Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1020: build wood

"My kind?"

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, but he quickly thought of Gu Xin.

His own kind and still wandering outside, it can only be Guxin.

Although people like Baimeng, Bouson, and Sidi look just like him, their strength is weak and they can\'t stay away from the activities of giant beasts.

It is impossible to wander around, and can only stay on the giant beast honestly.

"My relationship with him is more complicated, and I can\'t explain one sentence or two, but as far as the current situation is concerned, he and I are enemies of each other."

Lin Yu told the giant tree truthfully.

There\'s nothing to hide about this, it\'s better to make it clear.

"We are enemies of each other? That\'s fine." The giant tree said helplessly.

For some reason, Lin Yu always felt that there was a hint of sadness in Jushu\'s tone.

"What happened?" Lin Yu asked.

The giant tree replied: "It\'s nothing, it\'s just that this kind of you wants to steal my power like San Yijia."

Hearing this, Lin Yu felt a little strange in his heart.

Why does the giant tree say something so light about stealing power?

Could it be that it is already used to all this?

Of course, what Lin Yu cares about most at this time is not this. What he really cares about now is how Gu Xin wants to steal the power of the giant tree.

Also, is this Gu Xin\'s own idea, or is Yuan instigating him?

Lin Yu guessed in his heart that there is a high probability that Yuan was instigating Gu Xin behind his back.

After all, Gu Xin is a person who came from the material plane like himself, and he definitely doesn\'t know how to steal the power of the giant tree, so naturally he will not have such an idea.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu said, "The person you mentioned is called Gu Xin, has he come over now?"

"He\'s in my canopy now," the giant tree replied.

"Did it fly up by flying giant beasts?" Lin Yu asked.

The canopy of the giant tree is very high, and Gu Xin definitely cannot fly up by his own strength.

Not to mention Guxin, even San Yijia is difficult to get there.

"Yeah." The giant tree said calmly.

"You can\'t stop him?" Lin Yu asked again.

"No." The giant tree replied.

Lin Yu thought for a while and asked, "Then why don\'t you tell San Yijia about this and let him help you stop him?"

If Gu Xin steals the power of the giant tree, it will definitely not be a good thing for him.

So there must be a way to stop him.

"Why tell him? Wouldn\'t it be better for San Yijia to have multiple opponents?" Giant Tree said lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Yu suddenly reacted. Just now, he had been thinking about the problem from his own standpoint, so he thought about stopping Gu Xin.

But in fact, as the giant tree said, why did it stop Guxin? Wouldn\'t it be more in its interest to have Guxin and San Yijia as opponents?

Thinking of this, Lin Yu understood why the giant tree was not worried at all that Gu Xin wanted to steal its power.

It turned out to be an opponent for San Yijia.

From this, Lin Yu also understood why the giant tree would help him when he was between the thrones.

The reason is the same as this.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu asked, "You came to find me, it shouldn\'t be just because of Gu Xin, right?"

The giant tree had said before, saying that he would let himself prove his strength to him.

So it suddenly transmitted a voice to itself, probably related to this matter.

As expected by Lin Yu, the giant tree said: "Of course not, don\'t forget the agreement you and I just made."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t forget that agreement." Lin Yu replied.

Gu Yong </span> At this point, he has made up his mind to cooperate with the giant tree.

The main reason is that the giant tree is powerful and seems to understand a lot of things.

So if you work with it well, you can learn a lot from it.

Even Lin Yu felt that the giant tree might not even know about the eternal paradise.

"So, how do you want me to prove it to you?" Lin Yu asked.

The giant tree said: "I will always observe your actions, you don\'t have to try to prove it."

This made Lin Yu a little depressed.

If the other party does not give a clear goal, it is simply a problem for himself.

After all, there is no exact standard in this way, and it depends on the giant tree.

No way, Lin Yu can only accept all this temporarily.

Mainly because he can\'t find a way to convince the giant tree now, he doesn\'t even know the origin of the giant tree.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn\'t help but ask, "By the way, do you have a name or something?"

"Yes, my name is Jianmu." Jushu replied.

"Jianmu? Well, I remember." Lin Yu said.

Then, he asked, "Jianmu, can you let me contact the giant tortoise with whom I made a contract?"

Now there is no way to communicate with the giant tortoise here, Lin Yu guessed that it may be because of the bark barrier.

"No, I can\'t do it now."

Jianmu said helplessly.

"Then..." Lin Yu worried: "That\'s a bit troublesome. I can\'t communicate with the giant tortoise, so I don\'t know if it\'s in danger."

"And it couldn\'t tell me what it saw."

Lin Yu believes that the giant tortoise must know about Gu Xin\'s arrival.

Because the flying behemoth can sense it as soon as it appears within its sensing range.

Therefore, if he can contact the giant tortoise sound transmission, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be able to know about Gu Xin\'s arrival as soon as possible, instead of waiting for Jianmu to tell himself.

Another point is that although the giant tortoise has concluded a contract with itself, it is essentially a free beast.

If any of the Meteor Gods were to attack it at this time, it might be enslaved again.

At that time, not only will the giant tortoise lose its freedom, but also its own movements will be greatly restricted, making it difficult to move freely in this abyss.

You must know that except for the area where Jianmu is located, all other places are shrouded in fog.

No matter how powerful the Meteor God is, he can\'t go deep into the mist of the abyss with his own fleshly body.

"Are you worried that the giant tortoise will be enslaved by other meteorites?"

At this time, Jianmu seemed to have guessed what Lin Yu was thinking, and asked directly.

"That\'s right." Lin Yu replied without hesitation.

"This matter is easy to solve." Jianmu said confidently: "I\'ll teach you a special technique for giant beasts to practice later. If you teach it back and let it practice, you can eliminate this hidden danger forever. "

"Really? What is the principle of this exercise?" Lin Yu asked hurriedly.

Jianmu explained: "This method can greatly strengthen the crystal wall of the abyss giant beast, preventing the soul of the Meteor God from breaking into it."

As soon as Lin Yu heard it, he thought that if it was as Jianmu said, it would indeed solve the problem perfectly.

Because if the Meteor God wants to enslave the giant beast, he must first find a way to break into the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant beast.

"Thanks a lot then." Lin Yu thanked.

"No, it\'s just a little effort." Jianmu said lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Yu thought to himself that there was something in this Jianmu, and this kind of exercise could be taken out.

Afterwards, Jianmu began to teach Lin Yu the exercises he just mentioned.


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