Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 92: Strange disease

"Damn, it\'s still the way to go. This thing just knocked on the door to divert our attention."

   Yu Liangzhe and Cao Yongan wanted to understand everything in an instant.

  If it didn\'t knock on the door just now, people like him must be paying attention to the surrounding movement.

   But as soon as it knocks on the door, it will naturally start to guess what is outside the door.

   is really tricky and hard to guard against.

   The two want to have only two veterans of themselves, not so easy to be fooled.

   But with a group of newcomers, there are too many worries, and the newcomers ask questions again, which is easy to get distracted.

   At the moment when the thoughts were turned, Yu Liangzhe and Cao Yongan immediately urged Yuan Qi to perform night vision to check what was coming in.

   and the other disciples are completely messed up.

   Firstly, their strength is not enough, and their night vision ability is too weak. Secondly, the opponent came too suddenly and couldn\'t react at all.

   Lin Yu flashed aside the moment the thing fell.

   He has the characteristics of lightning reaction, and the reaction speed is the fastest among everyone in the field.

   And his night vision is a passive skill, unlike Yu Liangzhe and Cao Yongan, he has to use it actively.

   So I can see the face of the visitor earlier than the two.

   This thing has eight legs, a bit like a spider, but there is a human head on the upper part of the torso.

   This human head has a hideous face, with eyes protruding from the sockets, and from the look of his expression, it seems that he is suffering from some kind of pain.


   Lin Yu didn\'t hesitate, and blasted past with a punch.

   At this time, Yu Liangzhe and Cao Yongan had just urged Yuan Qi to perform night vision. As a result, as soon as they could see things, they discovered that Lin Yu had launched an attack.

   "Why is he so fast?!"

   This thought flashed through both of them at the same time.


   Lin Yu hit the human-faced spider\'s belly with a punch, blasting it whole.

   At the same time, the positive internal qi in his body was fully stimulated, spread to the body, and all the various flesh and blood tissues that had burst open were wrapped.

   There was another boom.

   A raging fire suddenly detonated, burning all the pieces of flesh and blood.

   At this time, Lin Yu was no longer as ignorant as he faced the weird in the first place. He already knew that killing the weird must be fast and accurate, and could not leave any room or time for it.


   "Brother\'s positive internal strength is serious!"

   Yu Liangzhe and Cao Yongan were relieved when they saw that Lin Yu had solved the weird attack neatly.

   was amazed at Lin Yu.

   And the other practitioners are still in a state of bewilderment at this time.

   They didn\'t know what happened just now, they only knew that a ball of flames exploded in the sky, and then everything was over.

   "Brother Yu, what happened just now?"

   A new disciple of the Town Demon Sect asked weakly.

   And just as Yu Liangzhe was about to answer this question, a disciple suddenly screamed in pain.

   "Oops, he was infected with a weird disease."

   Cao Yongan was the first to react and shouted.

   Lin Yu carefully observed the infected disciple, and found that the blood vessels on the male disciple\'s face were bursting, with blue and purple, criss-crossing each other and forming a net, which looked very permeating.

   is exactly the same as Yang Yuanzheng’s parents.

   "Ignite the fire, hurry up and light the fire."

   Yu Liangzhe ordered.

   The fire was quickly reignited.

   The crowd carried the strangely ill disciple to lie beside the fire.

   "Brother Yu, what disease is he contracting?" a disciple asked with lingering fear.

   "Weird diseases are called weird diseases." Yu Liangzhe replied: "It is caused by the kind of terrifying power on the weird body. There is no cure for it."

Cao Yongan nodded and added: "That kind of power is called Secret Source Power. It can\'t be said that it is completely incurable. If the cultivation level is enough, it can be controlled by the source pressure, but even so, this life is considered useless. ."

   Yu Liangzhe shook his head helplessly, then turned his head to hold a fist to Lin Yu and said, "Brother, thanks to your quick response just now, otherwise we are all..."

   He was embarrassed only halfway through what he said.

   Until now, he has not asked Lin Yu\'s name.

  Before, because he looked down on Lin Yu, he was too lazy to bother, but Lin Yu\'s performance proved that these people are far inferior to him.

   Therefore, if you ask again now, you will have a sense of looking at the food.

   This is embarrassing.

   Lin Yu didn\'t care about his embarrassment. He squatted down beside the sick disciple and said, "Since his illness is incurable, let me do a test to see if my positive internal Qi is effective."

   The last time he gave a farewell gift to the dead Yang Yuanzheng\'s parents, the Frost Knife on his waist became a Yang Bing somehow.

   Now the two said that this strange disease was born by a mysterious power called "Secret Source Power".

   Therefore, Lin Yu guessed that the refining of Yang soldiers might be related to the secret source power.

   Hearing his request, Yu Liangzhe and Cao Yongan looked at each other and looked at the sick disciple on the ground.

   At this time, the disciple\'s expression was painful, his teeth clenched, and he seemed to be trying his best to urge the strange disease of the source air pressure system.

   "Forget it, you try it, don\'t hurt him."

   Cao Yongan sighed and said.

   This person is a disciple of their Tian Yuanzong, and he also hopes that he can become better.

   Anyway, there will be no major damage if you try it. There must be damage. There are so many practitioners here, and they can fully urge Gen Qi to repair his injury.

   Seeing Cao Yongan’s consent, Lin Yu stopped talking about www.novelhall.com to release the positive internal qi in the body.

   He didn\'t dare to touch the sick disciple directly with his hands, and he didn\'t dare to directly use the positive internal qi to test.

   Instead, he condensed the positive inner energy in the palm of his right hand, threw it forward, and threw it on the face of the sick disciple.

   there was a sound.

   A flame of fire appeared on the face of the sick disciple.

   Those violent blood vessels were burned by the flame, and quickly contracted, and his face returned to normal.

   Then, the center of the flame became pitch black, like a black hole that could swallow everything.


   Everyone frowned.

   Cao Yongan asked hurriedly: "How is it? Is it better?"

   "It seems to be better..." The affected disciple\'s complexion was much better than before, and he opened his eyes and replied.

   However, as soon as his voice fell, the whole person was rapidly aging.

   In a blink of an eye, he grew old from a young man in his early twenties to an old man in his sixties and seventies.

   "Hey, his innate essence, the origin of life is damaged." Yu Liangzhe understood quickly and sighed.

   All the disciples sighed when they heard it.

Cao Yongan hurriedly comforted the sick disciple and said, "It is better than always carrying a strange disease, so that you will have to urge the source pressure to control it all your life, and you will die if you are not careful. Now although you are a little older, but As long as you practice hard, you can live another hundred or eighty years without a problem."

   The sick disciple nodded helplessly when he heard this, but the sadness on his face was not diminished.

   There is no way, anyone who encounters this kind of thing can\'t accept it all at once.

   "Are you okay? Then I\'ll take my work."

   Lin Yu took back the positive internal Qi on the body.

   But at this moment, the dark flame in the center slammed into him.