant beast?"

Both of them dreamed of knowing how to make a pact with the beast instead of enslaving the beast as they are now.

After all, the beasts that have been deprived of their self-will and enslavement have no way of recovering their anima, and their mobility is very poor.

This is not the case with the giant beasts that made the contract.

If there is a giant beast that can sign a contract, then this abyss can be reached.

In addition, the giant beasts conquered through the conclusion of the contract are far stronger than the enslaved giant beasts, which can greatly enhance their survivability in the abyss.

"Get out of the way, don\'t get in my way."

Lin Yu shouted coldly.

But at this time, the Great Master and the Abyss Supreme would not let him go. The two of them said in unison: "What conditions are needed, you are willing to tell us how to conclude a contract with the giant beast."

Lin Yu sneered and said, "The first deal hasn\'t been completed yet, so you guys are thinking about the second deal. Do you think it\'s possible?"

After he finished speaking, he bypassed the two of them and flew towards the exit of Dadi Cave.

The Great Master and Abyss Supreme hurriedly chased after him and asked, "You really don\'t want these colorful stones anymore?"

"I have a way to get multicolored stones, why do I have to make a deal with you?"

Lin Yu pretended not to have to negotiate and said.

When the master heard it, he even asked, "Then why did you come to us in the first place?"

"You are here recently." Lin Yu said.

On the other side, the Abyss Supreme asked: "The abyss is full of poisonous mist. After you go out, you can\'t move an inch. How can you find other giant beasts?"

Lin Yu said, "Why do you want to find them by yourself and tell their owners that there are two giant beasts that use up energy in this place, and they will come over immediately."


"you dare!"

When the Great Master and the Abyss Supreme saw that Lin Yu was going to lead other giant beasts here, they were immediately angry.

Lin Yu is going to let them die.

"Why don\'t you dare? Do you think you can stop me with your strength?"

Lin Yu threatened the two and said, "Yuan taught me countless fighting skills. Even if you join forces, you will never defeat me."

"If you don\'t believe it, you can try it out and see if you can defeat me when the other Meteor Gods drive the giant beasts to find here."

Hearing this, the Great Master and Abyss Supreme hesitated.

Judging from the previous fight against Lin Yu, Lin Yu does have very powerful fighting skills, so that they have already cultivated a **** body and have countless experience in using the **** body.

So they felt that Lin Yu was not joking with them, this guy might really have the ability.

Abyss Supreme\'s voice transmission said to the Great Master: "No wonder I was put together by him and didn\'t stop him. It turned out to be because Yuan personally pointed him."

The master replied: "Me too, I was also very surprised at the time how this guy is so strong."

"Then what to do now?" Abyss Supreme said worriedly.

He was really afraid that Lin Yu would invite other giant beasts.

If other giant beasts come here at this time, how can he and the great master resist?

At this time, his own giant beast is still exhausted and can stand still there.

On the other side, the great master was also in a hurry at this time.

He didn\'t expect that Lin Yu would not want those colorful stones if he didn\'t agree with each other. Now that he wants to save it, it\'s not that simple.

What Lin Yu just said was right. He also needed these colorful stones, and whoever wanted them.

100,000 colorful stones seem like a lot, but if no one wants it, it is just a pile of worthless garbage.

Thinking of this, the great master said to Abyss Supreme: "You can only put down your body and have a good talk with him, and don\'t start with him for the time being."

"Okay, that\'s all it can do." Abyss Supreme reluctantly agreed.

They don\'t know the details of Lin Yu now, so they don\'t want to rush to do it, for fear of making things worse and worse.

At this time, the three of them flew all the way and came to the entrance and exit of Dadi Cave.

The Great Master and Abyss Supreme looked at each other, then accelerated suddenly, and flew to Lin Yu again to stop him.

"Lin Yu, you have something to say."

The great master persuaded in good words.

"What else can I say?" Lin Yu stopped and asked.

He just acted like that on purpose, mainly to gain a negotiating advantage.

Now that it has taken effect, it is natural to close it as soon as it gets better.

Otherwise, he really can\'t find any other way to make colorful stones.

After all, what he just said was all nonsense, and there was no connection between him and Yuan.

"Lin Yu, we have already collected 100,000 multicolored stones. They are all ready-made and can be given to you right away, but if you go to other people to trade, it will definitely take a lot of time, why bother?"

The big master persuaded ~www.novelhall.com~ you are asking for a lot of money, and this transaction is not worth talking about. "Lin Yu replied in a strong tone.

"Lin Yu, don\'t worry, it won\'t be too late to make a decision after I finish speaking."

The Great Master appeased another sentence, and then speeded up his speech and said: "We will bring the five-colored stone to help you condense the shape of the ancestor, and after the shape of his body is condensed into shape, you will tell us how to cultivate the divine body with your heart, how to Sample?"

What he thought in his mind was that after Yuan Zu\'s body was condensed and formed, Lin Yu would never go to other people to trade colorful stones again.

After all, the purpose of Lin Yu wanting the multicolored stone is to condense the body for Yuanzu.

So once this matter is resolved, the colorful stones will become a pile of garbage for Lin Yu.

As a result, Lin Yu had to deal with them.
