Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1087: balance strength

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The giant golden eagle flew towards Jianmu at full speed.

While flying, he sensed the surrounding situation, and told Lin Yu everything he sensed truthfully.

Of course, Lin Yu himself was suspended above the giant golden eagle\'s head at this time, observing the surroundings along the way.

Flying like this, the giant golden eagle suddenly transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "Lin Yu, there is a situation! Many giant beasts are gathering here!"

"How many are there in total?" Lin Yu asked hurriedly.

"Six in total."

"Six heads?"

Lin Yu\'s thoughts turned and analyzed the current situation.

San Yijia definitely couldn\'t just send these giant land-travelling beasts to chase and block them, it would be meaningless to do that.

Therefore, it is certain that San Yijia himself must have come over with a giant bat.

It\'s just that San Yijia\'s ability to hide is superb, and the giant golden eagle can\'t sense him.

"In that case, the giant tortoise should be fine."

Lin Yu was secretly relieved.

What San Yijia is doing now is enough to show that San Yijia did not catch the giant tortoise, otherwise, he should have used the giant tortoise as a threat first.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu decisively transmitted his voice to the giant golden eagle and said, "Turn around now and fly to the southeast."

The southeast direction is the entrance to the original land that was discovered last time, and Lin Yu decided to go there to find the help of the seven giant beasts he rescued last time.

After those giant beasts regained their freedom, they have been concentrating on practicing meditation, and they must now have extremely high attainments.

"If the giant tortoise managed to escape, it would definitely go there too."

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

For the giant tortoise, the best choice is to join up with the seven giant beasts and join forces to fight the enemy.

So if nothing else, you should be able to find giant tortoises there.

The giant golden eagle quickly turned around in the fog, then flapped its wings and flew to the southeast.

Lin Yu continued to hover above the giant golden eagle\'s head.

At this moment, San Yijia\'s voice suddenly appeared in his ear.

"Lin Yu, I didn\'t expect you to hide so deeply, to be against me in secret for so long."

San Yijia said bitterly.

After careful recall, San Yijia deduced that the giant he encountered in the Homecoming Tower should be Lin Yu.

It was at that time that Lin Yu got the original fruit.

From this, it can be inferred that the meteorite who killed his subordinates at that time was also Lin Yu.

"Lin Yu, don\'t worry, as long as you are still in this abyss, don\'t try to escape from my hand."

San Yijia gritted her teeth and threatened.

Lin Yu didn\'t reply, but he knew in his heart that San Yijia\'s words were not just cruel words, but had absolute confidence.

With San Yijia\'s strength and the power he stole from Jianmu, he does have a way to do it.

San Yijia continued: "There is always a time when your flying beast needs to recuperate. When that happens, it will be your death."

After speaking, San Yijia\'s voice disappeared.

Because there is nothing to say next, only practical actions can make Lin Yu bow his head.

Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant golden eagle and said, "Fly slower, don\'t throw away those giant land beasts, unless San Yijia\'s giant bat catches up."

"Okay." The giant golden eagle agreed without hesitation.

Seeing this, Lin Yu didn\'t say much more, thinking about the next plan in his heart.

Gu Cong

The reason why he let the giant golden eagle fly a little slower just now was to bring those land-bound beasts into the initial land, and then catch them all in one go.

Only in this way can we gather the Yuan energy that can modify the power of building wood.

At this moment, if you want to quickly improve your strength, the only way is to increase the power of building wood.

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to plan well to minimize the possibility of failure.

While Lin Yu was thinking about the plan, San Yijia was also thinking about countermeasures.

The ruthless words have been said just now, but whether it can be done and whether it can be done seamlessly depends on the next actions.

Also, now not only have to consider how to deal with Lin Yu, but also how to guard against Gu Xin and Yuan.

Gu Xin is not scary, but the Yuan behind Gu Xin is a high-level **** and has to be careful.

"Yuan and I have the same goal, just want to get the original fruit, but that Gu Xin seems to have a deep hatred with Lin Yu."

San Yijia racked his brains to think about it, put together all the information and clues known so far, and analyzed the key points.

After such a contemplation, San Yijia gradually had a clue in his heart.

On the other side, on the giant goshawk.

When San Yijia was chasing Lin Yu, Gu Xin was also discussing with Yuan how to deal with Lin Yu.

"This son of Lin Yu is really not simple. San Yijia can\'t help him for a while." Yuan Shen said: "But for us, this is a good thing."

The stronger Lin Yu is, the more he can fight San Yijia and lose both.

Once such a situation occurs, it is time to take advantage of the opportunity.

Therefore, what Yuan thought in his mind at this time was to try to push the situation in that direction.

"Gu Xin." Yuan\'s tone suddenly became serious.

Gu Xin hurriedly said respectfully, "Master, please instruct me."

"From now on, temporarily put down your hatred with Lin Yu, and follow my orders." Yuan ordered without question.

Gu Xin was silent for a moment, and then he firmly assured: "Master, rest assured, I will never ruin your great deeds because of personal vendettas."

Gu Xin is not a fool, so he can clearly see the current situation.

In this situation, the most important thing is to balance the strength between San Yijia and Lin Yu.

Neither can San Yijia prevail, nor can Lin Yu win, they must fight fiercely, and they will lose both.

So the next thing to do is to help whoever is at a disadvantage.

If San Yijia might fail, he will help San Yijia, and if Lin Yu is in danger of losing, he will help Lin Yu.

And in order to do this perfectly, you have to let go of all personal grudges.

Gu Xin knew very well in his heart that according to the current situation, Lin Yu was far more likely to be at a disadvantage than San Yijia, so Yuan Cai said the words of warning just now.

"Okay, when this is done, I will find a way to get you to the eternal paradise."

Yuan promised.

"Thank you, master!" Gu Xin said with great joy.

He didn\'t doubt Yuan\'s promise at all. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Because the completion of this matter this time means that the original fruit in Lin Yu\'s hands can be obtained.

At that time, even if Yuan only wants to get the original fruit, he will do everything possible to send him to the eternal paradise.

Gu Xin secretly said in his heart that everyone wanted to go to the eternal paradise, but everyone failed, and Lin Yu was no exception.

Now the person who has the most hope to go to the eternal paradise is himself.

"Lin Yu, Lin Yu, you used your strength to oppress me to do things. This time I will definitely settle the account with you."

Guxin snickered as he focused on controlling the giant goshawk to fly to the east.

According to the clues provided by Yuan, Lin Yu and San Yijia both went to the original place, so he naturally had to go in that direction.
