Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 200: Cooperation (Part 1)

After    Ji Wusi listened to Nangong Yi\'s words, he didn\'t say to let him get up, and didn\'t say that he knew it.

   didn\'t say anything, just stood there quietly looking at the distant Tian Yuanzong, not knowing what was thinking.

   Everyone didn\'t ask too much, because everyone knew that this time things were very abnormal.

   The invasion of the demons is not once or twice, but it has never happened before that the Tianyuanzong was taken down and most of the disciples of the Tianyuanzong were taken hostage.

   Normally, the demons always run away after grabbing them. After all, the human race is the main body in this mainland.

   Now that you occupy the mountain as the king, are you waiting to be surrounded and wiped out?

   Still, the demons like the Gula are so bold that they are not afraid of heaven and earth?

   "Boy, the good show will appear soon, and the storage will refresh your understanding of the world."

   The deceit in the black disc said to Lin Yu, with complacency and joking in his tone.

   As soon as his voice fell, Ji Wuce, who had remained silent, suddenly said: "You are waiting here, I will go back first."

   After speaking, Ji Wuce disappeared instantly.


   Tian Yuanzong.

   Tianyuan Hall.

   There is no one in this hall, only a group of demons.

   Gula sits on the throne of the suzerain, and five ancient demons including Gucha stand on the left and right. The demons commander and the demonic commander below are lined up on both sides in order, standing straight.

   After Gula confessed some things, he ordered the Demon Commander and the Demon Commander to act quickly, but Gucha and other five ancient demons were left by it.

"Xie Hong and Yu Tianhe thought they were using me, but in fact I was using them." Gula said to the five ancient demons: "Once this event succeeds, our line will be completely in this world. Stand firm."

   "Master Gula is wise!"

   The five ancient demons all flattered.

Gula disdainfully said: "Greed, greed, this is the nature of the human race. It is ridiculous that they tend to ignore this point deliberately, and blame everything on the demon to deceive people. Hmph, if they really are like they think they are. How can you be deceived if your will is like iron?"

   "Master Gula, will the Ji family really behave as we thought?" an ancient demon asked.

   "Don\'t doubt this. With Ji Tianyun\'s personality, he will never make a second choice." Gula Zhizhu is holding: "Ji Tianyun is a wise man and knows what choice is best for him."

   Before knowing what Ji Tianyun was plotting, Gula really couldn\'t guarantee that Ji Tianyun would act according to his own imagination.

   However, since the trickster learned the plan of the whole thing from its mouth, it has deeply realized how greedy Ji Tianyun is.

   Such a greedy person will never have the meaning of the word in his heart, and some are just benefits.

   In order to maximize the benefits, this person will do everything.

   Thinking of this, Gula felt quite proud.

   It didn\'t tell Xi Hong and Yu Tianhe about the Ji family\'s conspiracy, so the two did not deeply realize just what kind of person Ji Tianyun was.

   If they figure out the true face of Ji Tianyun, they will definitely not choose to cooperate with it like they do now.

   In other words, Xi Hong and Yu Tianhe were deceived by it and became tools used by it.


   Ji\'s house.

   Inside a large hall.

   Ji Tianyun sits in the middle of the hall as usual.

   At this time, a figure hurriedly walked into the hall, and soon came not far in front of Ji Tianyun.


   Ji Wuxi bowed her head in salute.

   "It\'s Tian Yuanzong\'s business?" Ji Tianyun asked lightly.

   "Exactly!" Ji Wuce quickly described the situation of Tian Yuanzong.

   Ji Tianyun was silent after listening.

   This time the behavior of the Demon Race is a bit weird. He needs to get his mind clear and figure out the other party\'s intentions.

   A moment later, Ji Tianyun spoke out to Ji Wutest: "Go and call everyone in the family."


   Ji Wusui immediately turned and left the hall.

   He knows who Ji Tianyun is talking about in his family, he refers to those who have inherited blood in the family.

   Those who have no blood, even with the surname Ji, are not considered family members.

   As for those practitioners in the Pill Formation Realm who were absorbed from the practice sect, they were not considered family members, they were regarded as domestic slaves.

Not long after    Ji Wusui left, she rushed to the hall with nine people.

   These nine people all have inherited blood, five are older than Ji Wuce, and four are younger than Ji Wuce.


   After everyone came to Ji Tianyun, they bowed their heads and saluted.

   Ji Tianyun nodded and said straightforwardly: "I call you over because there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity before us. As long as we plan well, it will be enough to double the sphere of influence."

   Everyone smiled upon hearing this.

   The sphere of influence in the mouth of the ancestor refers to the vassal state owned by his family.

   Doubling the number of princes is equivalent to doubling the number of mortals possessed, which means that the essence absorbed from now on will double.

   This is a real benefit, and then the strength of people like myself will increase much faster than before.

   "No test, first tell you about the situation of Tian Yuanzong."


   Ji Wushou once again told what happened to Tian Yuanzong.

   Everyone was puzzled after listening, and wondered why the invasion of the demons would help expand their sphere of influence.

   "It seems that everyone has questions." Ji Tianyun said calmly: "Then I will give you an analysis, why the invasion of the demons would be a good thing for us."

   These ten people are all the mainstays of their own family, and Ji Tianyun naturally wouldn\'t let them be kept in the dark.

   "The Gulana demon clan can invade Tianyuanzong without our knowledge, it must be because the Xi family and the Yuan family are backing them."

   "These two families want to use the demons to mess up our Ji family\'s territory and weaken our strength. There should be no doubt about this."

   Ji Wusi and others nodded together.

  姞’s family and 妘’s family have completely torn their faces with their own family, they are immortal enemies.

   First, there was the issue of Guangnan City, and then there was the threat of the genius in the war. Now it is normal to collude with the demons to commit crimes, and it is completely understandable.

   "But Gula wants more things than they thought. It is by no means as simple as eating a few people to absorb some energy."

   "Now that they occupy the Tian Yuanzong and don\'t leave~www.novelhall.com~, the disciples they have caught will not be killed or eaten. In fact, they are sending a very clear signal."

   Ji Tianyun paused when he said this, and said in a more serious tone: "They want to occupy a piece of land."

   "But they are not prepared to take over, but want to exchange interests with us, let us take out a few vassal states to negotiate a deal with them."

   Benefit exchange?

   Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

   Ji Wuze asked: "Old ancestor, what do you mean is that the Mozu is willing to unite with us to deal with the Xi\'s family and the Yan\'s family?"

   "No." Ji Tianyun shook his head.

   "Ancestor, what does that mean? What is the calculation of the demons?" Everyone asked in doubt.

   Ji Tianyun glanced at the ten people, and said earnestly: "Remember, you must learn to think rationally in everything you do, rather than being driven by emotions."

   "I know that you all hate the 姞\'s family and the 妘\'s family very much now, but now these two are monolithic, even if we and the Gula demon clan cooperate closely, we may not be able to get benefits from them."

   "So the Mozu will not be so stupid as to unite us to deal with Yu\'s and Yu\'s family, and I am not going to trouble Xi Hong and Yu Tianhe at this time."


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