Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 224: Use it all

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Lin Yu grabbed Ji Wuce\'s severed palm.

He grabbed it and glanced upwards. At this time, the two were still fighting, and there was no time to worry about him.

Cang said: "Looking at Ji Wuce\'s behavior, it is estimated that there are some cultivation resources in this spatial ring."

Lin Yu quickly leaned out his mind and checked it in the space ring.

Sure enough, as Cang said, it was filled with essence pill.

In addition to the essence pill, there are also some source stones in a corner.

Lin Yu counted them, and there were twelve in total.

Considering that the source stone is extremely precious, Ji Wuce can already carry twelve source stones with him is considered very extravagant.

"Lin Yu, what are you going to do with so many cultivation resources? Use them all or not move them?"

After Cang asked, he reminded: "The Ji family\'s reinforcements may come at any time. If they find out that you have used these cultivation resources, they will definitely not let you go."

"Of course, it is also possible that Ji Wuce will be defeated immediately, and that Jiang Lingzhu will ask you for this ring."

While listening to Cang\'s words, Lin Yu was rapidly calculating the number of essence pills in the spatial ring.

He quickly got the general result, there are probably more than 20,000 bottles of essence pill in the ring.

Ji Wuce carried so many source stones and essence pills with him, maybe he was going to send them to those cultivating sects.

"I\'ll talk about it if I use it all!"

Lin Yu felt ruthless and decided to use up all these training resources.

No matter how bad the situation is, it will not go bad.

If you don\'t rush to eat up these cultivation resources and increase your strength, sooner or later you will die.

Do you regret it when you are about to die?

Thinking of this, he first took out the twelve source stones and sucked the energy out of them.

【Yuanneng: 16 source stones】

The meta-energy number on the modifier panel has changed, including the original meta-energy, which now has a total of 16 source stone units.


Lin Yu decisively clicked on the + sign behind the Xiantian technique, and then quickly chose the deduction option.

Yuan Neng was deducted ten million in an instant, that is, 10 source stones, and the text of the innate cultivation method changed immediately, followed by the familiar number 0%.

This means that the innate skills can be strengthened again to help oneself elevate the realm.


Lin Yu took the body refining medicine from his space ring as if he didn\'t need money, and took it, skillfully operating it on the modifier panel.

[Each consumption of 200,000 yuan will increase by 1 percentage point, is it?]

Two hundred thousand yuan can be one percentage point, and one million yuan can be five percentage points.

The remaining 6 source stones can help you improve by 30%.

Lin Yu kept clicking on the "Yes" and "Enhance" buttons.

In the blink of an eye, the only vital energy is consumed.

Afterwards, he took out the essence pill from the spatial ring and prepared to continue to strengthen the innate cultivation technique with the help of the essence pill.

"No need to take it, when will you eat so many essence pills?" Cang reminded loudly: "Burning with pure sun flames should be able to directly absorb the acquired essence!"

"Can still do this?!"

Lin Yu tried as Cang said, and as expected, he burned and refined the several bottles of Essence Pill in his hand.

This reminded him of helping those practitioners to treat strange diseases outside Jianyang City.

At that time, as soon as his masculine internal energy touched a practitioner suffering from a strange disease, part of the innate essence in the opponent\'s body would be sucked out and absorbed by him.

"How do you know this can be done?" Lin Yu asked while refining the essence pill.

Cang replied: "You were trapped in the magic circle that I urged at the time. I witnessed your behavior throughout the process. I watched you absorb the innate essence of those practitioners, so I guess you can do this."

"That\'s it, thanks for reminding!"

Had it not been for Cang\'s reminder, he would have forgotten about it.

Lin Yu quickly refined the essence pill, and asked again: "I can **** the innate essence from the body of a strangely ill person, is it related to the secret source power?"

"Yes, it has something to do with secret source power!" Cang affirmed: "From the experience I have summed up from creating weirdness, your body must have been transformed by secret source power."

"I have never seen other people who can cure strange diseases, and I have never seen other people who can cultivate such a huge physical body like you!"

"When you asked you why you could repair your injury before, you refused to answer, so I analyzed the reason by myself."

"My body has been transformed by the secret source force?" Lin Yu took a moment to look up and found that the two were still fighting. Without time to pay attention to him, he asked, "What has happened to my body?"

He used to think that he was so special that he could not only absorb the innate essence of animals, but also the innate essence of people with strange diseases, because he had crossed over from the earth.

Unexpectedly, it was related to the secret source power.

"How can I know exactly what has changed? You have to ask yourself, what adventure have you ever had?" Cang pushed the question back to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was silent.

He didn\'t want to tell this crook his secret.

He came through from the soul of the earth, occupying someone else\'s body to resurrect.

Maybe the original owner\'s body had been transformed by the secret source force before he was possessed. How could this be said clearly?

"Wait, judging from the information provided by the scar man, the original owner must have been sucked by the yang energy and died, and when I possessed it seemed to kill the yang energy on the original owner."

"The origin of the trick is also related to the secret source power, could it be..."

Lin Yu frowned secretly, maybe the special part of his body was related to the death of the original owner.

It\'s a pity that the secret source power is very mysterious, and even Cang doesn\'t know about it, for fear that it will be impossible to figure out the specific reason in a short time.

At this time, Cang suddenly said: "Lin Yu, you are just a little special, but it is not strange that your body has been transformed by secret source power. In fact, all creatures in this world have been transformed by secret source power, and you are not the only one. "

"All creatures have been transformed by the secret source force?" Lin Yu asked strangely.

It was the first time he heard this statement.

Previously, he learned from the materials of the practice sect that the origins of demons and ghosts are all related to secret source power. For example, only animals that have been affected by secret source power can cultivate into monsters.

However, those data didn\'t say that all creatures in the world had been transformed by secret source power.

"There are not many people who know this secret, even the family members don\'t know it." Cang proudly said.

Lin Yu asked: "Then how did you know?"

"I discovered when I used mystery power to transform other creatures into weirdness~www.novelhall.com~ but I don\'t know the principle."

After speaking, Cang reminded: "Lin Yu, have you ever wondered why the exercises in ancient times became impossible to cultivate, and why people can be sucked out of their energy."

When reminded by it, Lin Yu immediately reacted and guessed: "Is it because the body has been transformed by the secret source force that makes it impossible to practice those exercises?"

"That\'s it!" Cang laughed, "So I want to ask you, why can you learn the pure yang power of ancient times?"

"People in the family don\'t know how difficult this is, but I know very well that this is simply impossible!"

"You have to know that if you can do this, you can ignore the influence of the secret source power on your body."

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