Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 371: Sovereign comes on

"Lin Sect Master." Seeing Lin Yu nodded in agreement, Sect Master Zhenhai asked aloud: "If this is the case, let\'s compete according to our rules, how about?"


Lin Yu had the winning ticket, so naturally he didn\'t care about the way to compete.

Anyway, as long as you don\'t use magical powers during the competition, and don\'t use Yuanli, it will definitely not attract the attention of the gods on the side of Dongmingyu.

"Okay! Master Lin, let\'s go to the martial arts field together to have a good discussion."

As soon as the Zhenhai Sect Master\'s voice fell, he got up and walked out of the hall.

When the other Zhenhaizong leaders saw this, they also stood up and followed him.

Originally, just discussing and exchanging martial arts would not make it so grand.

But who made Lin Yu claim that no one in Zhenhaizong was his opponent.

If such ruthless words were released, if Zhenhai Sect didn\'t take it seriously, he would definitely be laughed at by other sects around him.

After all, Lin Yu\'s current identity is the Outer Sect Master of the Lieyang Sect in the Western Desolate Region, not a cat or dog who popped out casually.

The high-level Zhenhaizong soon arrived at the martial arts field inside the gate.

At this time, the martial arts field was crowded with people. After receiving the notice, the disciples inside the door gathered at the martial arts field as quickly as possible.

One step ahead of Zhenhai Sect Master and others.

The center of the martial arts field is a huge arena dedicated to competitions.

Lin Yu and the Zhenhai Sect Master and others fell on this huge arena together.

"Master Lin, according to our rules, you, as the initiator of the challenge, need to accept the challenge of our Zhenhai Zongmen in this arena."

Sect Master Zhenhai explained some local martial arts rules for Lin Yu.

"When the time comes, our disciples will come up to challenge you voluntarily. You will only be considered a real victory if you keep the challenge to the end."

"Of course, if you need to rest in the middle, you can arrange it at any time."

Lin Yu agreed after listening: "Okay, just do what you said."

Sect Master Zhenhai nodded slightly at him, and then took a step forward and announced the start of the competition to the Zhenhai Sect master who was watching the battle below.

As soon as his voice fell, the court immediately calmed down.

The Zhenhai sect person is not a fool, knowing that Lin Yu, since he dared to speak such rants, must have a bit of confidence.

Therefore, those disciples who are weaker have no idea of ​​going to the ring.

They were all waiting, waiting for the more powerful disciple in the door to challenge Lin Yu.

"I come!"

At this time, a loud shout came from the east.

Then a figure dressed in white jumped out and fell onto the ring in a blink of an eye.

"I\'m a direct disciple of the elder of Zhenhai Sect." The white-clothed man threw a fist toward Lin Yu and said, "Master Lin, I will meet you."

"Please advise!"

Lin Yu also gave a fist to the opponent.

After the two saluted each other, the expression of the man in white immediately became stern, while Lin Yu remained calm and indifferent.

Everyone in the audience was holding their breath, waiting for the war to begin.

They are secretly guessing in their hearts that this battle will last for several rounds and who the ultimate winner will be.

Mainly because Lin Yu is an outsider from afar, everyone knows nothing about his strength, so no one can make accurate judgments.

Can only guess the outcome of the battle out of thin air.


At this time, the referee elder on the ring suddenly issued an order, announcing the start of the battle between the two.

"Ben Lei Palm!"

The man in white took the lead.

He had been observing Lin Yu\'s demeanor and behavior just now and found that Lin Yu\'s calm and composed expression was not in disguise.

Therefore, I guess his strength should be under Lin Yu.

If this is the case, it is natural to seize the opportunity to avoid losing too badly.

As long as he couldn\'t make it without failing miserably in this battle, he would be considered a success if he tried his best to let Lin Yu make a few more moves.

The reason why he jumped out to challenge first was because he wanted to try Lin Yu\'s skills, but also because of the great elder.

The Great Elder gave him a wink just now, meaning that he was asked to go up and test Lin Yu\'s reality, so that the master inside the door could see Lin Yu\'s strength.

After all, Zhenhaizong, as the first martial arts school in the Eastern Ming domain, must win beautifully.

Directly letting the strongest player in the door defeat Lin Yu definitely cannot be said to be a beautiful victory. It is only perfect if someone with the same strength as Lin Yu defeats Lin Yu.


The white-clothed man slammed out a palm containing a powerful true essence, and went straight to Lin Yu\'s chest with lightning speed.

This move is very powerful, powerful, and extremely oppressive.

From Lin Yu\'s response to this trick, his true strength can be well judged.

Outside the ring, the top masters in the Zhenhai Sect all stared at them intently, wondering how Lin Yu was prepared to deal with this move.

Except for the whistling sound of the white man\'s palm, the air was silent.


Suddenly, Lin Yu\'s figure on the ring disappeared silently, while the body of the white-clothed man was wrapped in a strong wind, like a cannonball out of the chamber, shooting towards the outside of the ring.

It caused a strong explosion of air.


The man in white had a very strong momentum and a very fast speed. After an instant, he fell to the ground outside the ring and fell into a dog chewing on mud.


Suddenly, there was a sound of surprise on the court.

Obviously the scene that just happened completely exceeded their expectations.

On the other side, the Zhenhaizong leaders who gathered together to watch the battle started talking in a low voice.

"How did he fall out? Did you see it?"

"It seems that it was because he was too late to stop."

"Impossible, why is it too late to stop? If this is the case, then his martial arts training for so many years is a waste of time."

"Then how did he fall out? I didn\'t see any action by that surnamed Lin."

"Yeah, I didn\'t see it either."

Speaking of this, everyone looked at each other.

His face was full of surprise and puzzlement.

Immediately afterwards, they all turned their heads to look at Sect Master Zhenhai.

One of them took the lead and said: "Sect Master, I am afraid that only you can defeat him this time."

In the martial arts school, the strength of the suzerain is not necessarily the strongest, but the strongest of Zhenhaizong happens to be the suzerain.

Sect Master Zhenhai saw that all the seniors in the door were looking at him, and the strength that Lin Yu had just shown was indeed far beyond expectation~www.novelhall.com~, so he nodded slowly and said, "I will meet him for a while."

As soon as the voice fell, he jumped up, and slowly fell to the ring with a complicated mood.

"It\'s the suzerain!"

"Sect Master is on!"

"He\'s over now!"

Under the arena, the Zhenhai Sect disciple saw their suzerain personally ascend the arena, and their confidence immediately rose.

Just now Lin Yu won such a clean victory, which severely affected their self-confidence.

Now that I saw the Sect Master personally go out, I finally felt better.

However, some of them are just the opposite, and the appearance of the suzerain makes them feel more uneasy and worried.

This just caused the Sect Master to be dispatched just after a fight, is it...really going to lose?

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