Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 344: Miracle


   At the same time as the flame spear lowered, Lin Yu performed another small magical magic spell.

   His body instantly turned into nine substantive clones, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false for a while.

   Han Qingxue originally thought that his own flames would condense together, even if Lin Yu used the Variety Crystal Fang to defend him, he would be hit hard.

   I didn\'t even think about it in a blink of an eye, I didn\'t know who I should aim the falling flame spear at.

   The flame spear plunged into the ground, except that it pierced a phantom clone of Lin Yu and evaporated out of thin air, without achieving any results.


   "How can you have this magical power?"

   Han Qingxue quickly realized that Lin Yu\'s little supernatural power also came from Fengshen Sect, and it happened to be one of the supernatural powers possessed by Yan Mao\'s two followers.

"Have you not……"

   She was secretly shocked, could it be true that what Lin Yu just said was true?

   His two supernatural powers were really snatched from Yan Mao\'s two followers?

   But how is this possible...

   Han Qingxue didn\'t dare to think about it.

   Because now is not the time to delve into these things.

   Lin Yu possesses two battle-type little supernatural powers, so his combat power is really not inferior to him.

   If he was paralyzed, he would really be buried in his hands.

   "God Action!"

   Han Qingxue urged the magic talisman in her hand to perform the second magical power she possessed.

   She has a total of two small magical powers. Yantian Huoyu focuses on offense, and the magical movement is not only a weapon of offense and defense, but also a weapon for escape.

   It was this supernatural power that could escape Yan Mao\'s chase last time.

   "Believe in the mantra!"

   Lin Yu decisively used the mantra of piety to deal with Han Qingxue\'s magical powers.

  Because after the use of her magical skills, the whole person turned into an extremely flexible brilliance, and the Variety Crystal Fang couldn\'t catch up with her at all.

   clang clang clang——

   The melodious and bright bell sounded suddenly.

   The sound of the bell was mixed with a steady and heavy male voice, which kept influencing everyone who heard the bell.

  Because Lin Yu uses his body and eight clones to display the mantra of piety at the same time, it is nine times more corrosive to the soul.

   The ordinary people running around in the Han Mansion were instantly brainwashed into Lin Yu\'s devout believers.

   Han Qingxue was also greatly affected, and had to stop urging the magic amulet, and fully resist the erosion of the soul from the devotion to the mantra.

   "This is not the mantra of Fengshen Sect... how could this be?"

   Han Qingxue felt unbelievable, she had never seen anyone able to use magical powers from different gods at the same time.

   It’s impossible to know that.

  Because of the magical powers possessed by the spirit weapon, you must first conclude a contract with the corresponding god, but a person can only conclude a contract with one **** at the same time.

   If you want to conclude a new contract, you must first give up Zeng Jin’s beliefs.

   "Is this the magical power he once possessed?"

   "The magical powers of the two Fengshen Sects are really new ones?"

   Now, Han Qingxue has to accept the facts.

   No matter how unthinkable this fact is, what is happening in front of you can really prove that what Lin Yu just said is true.

   "Don\'t, don\'t kill me, please!"

   Han Qingxue was shocked by the facts before him, and his heart collapsed completely.

   She knew that she was not Lin Yu\'s opponent at all and had nowhere to escape, so she could only ask Lin Yu to spare her life.

   "A report pays a report, it\'s useless to ask anyone."

   "If it weren\'t for your hurtful heart at the time, things wouldn\'t stop there."

   Lin Yu came to Han Qingxue and slammed his right fist.

   If Han Qingxue can\'t get out and stand in the way, he may just walk away to avoid trouble.

   But since this woman has no idea what she must do against him, she has to avenge her previous grievances by the way, otherwise it will cause more trouble.

  Han Qingxue\'s body was shattered by a punch, and his soul was shaken away by his vitality, and he could not die anymore.

   Lin Yu grabbed the three things that fell out of the minced flesh.

   is the same magic rune, the same is the magic fire rune, and the other is the space ring of Han Qingxue.

   After he used Yuan Li to remove the stains attached to it, he swallowed two spiritual artifacts into his belly without hesitation.

   This kind of good thing, only when you eat it in your belly, can you really belong to you.

   Then he immediately changed his figure and appearance, and used his newly acquired supernatural powers, turning into a stream of light and shooting towards the depths of the mainland.

   According to his plan, this operation will not cause any unnecessary trouble.

   On the one hand, he can change his figure and appearance at will, on the other hand, Han Zhenghe will not say anything about him because of the influence of his piety mantra.

   But who knows that Yuanjing suddenly appeared in the middle.

   This incident caused Han Qingxue\'s suspicion, and stood up and blocked the way when he was leaving, so that he had to kill.

   So this time, I have completely forged a relationship with the Han family and the Han Shaoyong behind the Han family.

   Presumably, Han Shao-never will not let go of checking things out.


   After Lin Yu left, the officials in Baihai City immediately reported the matter to Han Shaoyong.

   That night, Han Shaoyong hurried home with another Yanshen from the Han family.

   Han Shaoyong flew from the sky and landed in the ruins of Han Mansion.



   He saw Han Zhenghe who was kneeling on the ground and leading all the survivors of Han Mansion to worship.

   "Grandpa, what\'s the matter with you?"

   Han Shaoyong was unhappy, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Han Zhenghe up.

   However, Han Zhenghe was very resistant to his actions, yelling and yelling, let him stay away from him.

   "Shao Yong, don\'t do useless work, they are obviously brainwashed by mantra."

   The man in Tsing Yi next to Han Shaoyong reminded.

  He is Han Shaoyong\'s cousin, and he is also a member of the Yanshen Cult.

   But like Han Qingxue, he has never received a gift from God and is not a child of God.

   "Well, I was really brainwashed by mantra."

   Han Shaoyong looked gloomy, let go of the hand holding Han Zhenghe, let him kneel on the ground and bow to ~ www.novelhall.com~ Shaoyong, you are the head of the family, and everything is up to you. "

   Han Shaoyong\'s cousin stood beside Han Shaoyong and said respectfully.

   Han Shaoyong\'s complexion grew gloomy when he heard this.

   This situation of my family is not difficult to deal with, as long as they erase the memory before and after they were brainwashed by mantras, they can be restored to their original state.

   This is not difficult for him.

   But in this way, a lot of important information will be lost, and there will be no way to know the author of all this from their mouths.

   "Shao Yong, I have no choice."

   Uncle Han Shaoyongtang, seeing him hesitate, reminded him softly.

   Han Shaoyong nodded slowly, then closed his eyes, and his whole body was golden.

   All those who were irradiated by the golden light involuntarily stopped their prostrations, with a dazed expression on their faces.

   "What...what\'s going on?"

   "Why would I kneel on the ground? I remember I was not going to go out, go..."

   "Ah? This, this, how did our Han Mansion become like this?"


   Han Zhenghe and others recovered one after another.

   But because of missing a part of their memory, they were all at a loss for what was in front of them, and stood there one by one yelling.

   Han Shaoyong retracted Jin Guang when he saw it, gritted his teeth and said: "No matter who you are, no matter where you hide, I will swear if you don\'t avenge me!"