Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1049: Tower environment

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Inside the Homecoming Tower.

After Guxin entered this huge building, he flew up layer by layer.

He didn\'t stop at all along the way, but even so, it took a lot of time to get here.

Mainly because he has been unable to contact Shangyuan now, and can only find this giant tower by his own strength.

To be able to find it now is a feat.

"The original fruit should be at the top of the tower."

Gu Xin went up quickly.

This homecoming tower is extremely well guarded, with only one entrance and exit at the bottom.

So if you want to go to the top of the tower, you have to enter the Homecoming Tower from the bottom, and then fly up layer by layer.

Gu Xin was completely unaware at this time that Uga was following him all the way.

Uga quietly followed Gusin while observing the surrounding scenery.

He sighed inwardly, this tower is so magnificent, and he doesn\'t know what kind of treasures are hidden inside.

If he could tell God-Zun Sanyijia everything he saw here, he would definitely be very happy and reward himself.

Of course, it would be better if he could bring back the treasure that Guxin was looking for.

Uga thought so in his heart, and then looked behind him alertly.

In addition to being happy, he did not forget his current situation.

The powerful Meteor God who killed Roerta and Abu was most likely following him at this time.

So definitely don\'t relax.

In this way, Guxin and Uga went up the Homecoming Pagoda one after the other, getting closer and closer to the top of the pagoda.

At this moment, Lin Yu came to the homecoming tower.

"What\'s in this tower?"

Lin Yu stared at the giant tower, lost in thought.

All the way, he has been observing the surrounding scenery.

It was found that most of the buildings in this giant city were damaged to varying degrees, only this giant tower was intact and clean as new.

He didn\'t know this when he looked at it from a distance, and it was not until now that he came to the giant tower that he realized that the tower was different.

While thinking, Lin Yu looked behind him.

Seeing that there was no sign of San Yijia\'s appearance, he turned to look at the giant tower again.

At this time, he was very hesitant, not knowing whether to enter the tower to find out.

Because he found that the tower body of the tower was completely seamless, and there was no flaw in it.

Therefore, once you enter the tower, if you want to come out, you can only leave the same way through the entrance and exit.

This means that as long as the entrance is blocked, you can catch turtles in a urn and catch them all in one go.

Lin Yu didn\'t want to fall into such a situation.

However, because the tower is very large, even if the entrance and exit of the tower are blocked, it will be difficult to find the person hiding in the tower for a while.

From this point of view, it is not so dangerous to enter the tower.

"I don\'t know if Guxin and Uga have both entered."

Lin Yu thought of Gu Xin and Uga again.

If you come from the passage just now, you will inevitably come to this huge giant city.

And in this giant city, only this giant tower is the most conspicuous, so if Gu Xin and Uga come here, there is a high probability that they will enter this giant tower.

"Gu Xin must have been instructed by Yuan to come here to look for treasures. Maybe what he is looking for is in this tower."

"In that case, I need to go in and have a look."

Thinking of this, Lin Yu finally made up his mind and decided to go inside to find out.

This tower is so huge and there are many places to hide. Even if San Yijia knows that he has entered it, it is not easy to find himself.

What\'s more, San Yijia must have come here for the treasure, and he won\'t care about himself so much.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yu flew down quickly and came to the entrance of the giant tower in a blink of an eye.

He decisively passed through this entrance and entered the tower.

After entering, the first thing that entered the field of vision was a light that was dimmer than the outside, and then it was empty.

This tower looks so huge from the outside, but there is nothing inside.

Lin Yu glanced quickly, and then looked up.

Above is the ceiling, which is the floor of the tower\'s second level.

Now the first floor is empty and there is nothing, so we can only go to the upper floor to take a look.

Lin Yu believed that if Gu Xin and Wu Ga also came here, they might have already gone there.

After all, this bottom layer has nothing worth exploring.

With that in mind, Lin Yu went to find the entrance and exit between the second floor and the first floor.

Lin Yu successfully found the passage to the second floor next to a pillar that runs through the entire tower.

It\'s a circular opening with no decorations, no stair steps or anything like that.

It seems that the giants who enter the tower go back and forth between the different levels directly through such entrances and exits.

From this, Lin Yu came to a judgment, that is, if giants really exist, then these giants must have the ability to fly.

Not like the abyss beasts, only flying beasts with wings can fly to the sky.

After glancing around, Lin Yu went up vertically and passed through the huge circular entrance to the second floor of the giant tower.

This layer is slightly different from the one below.

The layer below is completely empty, and there are many human-sized spheres suspended in this layer.

These spheres are not static, but are suspended in the air doing random movements.

Up, down, left and right.

Lin Yu watched it carefully for a while, but couldn\'t see why.

Frowning slightly, he continued to fly to the pillar that runs through the entire tower, looking for the entrance to the third floor.

At this time, he had already made some judgments in his mind.

I feel that if there is any treasure hidden in this tower, it must be hidden on the top of the tower.

Otherwise, from the bottom two floors, there is no possibility of hiding treasures at all.

In this way, with such a mood, Lin Yu went all the way up.

The next few layers, each layer is the same as the second layer, with countless spheres suspended in the air.

And as the number of layers goes up, there are more and more spheres on each layer.

Until the tenth floor, Lin Yu discovered some new changes.

This layer of suspended in the air is no longer a ball, but one by one that looks like some kind of fruit.

And from the color of the surface, these things seem to be edible.

"What kind of tower is this?"

Lin Yu was puzzled, UU reading www.uukanshu. com could not help but suspect the role of the tower.

From what he has observed along the way, this should be a giant city.

Every building in the city appears to serve a specific purpose.

Only this giant tower, no matter from the outside or inside, can\'t guess what its purpose is.

Therefore, Lin Yu couldn\'t help but feel curious.

Afterwards, he continued to fly up layer by layer, carefully observing each layer to see how it was different from the previous layers.

Just like this, he flew all the way and watched, and before he knew it, he flew up a full sixty floors.

After flying so many floors, there was no sign of flying to the top of the tower at all, which made Lin Yu feel strongly curious again.