Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 221: Ancient Teleportation Array

"This matter is not clear in one or two sentences." Lin Yu directly rejected Cang\'s question.

Cang had no choice but to shut up.

After the two were silent for a while, Lin Yu suddenly remembered something and asked: "Before I asked your family why you are so hungry for power. You said there is a reason, what is the reason?"

Lin Yu is very curious about the reason for the family\'s desire for power.

The aristocratic family has clearly stood at the top of this world. As long as they work together to maintain the stability of the Dawu dynasty, they can continue their power indefinitely.

In the end, because of selfish interests, he turned against each other, and even colluded with the demons and gave up part of the benefits to the demons.

Aren\'t you afraid that in the end the bamboo basket will be emptied and everything you have will be handed over to the Mozu?

Cang smiled and replied, "That\'s because they want to leave this world."

"Leave this world?" Lin Yuqi said, "Go to other fragmented worlds?"

"Of course not, what can I do in other fragmented worlds? Isn\'t it as unstable as this world!"

Cang scorned, and then explained: "This big world has fallen apart due to the changes in the ancient times, and has shattered into countless space fragments."

"These space debris have been floating in the void, and they may collide with each other at any time."

"If the fragmented world we are in collides with other space debris, then our world will be annihilated in the void, and all the lives that exist here will have to die."

After Cang explained, he said, "What the aristocratic family wants to go to is the great world that is intact."

"In ancient times, different big worlds were connected to each other through a teleportation array, and people inside could communicate with each other."

"The people of the aristocratic family have discovered an ancient teleportation formation in this fragmented world. As long as the teleportation formation can be successfully activated, they should be able to travel to the great world intact."

"But wanting to mobilize that teleportation formation requires a very powerful force, at least the strength of a true warrior."

"The eight major families have sat down to discuss this matter countless times, and the final proposal is to unite the eight families and provide all the essence pills to one of them to help them improve their strength."

"But the plan was rejected for some reasons."

"One is because every family is vying to nominate their own people to be the lucky ones trained by concentrated resources, and the other is because no one can guarantee that the ancient teleportation array still has a teleportation function."

"If that teleportation array has long lost its teleportation function, wouldn\'t it be a waste of your own practice resources to cultivate talents for other families?"

Lin Yu nodded secretly after listening. This is indeed an unsolvable problem. No one wants to sacrifice himself to make others better.

In the end, he can only follow the road like Ji Tianyun.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Ji Tianyun is still successful, and it only took a year to expand the site so much.

From the 27 vassal kingdoms to the present 76 vassal kingdoms, nearly half of the vassal kingdoms of the Dawu dynasty are in his pocket.

It seems that his strength is about to usher in a skyrocket, maybe it is really possible to break through the shackles and possess the strength equivalent to a true warrior.

Lin Yu asked after rationalizing his thoughts: "This world may be annihilated at any time, and it really can\'t stay for long, but how can the family ensure that other big worlds are not subject to change? Maybe the situation of other big worlds is not much better than this fragmented world."

Cang was silent, and after a while, he said, "No one can guarantee this, it can only be a gambling on luck."

"Is the accident in the ancient times caused by the secret source force?" Lin Yu continued to ask.

"I don\'t know, but the possibility is quite high." Cang replied.

"Then how much do you know about the secret source power?" Lin Yu guessed: "You can use the secret source force to increase the power of the magic circle. You must know more than the noble family."

Cang smiled bitterly and said: "Then you are wrong. I don\'t know much about the secret source power than the aristocratic family. I don\'t even know why I can borrow the secret source power to a certain extent."

"And the secret source power is not omnipotent in my hands, that is, the power of the lower magic circle is increased."

Lin Yuqi said: "Then how did the weirdness in Jianyang City come from? Didn\'t you make it out?"

"The method of making weird is tried repeatedly by other crooks. They don\'t know the principle. They only know that if you follow that method, you will get that result. I just borrowed the experience they have summed up. Cang explained.

Lin Yu slowly nodded: "Everyone knows nothing about secret source power. It seems that this secret source power is a force far beyond our understanding..."

After listening to Cang\'s explanation, he didn\'t expect much of the other big worlds.

Because since the change in the ancient times may be caused by the secret source power, then it must be that other big worlds will not be much better.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu deeply felt his insignificance.

In the ancient times, those powerful human monks did not have the slightest resistance to the secret source power, and allowed the world to be destroyed. It can be seen that even if they reach the apex of the martial arts, they still have no way to fight the secret source power.

His own strength is still too weak, and it can\'t be compared with the real high-level strength.

"I don\'t know if we can merge the techniques of pure Yang Zhen Gong with each other, and whether they can fuse a technique that is sufficient to counter the secret source power..."

Lin Yu had no other way, the only thing he could use was the martial arts modifier.

He felt that since he could restore high-level kungfu through the integration of low-level martial arts, he must also continue to integrate high-level kungfu and turn it into a higher level of martial arts.

"There is no other way, only a modifier can help me solve the problem."

Lin Yu said firmly in his heart.

"But I don\'t need to think so far now. I\'ll solve the difficulties in front of me first. If you can\'t even deal with a younger brother like Ji Wuce, how can I fight the secret source force?"

At this time, Xia Honglie on the side pointed in a direction and said to Lin Yu: "Junior Brother, look at it, Master Wushu has already arrived."

Lin Yu followed his direction and looked into the distance. As expected, a black spot was rapidly expanding in the distance.

After just a breath, I came to everyone~www.novelhall.com~ It was Ji Wuce that was right.

"I have seen Master Wutest!"

Xia Honglie immediately saluted Ji Wuce with a smile on his face.

"No need to be polite." Ji Wuce said casually, and then looked at Lin Yu and said, "Listen to Xia Honglie, have you recovered the true pure power of ancient times?"

His trip was specifically for Chunyang Zhengong, and he had no interest in other things.

In fact, in his eyes, the Chiyang Sect now is just a chicken rib.

If it hadn\'t been for Lin Yu to restore the Pure Yang True Power, it is estimated that he would never come to the Chiyang Sect again in his life.

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