Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1057: Gusin's Stratagem

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[Yuanneng: 1,600,000 Yuanling Crystals]

Lin Yu looked at the number behind Yuanneng on the modifier panel, and decisively pressed the strengthen button.

In an instant, he felt a huge change in his body.

Strength is strengthening, breath is rising.

After a short period of time, the fifth-order Yuanling divine body was strengthened into the sixth-order Yuanling divine body.

[Law: Space Law (Super Quality), Time Law (Super Quality), Power Law (Super Quality), Martial Dao Law (Super Quality), Creation Law (Super Quality)]

[Cultivation method: Yuanling Divine Body (sixth order) (+), Jinpeng Divine Body (first order) (+), Zhenwu Divine Body (first order) (+), Canggu God Body (first order) (+)]

[Yuanneng: 0 Yuanling Crystal]

The information on the modifier interface changes immediately afterward.

"Yuanneng is used up again."

The first thing Lin Yu noticed was the number behind Yuanneng.

The 1,600,000 yuan of spiritual energy has been completely used up, and if you want to improve it, you have to collect 3,200,000 yuan.

The more energy you need, the more difficult it is to collect.

"I don\'t know how big the world is."

"If this world is infinite, then I can quickly gather enough energy to strengthen it."

One fruit has 10,000 yuan of spiritual energy, so you only need to collect 320 fruits.

And as long as the world is big enough, it is not difficult to collect 320 fruits.

"There is of course the premise that the world will not collapse."

Lin Yu looked up at the long crack in the sky.

The world has just been hit hard, and I don\'t know when the next hit will come.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu pondered the origin of this world again.

I was suddenly teleported to this world in that giant tower, so is it possible that this world is located in a certain sphere in that giant tower?

"If that\'s the case, is the turmoil that just appeared caused by Gu Xin?"

If the world is in a certain sphere, it is possible that Guxin tried to destroy the sphere, causing the turmoil in the world.

This is a good association.

Lin Yu\'s thoughts turned and he thought about the relationship.

And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess just now was likely to be true.

This world, with a high probability, is the world located in a certain sphere.

"Uga searched for this fruit everywhere, indicating that he knew the value of this fruit, and this may have been told to him by San Yijia."

Lin Yu thought of Uga again.

Uga collected fruit everywhere, obviously wanting to take this fruit and present it to San Yijia and make a great contribution.

This shows that Uga knows this fruit.

And Uga knew this kind of fruit, and it also means that Sanyijia sent him to the original place in order to find this kind of fruit.

In the same way, this point can also explain the world that he is in, which is in the sphere inside the giant tower.

Perhaps the purpose of this tower was to protect these fruits.

And Gu Xin destroyed the sphere with the world in it in order to get the fruit inside.

"No, it\'s also possible that it wasn\'t Gu Xin who did it, but San Yijia."

Counting the time, San Yijia should be here too.

So Lin Yu thought it might be San Yijia who was doing the damage, not Gu Xin.

It\'s even possible that Gusin is now in some sphere world.

"If it\'s San Yijia, things will be troublesome."

Lin Yu\'s expression became serious.

After Gu Xin stole Jianmu\'s power, he only had sixth-order strength, and even his sixth-order state could not last long.

This can be inferred from the battle between Gusin and Uga.

Therefore, based on the strength of the sixth-order divine body, there is no need to be afraid of Gu Xin at all.

On the contrary, San Yijia, who has a sixth-order divine body and also stole the power of Jianmu, has a strength that is beyond his reach.

"My sixth-order **** body, I\'m afraid it\'s not enough to see in front of him."

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

"Unless, I can collect enough Yuan energy here to strengthen the Yuanling Divine Body to the seventh or even eighth order."

Thinking of this, Lin Yu retracted his gaze and looked into the distance.

Now that the situation is almost analyzed, I have a high probability of being in a world inside a certain sphere. Once I leave here, I have to face Gu Xin or even San Yijia.

Therefore, the top priority now is to collect more fruits and accumulate more energy.

As long as the Yuan energy is enough, Gu Xin and San Yijia are not a threat at all.

Without further thinking, Lin Yu flew forward with a movement.

However, when flying forward, the long crack in the air suddenly began to shrink and heal.

Seeing this, Lin Yu stopped involuntarily and looked up again.

"Can the world repair itself?"

Lin Yu stared at the crack in the air, trying to see how long it would take for it to heal.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

After a full ten seconds, the crack finally closed completely, and the sky became as tight as before, as if nothing had happened.

"The world can repair itself, so how do I get out of here?"

Lin Yu originally thought that he would leave this world through the crack after he could not find the fruit.

As a result, as soon as he started to act, the rift healed itself.

Then I\'m afraid it won\'t be so easy to leave here.

Lin Yu frowned slightly.

But soon, he retracted his thoughts and decided not to think about it for the time being.

Because even if you think of a way to leave now, it is impossible to put it into action.

What should I do when I go out and collide with San Yijia?

Therefore, it is better to honestly search for the fruit here, and then absorb some Yuan energy.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu continued to fly forward to the village in the distance.

While Lin Yu was in action, Gu Xin in the other ball was still pondering how to stop San Yijia.

"San Yijia\'s strength is stronger than me. I will definitely not be his opponent after I go out. This is really troublesome..."

Gu Xin thought hard.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his heart, and a brilliant idea came to him.

"I don\'t have to deal with him personally, I just need to find a way to send him into the spherical world."

"That way he won\'t be able to wreak havoc around."

This method cannot be said to be perfect, but at least it can trap San Yijia for a while.

Better than watching him wreak havoc everywhere. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"I can only drag it like this now, until I contact Shangyuan."

Gu Xin thought to himself.

He is so passive now, mainly because he has lost the huge boost of Yuan.

Otherwise, if he kept in touch with Yuan, how could things have come to this point?

With Yuan\'s knowledge and experience, there must be a good way to deal with San Yijia.

Without thinking any more, Gu Xin decisively pinched the magic formula, left the world in the ball, and returned to the Homecoming Tower.

And the moment Gu Xin left the ball, San Yijia noticed him instantly.

"Who are you?"

San Yijia urged his divine power to quickly approach Gu Xin, and asked while flying.