Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 202: Eradicate "traitors"

Ji fell unpredictably in front of Nangong Yi and other practitioners.

   "Get up." Ji Wuce said to Nangong Yi and other members of the Tianyuan Sect.

   After everyone thanked them, they stood up from the ground.

   Many people are secretly moving their muscles and bones, urging Yuan Qi to relieve fatigue.

   Even as a cultivator, it’s not a good thing to kneel for so long, after all, their bodies are just mortals.

   "Sir Wutest, those disciples in my door..."

   Nangong Yi asked cautiously.

   Although it was his negligence of duty that caused Tian Yuanzong to fall, it made him shameless to face the descendants of the family.

   But compared to the safety of the doorman, he felt that his face was nothing.

   He was eager to know what happened to the disciples in the door, after all, he grew up watching a lot of those disciples.

   Ji said carelessly: "Now is not the time to care about these, there are more important things waiting for you to do."

   Like Ji Tianyun, he doesn\'t care about the life and death of those people.

   In his eyes, these practitioners are just a group of cattle and sheep raised in their homes. Now that they are eaten by others due to special circumstances, what is a big deal?

   "Yes!" Nangong Yi did not dare to judge Niji Wushu, obediently agreed.

   These practitioners do not have the qualifications to resist. For one thing, their strength is far inferior to the children of the aristocratic family. Secondly, they can cultivate all the way to this day, relying on the aristocratic family to provide the essence pill and source stone.

   In fact, don\'t say that they are not qualified to resist, they don\'t even have the idea of ​​resisting.

   only thinks about how to behave better in front of the family and win the favor and appreciation of the other side.

   After Nangong Yi agreed, he brought Ye Qiuling and others and other sect practitioners who came to help stand together, and waited for Ji Wuce to speak.

   "Everyone, compared to the invasion of the demons, eradicating the traitors from the human race is a more important matter."

   Ji Wu Su didn\'t care what these people thought, and she found a reason at will: "Now the ancestors have found out that the Jiang family in the north of us is a traitor from the human race..."

   In a few words, he identified the Jiang family as a traitor to the human race and said that he was going to wipe out the other party now.

   Ask the people of the sect to follow him to deal with the practitioners under the Jiang family.

   As for the children of the Jiang family who have inherited blood, the ancestors are responsible for dealing with them.

  After listening, all the practitioners showed puzzled expressions.

   They couldn\'t understand why the Jiang family suddenly became a traitor to the human race. It was obvious that the Jiang family was also one of the eight great families.

   Although there seems to be some contradictions between the families, it shouldn\'t betray the human race, right?

   Ji Wu Su ignored the thoughts in their hearts, and after finishing speaking, they directly arranged the task and said: "The Demon Sect is responsible for dealing with the Jiang Family\'s Seven Star Sect..."

   He is very aware of the strength of the major sects of the Jiang family, so this arrangement is very targeted, just enough to allow his own sect to suppress the other side\'s sect.

After the arrangement, Ji Wuxi exhorted again: "It is the children of the Jiang family who give birth to alienation. The practitioners under their family are innocent. So you should pay attention when you shoot, try not to kill each other, and try to surrender the other party. ."

   "Contact me in time if you encounter any problems, the ancestor arranged for me to help you deal with the spiritual sect under Jiang\'s family."

   Everyone nodded and said yes.

   "Go now." After Ji Wussay finished speaking, he flew into the sky.

  The practitioners of the various sects did not dare to neglect, they figured out the direction of the sect they wanted to deal with, one after another, they rose from the ground, thrust into the sky like arrows, and turned into small dots in the sky in a blink of an eye.

   Lin Yu was arranged to accompany the people of Tianyuanzong to deal with Slaughter Demon Sect.

  Because the Tianyuanzong suffered heavy losses, not many people escaped, and the strength was not enough.

   During the flight, Ye Qiuling approached Nangong Yi and said, "Master, do you think it is possible for Xiao Nan and the others to survive?"

   "There is little hope." Nangong Yi replied lonely.

   He is not stupid, and he has guessed that Xiao Nan and others must be ill-advised from Ji Wu-ce\'s attitude.

   Otherwise, according to Ji Wuce\'s character, he would not say such things when he was not concerned about them.

   Ye Qiuling sighed rather regretfully: "Hey, maybe it was right to retreat earlier."

   The family warned them that the Demon Race is the enemy of the Human Race, and they must not be soft when they encounter the Demon Race, so they will think about fighting to the death, until the situation is completely irreversible before choosing to retreat.

   They treat every word of the family as a god, and they dare not violate it in the slightest.

   On the other side, the trick in the black disk said triumphantly to Lin Yu: "Boy, do you know what happened to the people of Tianyuanzong?"

   Lin Yu ignored it.

"They were all eaten by those ancient demons!" The tricks spared no effort to hit Lin Yu and said, "Ji Tianyun gave them to the demons to eat in order to reach a deal with the Gula, hahaha, this is the status of you people in the eyes of the aristocracy. "

   "You think you are humans, but in the eyes of the family, you are just a pig or a sheep, no difference from domestic animals."

   "Well, your status is higher than that of pigs, cattle, and sheep. You are dogs. Dogs who watch the nursing home protect cattle and sheep."

   It felt that these words would definitely hit Lin Yu.

  Because it knows that all practitioners treat the family as gods, and all of them are proud of the recognition and appreciation of the family, and they are extremely loyal to their masters like a dog.

   Just like that Ye Qiuling, at that time, in order to win Ji Wuce\'s praise, he guarded a group of low-level practitioners in Huju City and couldn\'t get out, so he gave it a chance to gather an army of weird zombies.

   Based on this, it believes that when Lin Yu knows his position in the eyes of the family, he will definitely fall into confusion and pain.

   All of its plans were destroyed in Lin Yu\'s hands, and now he was trapped and unable to practice. In this situation, Lin Yu could only get some comfort if he caused Lin Yu to suffer.

   It is a pity that Lin Yu didn\'t have any doubts about his identity as he expected.

   "Boy, you are just a dog in the eyes of the aristocratic family. Didn\'t you hear it?" The trick deliberately angered Lin Yu and said, "Are you addicted to being a dog and don\'t know how to resist?"

   It can\'t wait for Lin Yu to immediately fall out with the family and be killed by the family on the spot.

  In this way, the soul gathering disk will leave Lin Yu, and the accumulated soul energy will definitely not be sucked away by Lin Yu~www.novelhall.com~ It can hide in it and slowly cultivate and recover its strength.

   "Use less irritating methods to irritate me." Lin Yu replied calmly.


  Impossible resistance is nothing but incompetent rage.

   Of course he knew that the family only used them as tools, as cats catching mice, and dogs as guardians.

   This point had already been guessed as early as when he had finished killing two zombies and was called out by Ji Wuce to give him a lesson.

  In the eyes of the family, these people can be sacrificed at any time.

   They value their lives only because they have a certain value. It is the same as the fact that farmers will vaccinate their livestock.

   But if you want to reverse this situation, you have to have enough strength. What is the use of having no strength and having a blood?

   is not a peasant uprising in a previous life. Everyone is mortal and has similar combat power. Naturally, it can be countered if you say it, so you don’t have to worry about it.

   In the current situation, even if all the practitioners of the Dawu dynasty are gathered together, it can\'t beat Ji Wuce alone. How can it be reversed?

   Use love to influence each other?

  The trick continued to irritate Lin Yu and said, "You are extremely loyal like a dog, but it is a pity that the family will not care about your dog\'s life."


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