Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 52: Soft persimmon

Su Yaner shrank in the corner alone.

   "That man is so cunning that he doesn\'t take the bait, it\'s hateful!"

   "If it\'s not because you don\'t want to attract the attention of the people in the city, you have to make people willing to go to bed to absorb the essence, I..."

   Su Yan\'er lowered his head, and the scattered blue silk hair fell to his forehead, blocking the gritted teeth and hideous face.

   But after a short while, her expression was put away again, and a trace of worry came to her face.

   "I didn\'t trick that man into bed, and I even met someone more powerful than me... If this continues, I will die too."

   "No, I have been practicing for so many years, and finally transformed into a human being, I will never fall here."

   "...Only by absorbing the essence of a strong man to enhance cultivation, can there be a chance to get out."

   "The two Chiyang Sect people are not good, they are too powerful, and the methods are amazing. The persimmons must find a soft pinch."

   "When things come, I can\'t worry so much, go to the man and try again."

   Su Yan\'er slowly raised his head, her fair and pretty face became pure and innocent again, as full of innocence as a three-year-old child.

   She straightened her clothes and hair, and looked for Lin Yu in the crowd with a pair of winking eyes.


   By the window.

   The more Lin Yu looked, the more he felt that Chen Sihai was weird.

   Yesterday, I took photos of those things that contain vital energy and I won\'t say anything. The expression on my face now doesn\'t seem to worry about my own safety, but it seems to worry about other people.

   Normally, when encountering this kind of weird incident, shouldn\'t you worry about your own life first?

   How can you worry about others?

   Just as Lin Yu wanted to probe Chen Sihai\'s words, Su Yaner\'s woman walked towards him again.

   "My son, it\'s all Yan\'er\'s fault."

  Su Yan\'er was the same as before, as soon as he came to Lin Yu, he went for a blessing first.

   Lin Yu didn\'t want to talk nonsense with this woman, but after another thought, this woman was not afraid of such a major safety-related event. She even thought about the man, so she tried to set what she said, maybe it would be rewarding.

   "Don\'t keep talking about those useless, just tell me what\'s the matter."

"My son, Yan\'er, what Yan\'er wants to say is a bit shameful." Su Yan\'er made a squeaky gesture, blushing, and his voice was numb, "My son, you can go to a place where no one is there with Yan\'er and say ?"

   "Nobody\'s place? Okay, come with me."

   Lin Yu strode towards the door.

   Naturally, this woman can\'t let this woman pick a place. Only by picking a good place can I try it out.

   Seeing Lin Yu\'s promise, Su Yan\'er was overjoyed and hurriedly followed.

   The two went to the open space outside the house one after another.

   There is a wall next to it, and there is heavy snow beside it, one person high.

   Lin Yu yanked away the snow in twos and threes, creating a concave space.

   After he blocked Su Yan\'er inside, he said, "What\'s the matter? Tell me quickly."

   After Su Yan\'er looked around, she showed a shy look, and said coquettishly: "My son, how are you good or bad? Keep people in here."

   "Am I bad?" Lin Yu sneered, "You will know right away that I am worse than you think."

   Su Yan\'er smiled at this, and asked softly: "Yan\'er apologizes to the son. Is it okay for the son to forgive Yan\'er?"

   "Apologize? How do I know if you are sincere."

   "My son, Yaner really came to apologize this time."

   Su Yan\'er explained in a panic like a frightened little rabbit.

   "My son, Yan\'er was deliberate in the first collision. However, Yan\'er was not badhearted. Yan\'er just wanted to create a chance to meet the son, because Yan\'er likes the son very much."

   "Do you like me? We have never seen each other before, do you like me?"

   "It was love at first sight. Yan\'er was fascinated when he saw the son at first sight. His head was filled with your burly figure and handsome face."

  Su Yan\'er lowered his head while talking, **** her clothes, "Because Yan\'er has been timid since childhood and wants to be protected, so she likes strong men. That way, she feels safe."

   "You are courageous? I think you are quite courageous. At this time, you just want to talk about love."

"Ah? No, it\'s not." Su Yan\'er was flustered, but immediately settled down and said: "Yan\'er is afraid, but, but his love for the son has made Yan\'er overcome his fear. As long as he can be with the son, Yan\'er I\'m not afraid of death."

   "I\'m not afraid of death? This is what you said." Lin Yu reminded.

"No, Yan\'er didn\'t mean that. Yan\'er, what Yan\'er thinks is that if the snow keeps on, everyone will die here. It\'s better to have some rain before you die. Yan\'er hasn\'t tasted that yet. I don\'t want to die with regret."

   Su Yan\'er\'s blush was as red as an apple, as if he was really shy.

   Lin Yu had to admit that if he changed to another man, he might be really heartbroken at this time.

   But unfortunately, she ran into herself.

   "I said, don\'t you think it\'s too cold here?"


   Su Yan\'er was taken aback.

   However, at the moment when she was stunned, Lin Yu drew her knife out of the sheath abruptly.

   With a single stroke, the Frost Blade swept across Su Yan\'er\'s chest like lightning. The moment the blade touched the flesh, a faint gleam appeared.

   "Sure enough!"

   As soon as he came here, Lin Yu already suspected that this woman had a problem.

   On such a cold day, she was dressed so thinly, but she did not look like she was frozen at all~www.novelhall.com~ Now that she has been talking about it for so long, as a result, her skin still does not appear abnormal, which is totally unreasonable.

   Of course, Lin Yu couldn\'t judge the origin of this woman.

   must come first and see blood.

   Since the incident with Scar Man just now, he has made up his mind that he will not be able to judge whether a person or a ghost is going to happen again in the future, no matter if it is three or seven twenty-one, he will do it first.

"you you!"

   Su Yan\'er held his chest and took a step back, no longer the weak and helpless look just now, but a sullen face.


   Su Yan\'er grabbed Lin Yu with a claw. The white and slender jade hands were now covered with a layer of bone scales, and the long nails stretched out like a sharp knife.

   "The **** it is you!"

   Lin Yu refused to give up, the Frost Knife in his hand slashed at the opponent\'s strange claws.

   The vigorous internal force burst out, and it continued to advance along the blade, making buzzing noises.

   In an instant, snowflakes flew up.

   One claw and one knife hit together, and the shock wave produced was like a violent wind, and the surrounding snow was flying all over the sky, like a sudden white mist.

"you you?!"

   Su Yan\'er looked at her only half of her paws, her face full of fear.

   Unexpectedly, this person in front of him is a first-class warrior. With such a powerful internal force, coupled with a sun soldier, a little demon like himself is definitely not his opponent.


   Su Yan\'er only had this thought in her heart, and it instantly turned into an afterimage, crashing through the snow and rushing away.

   Lin Yu naturally would not let her leave, and followed her with light work.

   And the noise they made had also attracted the attention of two Chiyang Sect disciples in the distance.

   The two chased them quickly.