Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 204: destroy

After about a stick of incense, Lin Yu rushed to the capital of Zhou Guoguo.

   There is peace in the capital of the country.

   There are people coming and going on the street, screams are endless, and the laughter of pedestrians can be heard from time to time.

   No one knew that he was about to fall into the hands of the demons.

   Looking at this situation, Lin Yu sighed slightly, and then released his physical power to become a giant more than six meters tall.


  He fell from the sky, like a shooting star, on the widest street.

  In an instant, the whole street was quiet.

   All the pedestrians showed fear and shock on their faces and looked at him in a daze.

   "What is this...?"

   "Youkai, it\'s a monster!"

   "Run, everyone, run!"

   Soon, the pedestrian\'s survival instinct was stimulated and fled in all directions.

  Lin Yu saw that everyone was already far away, so he smashed the roof of a tall building next to him with a fist.

   Then he kicked the outside wall again and knocked down the whole wall.

   He sabotaged the past along this street and made a mess of the place.

   woo, woo!

   The horn in the city blew, and the guards quickly gathered here.

   However, when they saw the image of Lin Yu, they all stopped involuntarily in fright. Standing there is neither a retreat nor a retreat.

   They all knew in their hearts that such a terrifying monster was definitely not their ability, and they rushed up blindly just to find death.

   Lin Yu ignored them and rushed to another street after destroying one street.

  The people who live here are wealthy business officials in the capital, even if the houses are destroyed, it will not have much effect. Some of these people are money for reconstruction.

   boom boom boom——

   Lin Yu was sabotaging all the way, and soon the whole country was in commotion.

   The news spread tens of thousands of times, and almost all the people knew that there was a monster invading the country.


   At this time, two Immaculate Practitioners who were responsible for secretly guarding the capital of the country arrived quickly.

   Like those officers and soldiers, they were shocked when they saw Lin Yu\'s image.

   They know Lin Yu\'s strength better than the officers and soldiers, knowing that this weirdness is not something they can afford, so they turned around and ran, sending messages to their own sect leaders as they ran.

   Lin Yu watched them leave, knowing that his plan had taken effect in his heart, so he flew into the sky and flew in the direction of Qian Wuzong.

   Of course, he did not really go to Qianwu Zong, but after leaving the capital, he changed back to his original appearance and put on his original clothes and returned.

   In the soul gathering disk, the deceit had already understood Lin Yu\'s thoughts.

   "That\'s it! You pretend to be weird and you are doing damage in the country. Then you can tell Ji Wuce that you are afraid of the weird and hurt your family and come back to save people!"

   It is right, this is exactly what Lin Yu made.

   He had given a pass token to his father, Lin Chengye, and told him that he could contact him through the pass token in a dangerous situation.

   So when Ji Wuce asked, he could tell Ji Wuce that his father contacted him, and he came to the rescue.

   In fact, his father did contact him just now through a token.

   After understanding Lin Yu\'s intentions, the trickery reminded with a sneer: "I admit that your method can indeed rationalize your behavior of returning to Zhou to save people, but how can you explain the time difference?"

   Lin Yu ignored it and fell outside the city wall by himself.

   "Yuer, you are back!"

  As soon as Lin Yu entered the door, Lin Chengye and Ning Yulan hurriedly greeted them.

   Lin Yu was too late to greet the two, and said directly: "Father, hurry up and gather the family together, I will take you out of the city now."

   "Yu\'er, what\'s the matter?" Lin Chengye and Ning Yulan asked nervously.

   Lin Yu said in a heavy tone: "One or two sentences are unclear. Anyway, as long as you know, the country has become a dangerous place this week. Staying here will cause your life at any time."

   "Okay, Yuer, everything is up to you!" The two asked no more.

   For the Lin family at this time, Lin Yu is the sky, and Lin Chengye and Ning Yulan naturally would not question anything Lin Yu said.

   "That\'s right." Lin Yu added: "Don\'t bring all your belongings at home, at most you can bring gold and silver tickets. Also, the servants and guards will stay here, and only take away our Lin family."

   Lin Chengye saw Lin Yu\'s urgent and serious expression, did not dare to neglect in his heart, and immediately acted according to what he said.

   "Mother, take Wan\'er with you." Lin Yu said to Ning Yulan.


   Ning Yulan nodded, turned around to pack her things.

   Lin Yu was not idle, went straight to the largest dungeon in the capital, and removed all the iron doors of the cell and moved back to Lin Mansion.

   Then, he used pure sun flames to burn these iron grille doors, welded them into a huge iron cage, and dismantled the six large carriage cars and put them in the iron cage.

   After doing all this, Lin Chengye and Ning Yulan have also gathered them all together.

   "Hurry in!"

   Lin Yu said to everyone.

   Lin Chengye immediately urged: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

   Soon, all the men and women present squeezed into the six-carriage car.

   The servants and guards in the house were unknown, so they stood in the distance and watched the actions of the Lin family blankly.

   Lin Yu glanced at them and shook his head helplessly.

   then decisively flew to the top of the iron cage and lifted the entire iron cage.

   He didn\'t dare to fly too high at first, and after a trial to make sure that the iron cage was extremely strong, he speeded up and flew out of the city.

   The people who stayed in the Lin Mansion rushed away when they saw this, and rushed to grab the property of the Lin Mansion.

   Lin Yu flew all the way. After flying towards Chiyangzong for about half an hour, he ran into Xia Honglie who had come to meet him.

   "Junior, what is going on?"

   Xia Honglie asked immediately when he saw Lin Yu.

   When Lin Yu first contacted him, he didn\'t explain what happened to Zhou Guo, but asked him to rush over~www.novelhall.com~ Brother, now there is no time to explain, I will explain to you carefully when the matter is over. "


   Xia Honglie did not ask much, and immediately nodded in agreement.

   Then, the two fell to the ground together.

   After Lin Yu put the iron cage firmly on the ground, he said to Xia Honglie: "Brother, my family will be handed over to you, you take them back to the Chiyang Sect to settle them, and I still have an urgent task to do."

   Xia Honglie nodded his head: "You can rest assured, I will bring them back to Chiyang Sect safely."

   "Brother Youlao!"

   Lin Yu clasped his fists, and after taking a look at the iron cage, he flew up into the sky and rushed to Qianwuzong.

   The trick was right, the time difference between before and after this incident is a big problem.

   He first left Nangong Yi and the others to return to the capital, and then pretended to be weird to make trouble in the capital, and the order was completely reversed.

   So once Ji Wuce strictly investigates, he can\'t give a reasonable explanation at all.

   But this does not mean that he will sit back and die.

  He was going to make things bigger and make it a sensation, so that Ji Wuxi had no time to care about this little thing about Zhou Guoguo.


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