Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1005: duel 1

"who is it?"

Lin Yu asked in a voice transmission.

At this moment, he was hovering on the Turtle Back Continent, watching the giant bears and flying beasts in the distance.

The distance between the giant bear and himself is constantly narrowing, and the flying giant beast seems to be about to fly away.

"It\'s your old friend, Guxin!"

The abyss overlord said slowly, deliberately accentuating his tone when he mentioned the word Gu Xin.

"Gu Xin?"

Lin Yu\'s heart tightened.

Before, he sent Bai Meng and others to look for Gu Xin\'s trace, but he couldn\'t find it after several laps.

I didn\'t expect that even the abyss beasts can be enslaved now?

So, Gu Xin has already cultivated into a **** body?

"It seems that you are also surprised." The abyss overlord continued his voice transmission: "Gu Xin was able to achieve this because of a high-level **** named Yuan who was helping him."


Hearing the word Yuan, Lin Yu finally completely understood the whole story.

It turned out that Gu Xin took refuge in Yuan and cultivated into a divine body.

In that case, Gu Xin must be determined to go against himself now.

After all, Yuan had already formed a deep hatred with himself because of Bai Meng and Yuan Zu, and there was no way to resolve it.

"Lin Yu, if you take the time to deal with me now, you can only watch Gu Xin fly away with the flying beast."

The overlord of the abyss followed good inducements and began to persuade Lin Yu to deal with Gu Xin first.

After all, now that the matter is over, he can only avoid the battle with Lin Yu by persuading Lin Yu.

Otherwise, once the giant bear\'s heart is completely exhausted, he will no longer be Lin Yu\'s opponent.

On the other hand, after hearing the words of the abyss overlord, Lin Yu naturally understood the intention of the abyss overlord in an instant.

Then the voice transmission replied: "Don\'t worry, I will kill you first, liberate the giant bear enslaved by you, and then deal with Gu Xin."

He knew in his heart that if he chased the flying giant beast now, it would mean giving up the giant bear completely.

Because it is almost impossible to find such a good opportunity in the future.

Therefore, if you want to rescue the giant bear, you can only take advantage of this opportunity now, and you can\'t wait.

Also, since Gu Xin has Yuan to help, it is definitely not so easy to deal with, so he should give priority to dealing with the abyss overlord.

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The meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and things have to be solved one by one.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise and said, "You can send a voice transmission to the giant spider and let it help to entangle the giant spider. Then you try to get as close to the giant bear as possible, and use your heart to help me."

The abyss overlord is now hiding on the giant bear, and can use the giant bear\'s anima to increase his power.

If he went up like this rashly, he would not be his opponent at all.

Therefore, he had to find a way to allow himself to use the anima of the giant tortoise.

The way Lin Yu thought of was to let the giant spider control the giant bear, and then the giant tortoise clings to the giant bear.

In this way, even if you board the body of the giant bear, you can also use the anima of the giant tortoise to increase the power.

After the giant tortoise received Lin Yu\'s voice transmission, it immediately transmitted the voice to the giant spider and discussed countermeasures with each other.

At the same time, their footsteps did not stop for a moment.

On the Turtle Back Continent, Lin Yu watched as the giant bear was getting closer and closer to him, while the flying beast in the air flew away and disappeared into the mist.

After delaying here for a while, the difficulty of chasing the flying monster will definitely increase greatly.

But there is no way, Lin Yu can only choose to do so.

At the same time, the giant bear was on his back.

between the thrones.

The abyss overlord saw the giant tortoise and the giant spider approaching his giant bear, and his heart suddenly sank.

"Lin Yu this guy!"

The abyss overlord looked gloomy.

He knew in his heart that nothing could change now.

The battle with Lin Yu was unavoidable in the end.

But at this moment, Yuan\'s voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the abyss overlord.

"Do you want to defeat Lin Yu?"

"Huh? Who are you?" The abyss overlord asked alertly.

He had never heard Yuan\'s voice, so he had absolutely no idea who was transmitting the voice to him.

"I\'m Yuan, you should have heard of me from Gu Xin." Yuan said calmly, without the slightest emotion.

"Yuan? You are Yuan?"

The abyss overlord was stunned for a moment, but then he was slightly relieved.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend, so at least for now, Yuan is on his side.

"How are you going to help me?"

The abyss overlord didn\'t talk nonsense with Yuan Duo, and asked directly.

"It\'s very simple, you fight against Lin Yu with all your strength, and I will see the opportunity to help." Yuan still said calmly, looking like he was winning.

Hearing this, the abyss overlord\'s thoughts turned, and he secretly said in his heart, judging from the current situation, it seems that it can only be like this.

The battle between himself and Lin Yu is unavoidable, and the more help, the more chance of winning.

At this time, the giant spider and the giant tortoise had already come to the giant bear.

The two free giants attacked the giant bear in unison.

The giant spider spewed spider silk at the giant bear, while the giant tortoise squatted down and arched down, got under the belly of the giant bear, and carried the giant bear on its back.

In this way, the giant tortoise and the giant bear are closely attached.

Of course, if the abyss overlord has the intention to fight back at this time, there is a way to break the situation.

But he doesn\'t want to now.

At this moment, he just wanted to have a good fight with Lin Yu.

A showdown.

He knew very well in his heart that if he couldn\'t solve Lin Yu today, then whatever he did would be of no avail.

Only by killing Lin Yu can we completely get rid of the current predicament. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Therefore, the abyss overlord even stood up directly from the throne, flew straight away from the throne, and came to the back of the giant bear.

"Lin Yu, let the horses come, you and I will fight to the death here."

The overlord of the abyss hovered quietly above the bear\'s back and transmitted his voice to Lin Yudao.

Lin Yu didn\'t answer his words, but flew up along the giant bear\'s body on his own.

Soon, Lin Yu came to the back of the giant bear, not far from the overlord of the abyss.

"Lin Yu, you are finally here." The abyss overlord looked at Lin Yu quietly and said, "You let the giant tortoise burrow under my giant bear, just to let the giant tortoise\'s heart strengthen you. the power of."

"You want to use up your heart energy with me in this way. You feel that as long as you exhaust my giant bear\'s heart energy, you can easily defeat me."

"Unfortunately, this time you may have miscalculated."


As soon as the abyss overlord\'s voice fell, he took the lead and attacked Lin Yu.

Suddenly, the abyss overlord burst out with divine power from all over his body, golden light.

After an instant.

This golden light came to Lin Yu.

The abyss overlord in the golden light threw a punch at Lin Yu with all his strength.

And just when the abyss overlord shot with all his strength, Lin Yu followed suit, and the golden light on his body was more prosperous than the abyss overlord.

This is because in addition to the fifth-order primordial spirit body, he also has three first-order gods.


The fists face each other and collide violently.

A shock wave composed purely of golden light spread rapidly, causing the fur on the giant bear\'s back to shake violently, hunting and moving.

"Yuan, how can you help me now?"

The abyss overlord asked through voice transmission. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!