Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 74: The weak and the strong

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As soon as the black-clothed youth spoke, the people beside him hurriedly tugged at the corners of his clothes, reminding him to be careful of misfortunes coming out of his mouth.

The black-clothed youth nodded slightly, stood up and walked to the railing, looked at the table where Lin Yu was, and said, "Didn’t you brag about yourself just now? I will let you know today, what is meant by outsiders, there are people outside the sky? ."


A strong wind shot from the hand of the black-clothed youth, and then with a bang, a chopstick was inserted into the silver plate in front of Lin Yu and firmly nailed to the tabletop.

At this moment, the first-class warriors present could no longer sit still, Qi Qi stood up, looking at the black-clothed youth on the second floor with complex expressions.

Unexpectedly, this person looks ordinary, so capable.

"Young man, I don\'t know what school you came from. The old man just reminds you that the more arrogant you are, the faster you die."

Meng Jian\'s violent temper could no longer be restrained, and he shouted coldly.

"That\'s not a coincidence, I still love arrogance!" The young man in black jumped down from the second floor, and after taking a look at Lin Yu, he proudly looked at Meng Jian and said, "Old trash, dare you go to the door with me? Practice?"


"It\'s crazy!"


The several first-class warriors beside Meng Jian were all furious, feeling that the black-clothed young man was too presumptuous and didn\'t know how to respect the old predecessors at all.

"Good boy, the old man must educate you well today!"

Meng Jian was about to act as he spoke.

Lin Yu hurriedly stopped him, persuading him: "Senior Meng, we don\'t know their reality, don\'t be impulsive."

Meng Jian shook off his hand and said, "Lin Yu, everyone else is shaking their faces with fists, and they are still holding it back, so what kind of martial arts are you still practicing?"

After speaking, he rushed to the outside of the restaurant, followed by the young man in black.

When Lin Yu and his party arrived outside, the two had already fought.

Neither of them used weapons. Meng Jian used a set of superior boxing techniques called "Ape Arm Long Boxing", while the black-clothed youth had irregular moves and seemed to have never learned martial arts.

However, the seemingly disorderly moves of the black-clothed youth, the force that bursts out is extremely powerful.

The first-class warriors present all frowned, wondering how such an ordinary young man could be so strong.

Lin Yu\'s eyesight is the strongest among all the warriors present. He has already discovered at this time that the body of the black-clothed youth seems to be wrapped in a layer of invisible energy.

When his fist is in contact with Meng Jian\'s body, there will be no deformation of his skin, and the layer of Qi covered on it seems to have substance, which not only protects his fist, but also has an impact on Meng Jian\'s body.

Bang bang bang--

Meng Jian\'s fist hit the young man in black, making a dull air explosion, unable to cause any harm to him.

The black-clothed youth sneered: "Old trash, is this what you can do?"

"It\'s useless, then go to death!"

The black-clothed youth allowed Meng Jian\'s fists to rain on his chest, his left and right hands flicked forward like lightning, a combined blow, and both left and right hands hit Meng Jian\'s temples on both sides at the same time.

Lin Yu wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Click ——

The sound of broken bones was very clear.

Meng Jian\'s head was completely distorted by the blow of the black-clothed youth, and his whole body collapsed on the spot.

"Huh? Do you dare to kill?!"

"you you you!"


The warriors and pedestrians watching the game all took a breath.

No one thought that the black-clothed youth would be so cruel and dare to beat people to death in full view.

"Report to the official, quickly report to the official!"

Someone shouted immediately.

Several first-class warriors hurriedly gathered around, for fear that the black-clothed youth would escape.

The black-clothed youth smiled disdainfully, and folded his arms around his chest and said: "Don\'t worry, I won\'t leave. I will wait for the government to punish you."

Hearing this, the several first-class warriors surrounding him all looked down, and secretly said that this black-clothed young man had something to do with him.

Soon, the officers and soldiers of the government rushed to the scene.

Without saying a word, they first drove away the pedestrians who were watching, and then returned to the palace with all the warriors and the black-clothed youths present.


Things tossed all night, until the next morning, Lin Yu and others were told that they could leave.

However, what made them angry was that the black-clothed youth was acquitted last night. Instead, they were charged with a crime of gathering a crowd to make trouble.

"What is the origin of that person?"

"The government dare not punish him. It must have a huge background."

"Hey, it\'s a pity that Lao Meng died so unjustly!"


Everyone was filled with indignation, but helpless.

The prefect made it clear, if it weren’t for the fact that many of them have martial arts names, this matter is not over, whoever dares to hold on to this matter will add a higher level of punishment and be punished severely. .

"In this world, we warriors have no status at all, and even sour and rotten literati are inferior to martial arts. Is there a use to martial arts?"

"I knew that, I might as well study hard and get an official exam."


The psychology of the crowd was extremely unbalanced, and they lamented again and again.

A few first-class warriors of the older generation stood up and said, "It can\'t be said that the warriors have no status, or that we are not strong enough. If we can become innate warriors, the monarch will not dare to neglect us."

"Yes, the innate warrior can sit on the same level as the monarch of the vassal kingdom, and you don\'t need to kneel down when you see the courtiers."

A few young warriors who were afraid of being present lost their fighting spirit, and they turned their mouths one after another.

After talking for a while, everyone stopped mentioning the matter, and instead discussed how to deal with Meng Jian\'s funeral.

"I can\'t blame Lao Meng for this matter, I wrote to call him to come..." Zhao Fuan blamed himself, and then proposed that he and Lin Yu\'s grandfather Lin Gensheng would **** Meng Jian\'s body back to the capital. , Personally went to explain the matter to the Meng family.

Lin Yu had no objection to this, after all, Meng Jian came to their Lin family as a guest.

The two bid farewell to the warriors and returned to the Lin family with Meng Jian\'s body.

After explaining the matter to Lin Gensheng, Lin Gensheng immediately prepared to accompany Zhao Fuan on the road without saying a word.

Lin Yu stood outside the gate and looked at the caravan going away, and shook his head secretly.

This incident made him deeply feel that the Dawu Dynasty had only superficial order, and in essence it was a world where the weak and the strong.

There are as many privileges as there is power.

Having absolute power has absolute privileges.

For example, Ji Wusi.

"Innate martial artist, must become inborn martial artist."

Lin Yu retracted his gaze, turned and walked towards the house.

As soon as he entered the door, the butler greeted him and said, "Master, the master wants you to go to the study. There is something important to say."


Lin Chengye\'s study.

Lin Chengye looked solemn and thoughtful.

He sighed, then looked at Lin Yu and said, "Yu\'er, this is not accidental. They came to our Lin family~www.novelhall.com~what? Father, what did you say?" Lin Yu asked hurriedly.

Lin Chengye shook his head helplessly and explained: "The man who killed Meng Jian was the brother-in-law of Wang Shanhe, the head of the Wang family, and his name was Yu Chirong."

"Some time ago I planned to expand the business of the restaurant, and invested a lot of silver in related industries. I didn\'t think about it but I offended the Wang family because of this..."


After listening to his father\'s words, Lin Yu finally figured out the whole story.

It turned out that the young man in black named Yu Chi Rong was going to provoke him last night, when the chopsticks were inserted on the silver plate in front of him.

But Yu Chirong didn\'t expect that he was so calm and unmoved, just as Meng Jian stood up, Yu Chirong simply changed his goal.

Perhaps in Yu Chirong\'s view, Meng Jian was the foreign aid they invited from the Lin family, and killing him could also play a deterrent effect.

After clarifying this, Lin Yu wanted to understand one thing.

It seems that the only privilege of those low-level transcendents is that it is not illegal to kill, and you have to find a good reason to kill, other than that, there is no privilege of sheltering relatives and friends.

Otherwise, wouldn\'t the Wang family just say hello to the government and wouldn\'t he dare to compete with them?

Sure enough, the court still had to maintain the superficial order, if it was completely messed up, it would only make the demons and ghosts hiding in the dark cheaper.

"I\'ve been bullied, so don\'t blame me for my unscrupulous measures!"

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

PS: Chapters 71 and 72 have been changed at noon. The dialogue between the protagonist and his father has been deleted. The book friends who haven\'t seen it don\'t need to pay attention to it, and the book friends who have read it don\'t need to go back to read it, which will not affect the follow-up plot. Then explain that I deleted the dialogue because the plot was a bit awkward when I left it there. It was because I was brainstorming when I was thinking about the plot, and I didn\'t handle it properly.