Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1027: Track Gusin

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The flying beast descended rapidly, flew directly into the mouth of the cave, and flew all the way to the original place.

On the throne, Guxin checked the situation below with the help of the eyes of the flying behemoth.

When flying halfway, he saw the tiger-shaped giant beast of Uga.

"You haven\'t left yet?"

Gu Xin was secretly shocked, and immediately controlled the flying beast to stop, flapping its wings and flying upwards.

"Why haven\'t they left yet?"

"Is it because you know I\'m coming?"

Gu Xin didn\'t know that Uga stayed there to see if other teams came to take credit, and thought he was waiting for him.

"If he keeps like this, how can I get down?"

Gu Xin controlled the flying beast to return to the sky, hovering above the cave.

While observing, he transmitted his voice to Yuan, and quickly explained the following situation.

After listening to Yuan, he guessed: "San Yijia sent a number of teams out to find the starting place. It is estimated that the giant beast stayed there to keep an eye on the entrance and exit and prevent other teams from taking their credit."

"I see."

Gu Xin nodded secretly, and then asked: "Master, should I break in now or not?"

"It\'s too late, you change, you go straight ahead." Yuan ordered: "The initial land is very vast, and your behemoth is a flying beast. Even if they find you, they can\'t help you."


Gu Xin agreed, and then without hesitation, he controlled the flying beast to dive down and fly into the cave again.

Because of his mental preparation, this time he didn\'t stop at all.

Not only did it not stay, but the flight speed was much faster than the last time, slashing straight down like a bolt of lightning.

Go straight to the tiger-shaped behemoth below.

On the tiger-shaped behemoth, Uga and Abu naturally saw the flying beast at this time.

"Whose monster is this?"

"It shouldn\'t be on our side!"

While communicating, Uga and Abu were on high alert, watching the flying beasts that were constantly flying down, watching out for possible attacks.

But fortunately, as soon as the flying beast left the entrance of the cave, it immediately stopped its momentum and flew towards the east.

Only then did Uga and Abu really feel relieved.

"This giant beast should not be a free beast." Abu muttered to himself.

"That\'s for sure." Uga replied: "The free beast won\'t come here, even if it happens to see this hole, it won\'t fly in."

"Then who is controlling this flying behemoth, shouldn\'t it be sent by San Yijia?" Abu wondered.

Uga shook his head decisively and said, "Certainly not, there is no Meteor God here who enslaves flying giant beasts. It\'s not like you don\'t know how difficult it is to enslave a flying giant beast."

Flying behemoths fly in the sky on weekdays, and even if they stop to rest, they will carefully choose a place where the terrain is high enough, so that they can fly away at any time when they find danger.

"If you say that, the Meteor God who controls the flying behemoth must be very powerful. It is estimated that it is higher than you and Lin Yu." Abu said to Uga.

Hearing this, Uga was silent.

He naturally knew in his heart that what Abu said was right.

The Meteor God who enslaved the flying behemoth must be powerful, otherwise, how could he enslave the flying beast?

Therefore, after figuring this out, Wu Ga\'s mood suddenly became heavy.

Now that a powerful Meteor God suddenly appeared, it is bound to affect his plans, and it may even break the important things that God Venerable Sanyijia entrusted to him.

"We have to think of a way." Uga turned to Abu and said.

When Abu heard this, he asked, "Do you want to tell others about the arrival of this flying beast first?"

Uga thought for a while, then slowly said, "Also."

After he finished speaking, he immediately sent a voice transmission to all the Meteor Gods who were exploring the initial land, including Lin Yu of course.

"Everyone pay attention, now..."

Uga quickly told all the Meteor Gods about the arrival of the flying behemoth, reminded them to be careful, and then ordered them to report to him immediately if there was any situation.

on the tortoise.

On the throne, as soon as Lin Yu heard Uga\'s voice transmission, he realized that Gu Xin had also come to this troubled water.

Now I just don\'t know what kind of strength Gu Xin has after stealing Jianmu\'s power.

Without thinking too much, Lin Yu first transmitted his voice to the giant tortoise and talked about the arrival of the flying giant beast.

After hearing about the whole thing, the giant turtle asked, "Lin Yu, do you think Gu Xin is coming for you, or is there another reason?"

"It shouldn\'t be coming at me." Lin Yu analyzed: "If it was coming at me, then he wouldn\'t be so open and hard."

Uga and the tiger-shaped behemoth were guarding the entrance and exit of the cave. Gu Xin must have seen it in advance when he controlled the flying beast to fly down.

So he clearly knew that he would be witnessed and forced to break in, which only meant that the matter he had come to do was urgent.

Another point, if he wants to deal with himself, he doesn\'t have to choose this unfamiliar starting place, he can wait until he goes out.

Therefore, combining these two reasons, it can be inferred that Gu Xin came here to do a very important thing in the initial land.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu secretly said in his heart: "Sang Yijia sent so many teams out to search for the initial land, and now Gu Xin is rushing over again, it seems that there is something very valuable hidden in this initial land, such as Say some kind of secret, or some kind of treasure."

Lin Yu knew in his heart that Gu Xin didn\'t want to come here by himself, but obeyed Yuan\'s orders.

That is to say, now it is San Yijia and Yuan, the two powerful meteor gods from the eternal paradise, who have the idea of ​​​​playing the initial land.

This shows that the whole thing is not simple.

"Lin Yu, what should we do now?"

At this time, the giant tortoise suddenly asked.

"Let me think about it." Lin Yu thought in his heart.

Now the arrival of Gu Xin has affected the whole situation, making Wu Jia careless.

Therefore, you may be able to take the opportunity to leave the team and explore the initial land to see what secrets are hidden in the initial land.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu said to the giant tortoise: "Just now, Uga said that the flying giant beast flew eastward, and now you detour to the east to find it~www.novelhall.com~ Remember to avoid other enslaved giant beasts."

The giant tortoise is a free giant beast, and has practiced the technique of meditation, so the sensing range is extremely huge, which is a unique advantage.

That is to say, the giant tortoise can discover other giant beasts in advance, but the meteor gods who enslave the giant beasts cannot find it.

So Lin Yu decided to use this advantage to search and track the flying beast to see what Gu Xin was doing.


The giant tortoise responded, and then quickly turned around and headed east.

Seeing this, Lin Yu no longer stayed in the palace, but flew straight out of the earth cave and came to the Turtle Back Continent to observe the surrounding movement.

Anyway, the giant tortoise will stay away from other enslaved giant beasts, and he doesn\'t have to worry about being discovered by other meteor gods or Uga.

Chapter 1027 Tracking Guxin