Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 228: Mechanism puppet

Lin Yu followed Jiang Lingzhu out of the dark room before and came to a passage.

   The shape of this channel is regular, it is not formed naturally at first glance, it should be constructed artificially.

   The passage is as dark as the dark room before, without any light, and you can\'t see your fingers.

   Lin Yu guessed that this place is very likely to be buried deep underground.

"Where are we now?"

   Lin Yu asked Jiang Lingzhudao.

   Although he has made a judgment based on the information Cang provided and what he observed, he wants to see how Jiang Lingzhu would answer this question.

   judge her attitude from this.

   "This place is probably an ancient relic." Jiang Lingzhu replied calmly.

   It is obvious that most of her annoyance has been calmed down, and she no longer speaks badly because Lin Yu asks more questions.

   After Jiang Lingzhu finished answering, he asked, "Lin Yu, how did you practice Pure Yang Zhen Gong? This kind of exercise has long since become impossible to practice. It is hard to imagine that you can learn it."

   "I learned after studying the leftover pages of Pure Yang Zhen Gong. I can only say that I have better luck." Lin Yu attributed it to luck.

   "I\'m overly modest, there is so much good luck in the world." Jiang Lingzhu didn\'t believe Lin Yu\'s words, "You can learn Chunyang Zhenkong by studying the remaining pages of Chunyang Zhenkong. It only shows that your martial arts talent is against the sky."

   Lin Yu didn\'t answer this. He still doesn\'t know what Jiang Lingzhu\'s idea is, so he doesn\'t want to say too much.

   "Why did you bring me here?"

   Lin Yu repeats the old saying, lest Jiang Lingzhu continue to struggle on that topic.

   Jiang Lingzhu showed a hint of displeasure and said: "I have already answered you this question. I will talk about it when we leave here."


   The moment Jiang Lingzhu\'s voice fell, a clear click suddenly came from a distance, like metals colliding with each other.

"Do not talk."

   Jiang Lingzhu said to Lin Yu softly, and then listened carefully.


   Not long after, a clicking sound came from a distance again.

   Both of them heard very clearly this time, and it was indeed the sound of metal collision.

   Jiang Lingzhu looked around, frowning and pondering for a moment, then whispered to Lin Yu: "You follow me, try not to make any noises or speak, you hear?"

   "Okay." Lin Yu replied softly.

   Jiang Lingzhu saw Lin Yu agree, and walked forward lightly.

   Lin Yu followed silently.

   Both of them have a high level of cultivation, and they have already controlled their bodies to a nuanced level. In addition, they both have night vision capabilities, which can avoid the fine debris on the ground, so they didn\'t make any noise when they walked all the way.

   The distant clicking sound still came from time to time, there was no pattern to follow.

   The two followed the passage without saying a word, and it didn\'t take long for them to come to the exit of the passage.

   The front is very spacious and looks like a magnificent hall.

   However, due to the age, the surface of the wall has long become mottled, and it is impossible to see its original appearance.

   Jiang Lingzhu made a silent gesture towards Lin Yu, telling him to remain silent and not speak.

   Then she quietly lifted her foot and walked forward, and Lin Yu gently followed.

   The two walked only four or five steps, and suddenly there was a heavy and rapid footsteps coming from a distance.

   The voice changes rapidly.

   was able to tell that it was footsteps at first, but it quickly became extremely high in frequency, and it sounded a little harsh. Obviously, the thing went faster and faster, and the speed increased significantly.

"protect yourself."

   Jiang Lingzhu urged Lin Yu and stared at the direction where the sound was coming from.

   After almost a breath, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards the two of them at a very fast speed.

   seems to be a person.


   Jiang Lingzhu reacted swiftly, raising the long sword of Origin Qi that had been condensed a long time ago and slashing at the dark shadow, restraining the opponent\'s momentum.

   But even though Sombra was cut to a halt by her sword, she herself took a few steps back because of the powerful reaction force.

   "This thing may be a mechanism puppet!"

   Cang in the soul gathering disk reminded Lin Yu that it was talking to Lin Yu through the soul gathering disk, and only Lin Yu could hear the voice, and no one else could hear it.

   "Organization puppet!" Lin Yu secretly memorized this term, urging Gang Qi to retreat back ten meters.

   The strength of this mechanism puppet is very powerful, he is far from an opponent, staying beside Jiang Lingzhu will only distract the opponent.

   clang clang clang——

   Jiang Lingzhu raised the Origin Qi sword in his hand and the mechanism puppets fought together.

   Lin Yu only then had time to observe the appearance of the mechanism puppet.

   This mechanism puppet is almost two meters tall and looks very similar to a human, but the body surface is made of some kind of metal, and its face has nothing but a pair of eyes.

   "Why did the mechanism puppet come from?" Lin Yu asked.

   Cang hurriedly replied: "The organ puppets were made by refiners in the ancient times. It is said that the refining is extremely difficult."

   "The refiner?"

   "Well, it\'s a refiner." Cang explained: "This is a special profession in ancient times. Only a few masters with strong formation ability can become a refiner."

   "The treasures like Xuan Lingzhu are refined by the refiner, with a delicate and subtle teleportation array arranged on it, which can be activated as long as the true essence is poured into it."

   Just now, Lin Yu scolded him, so his attitude has become much more honest now. Lin Yu will answer whatever he asks, trying his best to reverse Lin Yu\'s impression of him.

   Lin Yu listened to Cang\'s explanation ~www.novelhall.com~ and asked: "According to your statement, this mechanism puppet is also equipped with a magic circle?"

   "Yes, it depends on those magic circles to act."

   Lin Yu continued to ask: "Where does the energy to spur the magic circle come from?"

"I don\'t know this anymore. It\'s the first time I have seen an institution puppet with my own eyes. I have only heard of such things before, and I don\'t know much about it." Cang explained in detail: "In fact, even in ancient times, an institution puppet It is also extremely rare, and only the top martial arts can have it."

   "Not only the mechanism puppets, but also treasures like Xuan Lingzhu are also very rare, and they are all controlled by the real powerhouse."

   "I understand." Lin Yu stopped asking more, watching the battle between Jiang Lingzhu and the mechanism puppet with all his attention.

   The picture in front of him reminded him involuntarily of the scene of the two zombies battle with He Wen He Wu.

   The situation at the time was almost the same as it is now. The two zombies didn\'t know what they were afraid of.

   This mechanism puppet is the same, relied on its strong defense to launch an attack at Jiang Lingzhu desperately, letting Jiang Lingzhu\'s sword slash on it, making golden sounds.

   It didn\'t take long for Jiang Lingzhu to lose sight of it.

   In fact, Jiang Lingzhu\'s strength should not be worse than this organ puppet. The main reason for this situation now is that the organ puppet\'s offensive is too fierce and fearless.

   "I can\'t go on like this..."