Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1445: bet 1

Varuk thought of Tai Yi who was searching for Xiao Ning on the ground.

He didn\'t know who Tai Yi was, but he had seen him in Cath City before.

But judging from the behavior of Tai Yi and Xiao Ning, there seems to be enmity between the two, so if Tai Yi and Xiao Ning are told that they are here, perhaps the immediate crisis can be alleviated.

"This is the only way! This is the only way!"

Varuk, who was drenched in sweat, quickly made up his mind.

It has to be said that doing so is extremely risky.

Because Varuk didn\'t know if Taiyi would deal with him or Xiao Ning first after he really brought Taiyi here.

It would be a big loss if the two of them team up to deal with him first, and then settle their grievances.

Therefore, this is a big gamble, and the bet is his wealth and life.

However, Varuk had no choice now, he had to take a gamble.

After all, if he doesn\'t gamble, his ending is doomed.

And if you take a big gamble in case you win, then this crisis can be resolved.

At least it\'s okay to save my life.

outside the door.

Xiao Ning was still urging Zhenyuan to push the door with all his strength, shouting to Varuk while pushing the door.

What he didn\'t know was that at this time, Varuk was contacting Taiyi through the equipment arranged on the ground.

on the ground.

"Hey, the one over there, the one flying in the sky, the person you are looking for is underground, right under my location."

Tai Yi was flying, and suddenly heard shouts from the ground.

The oriental language spoken by this voice was very bad, and he listened carefully for a while before he understood it.

"What is calling?"

Tai Yi moved, approaching the source of the sound at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, he fell to the ground and stood beside a large rock.

The sound came from the stone, and it was obvious that this was no ordinary stone.

"Who are you? How do you know I\'m looking for someone?"

Tai asked in a deep voice.

The voice in the stone replied: "The person you are looking for is right under this stone and deep in the ground. This person is making trouble for me now and wants to kill me."

Varuk didn\'t play tricks with Taiyi, and explained the situation directly.

He made it clear that he was threatened by Xiao Ning and his life was in danger.

In this way, it will be easier to dispel the doubts in Taiyi\'s heart.

Otherwise, Taiyi would definitely not believe what he said.

"What does the person who wants to kill you look like and what\'s his name?"

Taiyi asked calmly.

Naturally, he would not believe what the voice said.

The voice in the stone quickly replied: "I don\'t know what his name is. Anyway, he is an oriental immortal cultivator. He seems to come to my place because you came here."

"Oh?" Tai Yi nodded secretly, "Then Xiao Ning is probably right."

Tai Yi already believed half of it in his heart.

At least from the description of the voice, that person is likely to be Xiao Ning.

However, he did not fully trust the other party.

What if this is Xiao Ning\'s idea of ​​smacking east and west, deliberately leading him elsewhere?

For example, Xiao Ning took the opportunity to escape from this place while he was exploring deep underground.

"How can I trust you?"

Tai asked.

The voice in the stone replied: "I don\'t know how to convince you, but this person is at my place now."

Hearing this, Taiyi fell into deep thought.

Now there are only two choices before him, either to go underground to investigate, or to ignore the voice and continue to search for Xiao Ning\'s whereabouts according to his own thinking.

If you choose the former, you may fall into Xiao Ning\'s trap and end up making a futile trip.

As for the latter...

In fact, the latter is not a good choice, even worse than the previous option.

Because he has searched this area carefully, but he didn\'t see Xiao Ning\'s whereabouts at all.

In other words, there is a high probability that Xiao Ning is not in this area, at least not on the ground.

The only option left to him is actually to search underground.

Therefore, if you want to go underground, it is the same to go directly under the stone according to the voice.

"Forget it, I can only gamble."

Tai made a decision quickly.

Immediately afterwards, he blasted away the soil on the ground without saying a word, and drilled all the way deep into the ground.

When Varuk saw this scene, he felt as if he was grasping at straws and was overjoyed.

"Hold on! As long as you hold on for a while, there is hope for a turning point!"

Varuk yelled in his heart.

Xiao Ning outside the door is trying his best to push the door, and he is also trying his best to stop Xiao Ning.

But because Xiao Ning was stronger than him, the door was still slowly rolling to one side.

After a while, the door will open.

As for how long it will take, it all depends on the game between him and Xiao Ning.

Originally, Varuk, who was in despair, didn\'t have much strength to support him.

But now seeing the hope of liberation, he instantly has the motivation to persevere.

At this moment, he has already used all the strength in his body, risking serious injury to fight against Xiao Ning with all his strength.

There is only one belief in his heart, and that is to persevere until Taiyi comes here.

Outside the door, Xiao Ning felt rather strange.

This Varuk obviously didn\'t have much strength just now, why is he so able to carry it all of a sudden now?

What kind of potion is this?

Xiao Ning couldn\'t find the answer, so he could only push the door open with all his strength.

Right above the underground labyrinth.

Tai Yi quickly drilled deep into the ground, while advancing, he observed the surrounding situation with full vigilance.

At this time, he was unwilling to let go of his vigilance, what if the words just now were really a trap set by Xiao Ning?

If that\'s the case, then it\'s possible that Xiao Ning suddenly plotted against him while he was walking.

Xiao Ning can definitely do this kind of thing, it is even his specialty.

"But that\'s unlikely."

Taiyi thought secretly.

While thinking, he suddenly came to a spacious and bright underground space.

"is it here?"

This is the place Xiao Ning discovered halfway before, and now Tai Yi has also come here.

In this underground cave, glowing heat sources can be seen everywhere on the walls, illuminating the surroundings brilliantly.

Taichi didn\'t know if this was the place mentioned by the voice in the stone just now, so he stopped here.

"There\'s no one here, it shouldn\'t be here."

Tai quickly inspected the place.

"However, could this really be Xiao Ning\'s trick?"

Taiyi rubbed his chin, feeling very uncertain.

He came here as the voice said, but when he arrived, there was nothing.

In this situation, no matter who it is, everyone will be suspicious.

It\'s normal for Taiyi to be suspicious now.

"Go down for a while and have a look."

After thinking about it quickly, Taiyi decided to look further down.

The reason why he made such a decision was because this underground cave was definitely not formed naturally, and the light sources on the walls were also arranged artificially.

This shows that the depths of the ground in this area are indeed abnormal.

It was precisely because of these thoughts that he decided to look further down.

Maybe something will be discovered.

Without thinking too much, Tai quickly drilled down, all the way towards Varuk\'s secret hiding place.

At the same time, the confrontation between Xiao Ning and Varuk has reached a fever pitch.

It became more and more difficult for Varuk to hold on, and he insisted on it with all his strength.

At this moment, his skin had already cracked, and blood was constantly oozing out of it. If this continued, he would die violently on the spot without waiting for Xiao Ning to kill him.

Xiao Ning outside the door also noticed this.

"Hahaha, Varuk, stop struggling, it\'s useless to continue struggling, your time of death has come."

Xiao Ning\'s voice pierced through the door, like a heavy hammer hitting Varuk\'s heart.

Varuk couldn\'t make any response, because he had already exhausted all his strength just to fight against Xiao Ning.

Seeing that Varuk didn\'t speak, Xiao Ning felt even more proud.

He knew that he must be the ultimate winner of this confrontation, and soon Varuk would kneel before him and beg for mercy.

cheep cheep—

The thick round gate rolled at an extremely slow speed, gradually rolling to one side.

As the confrontation continued, a crescent-shaped crack appeared in the gate.

Through the crack in the door, Xiao Ning could see the passage on the other side of the door.

This made him more confident and continued to push the door with all his strength.

But at this time, Tai Yi has come to the top of the underground labyrinth, getting closer and closer to the destination.

To be honest, Taiyi retreated several times along the way.

Because he found that there was no gain in drilling all the way down, and he wondered if he was really caught.

But because he had drilled too deeply, even returning to the ground immediately would have given Xiao Ning enough time to escape, so Tai Yi didn\'t really turn around.

"Hopefully it\'s not a hoax."

Taiyi thought to himself.

And just as he was thinking this way, he suddenly blasted a hole with his palm, and there was light in the hole.

"Huh? There\'s a light ahead, it looks like it\'s an open space."

Tai Yi hurriedly continued to drill down, and soon broke through the hole and came to a square room.

Looking around quickly, Tai Yi nodded secretly, "This place looks like a place where people live."

There are various furnishings in this room, and it looks like a place for people to live in.

So Taiyi thought in his heart, it seems that he has found a place.

"However, where is Xiao Ning?"

Tai Yi hurriedly searched around to find Xiao Ning\'s whereabouts.

He glanced quickly, and the first thing he saw were two passages leading to nowhere.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Xiao Ning\'s voice.

Xiao Ning said loudly from a distance: "Varuk, you are dead."

"It\'s Xiao Ning\'s voice!" Tai was overjoyed, "Who is Varuk?"

"It doesn\'t matter, it might be the person who called me down, I\'ll find Xiao Ning first."

He could never hear Xiao Ning\'s voice wrong, and with his keen sense of hearing, he even recognized Xiao Ning\'s location in an instant.

Then he moved and flew directly into the passage on the east side.

Xiao Ning\'s voice came from the northeast direction, so it is definitely right to enter the passage on the east side.

Tai Yi ran wildly all the way, reaching out his divine sense while running to search for Xiao Ning\'s specific whereabouts.

And when he quickly approached Xiao Ning, Varuk heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Come on, this guy is finally here!"

Varuk saw Taiyi coming to his hiding place, and also knew that Taiyi was coming here at high speed.

So, it\'s time to witness the ending.

After Tai Yi finds Xiao Ning, will he join forces to deal with him first, or directly fight Xiao Ning.

If it\'s the latter, then here\'s his chance.

And if it\'s the former...

"If it\'s the former, I\'m just going to die. In the current situation, I wouldn\'t be able to live."

Varuk narrowed his eyes slightly.

And at the moment when he relaxed, the round door was suddenly pushed and rolled by more than ten centimeters by Xiao Ning.

The gap of more than ten centimeters is enough for Xiao Ning to pass through.

"not good!"

Varuk exclaimed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, after holding back for so long, Xiao Ning managed to open the door before Tai Yi arrived.

Now he\'s really in trouble.

"Hahaha, Varuk, I told you a long time ago that you don\'t want to live today."

While passing through the gate, Xiao Ning said: "Now tell me all the secrets you know honestly, then maybe I can give you a quicker death, otherwise, hum!"

Varuk quickly backed away with a frightened expression on his face.

In the confrontation with Xiao Ning just now, his whole body\'s skin was torn, and his muscles and viscera were also damaged to varying degrees.

In addition, the injury from last time has not healed yet, so now he is not Xiao Ning\'s opponent at all.

It can be said that the current him has no power to resist in front of Xiao Ning, and can only be slaughtered by Xiao Ning.

"Now you know you\'re afraid?"

Xiao Ning quickly approached Varuk, and said proudly while walking.

Varuk was very anxious, and after thinking quickly, he said: "Your enemy has been found, I advise you to run quickly."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Xiao Ning suddenly withdrew his smile.

He didn\'t know who the enemy Varuk mentioned now was, but he knew that Tai Yi had been looking for him on the ground.

It was precisely because he was hunted down by Xiao Ning that he came here all the way. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Don\'t try to lie to me, today is your death day!"

Xiao Ning shouted violently.

"It\'s true, if you don\'t believe me, listen to yourself, he is on his way here."

Varuk backed away frantically, shouting loudly.

Xiao Ning turned his head and listened carefully to the voices outside.

As a result, after hearing this, he really heard a faint sound of footsteps.

The sound of footsteps was silent, indicating that the other party was still some distance away from him.

But the problem is, it\'s getting louder and clearer.

This shows that the other party is indeed coming for him.

"I called him down, I know, he and you are mortal enemies."

As if to convince Xiao Ning, Varuk took the initiative to explain.

Hearing this, Xiao Ning was furious.

At this moment, he wished he could kill Varuk on the spot, but he couldn\'t bear the secrets that Varuk knew.

And the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and it was estimated that the person would arrive here in a dozen seconds.

"I am here, and the person you are looking for is also here!"

Taking advantage of Xiao Ning\'s hesitation, Varuk bypassed Xiao Ning and ran towards the gate, shouting loudly while running.

"Die to me!"

Xiao Ning was angry from the heart, turned around and caught up with Varuk, and slammed at Varuk with his palm.

This one, he can\'t control so much anymore, he just wants to kill Varuk quickly to vent his hatred.