Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1002: Turnaround appears

In the end, the abyss overlord still had to choose to cooperate with Gu Xin.

It\'s because if you don\'t cooperate, you will really be completely cut off from life.

Without any hesitation, the abyss overlord decisively ordered the giant bear to stop, then stood up from the throne and strode towards the entrance and exit of the cave.

When he came to Gu Xin, he suddenly stopped to look at Gu Xin and asked, "Why does Yuan want to help you? Does he also have a grudge against Lin Yu?"

"No comment."

Gu Xin was silent after speaking.

The abyss overlord smiled when he saw this, and then walked quickly to the outside of the cave.

Gu Xin refused to say, which means that this speculation may be true.

Yuan may also have a grudge against Lin Yu.

What surprised the abyss overlord was, where did Lin Yu come from? Can you offend a high-level god?

"Hmph, that being said, it\'s not wrong for me to lose in his hands."

The abyss overlord thought that if even a high-level **** like Yuan couldn\'t do anything to Lin Yu, it would be completely understandable that he couldn\'t do anything about him.

Without thinking any more, the abyss overlord quickly flew into the sky and searched for the hidden god-level powerhouses on the giant bear.

The strength of these god-level powerhouses is far weaker than him, like ants.

So it didn\'t take long for the abyss overlord to capture more than a dozen god-level powerhouses in a row.

He directly used his divine power to condense a large net, netting the god-level powerhouse in it, and flying it with him.

In the air, after seeing the giant bear stop abruptly, the flying giant beast immediately transmitted a voice to the giant tortoise and said, "The giant bear has stopped."

The giant tortoise immediately asked, "Do you know the reason?"

"I don\'t know for now." The flying beast replied.

"Okay, then you hover there for a while and observe the situation."

After the giant tortoise and the flying giant beast finished the sound transmission, they immediately sent the sound transmission to Lin Yu and told him the situation.

After listening to it, Lin Yu also said that he would continue to observe for a while, and now he can\'t know what happened to the abyss overlord.

It may be because the heart energy is completely exhausted, or it may be because the abyss overlord wants to **** the control of the giant bear from the abyss master.

In short, based on the information I have now, it is impossible to judge what is going on.

On the giant bear.

It took less than twenty minutes for the abyss overlord to catch all the god-level powerhouses in one go and fly them back to the throne room.

When the body energy of these god-level powerhouses is completely drained, the giant bear can continue to run wild for a while, and it must be able to run to the place where the meteorite gods mentioned by Gu Xin gathered.

When the abyss overlord rushed between the thrones, he found that Gu Xin was leaning against the wall of the cave with his arms folded, and looked at him without saying a word.

"This guy……"

The abyss overlord was quite unhappy in his heart.

He thought to himself that this guy Gu Xin was backed by a high-level god, so he completely ignored him, a powerful meteor **** with a fifth-order **** body. It was really hateful.

But there is no way, now the situation is stronger than people, if there is any discomfort, you can only hold it in your heart for a while.

Looking back, the abyss overlord controls the giant bear to absorb the body energy of the god-level powerhouse, while constantly pulling the giant net in his hand, pulling the living god-level powerhouse between the thrones, and sending the god-level powerhouse who turned into a mummy to the throne. Outside the throne room.

Now the giant bear has completely stopped and rested without manipulation, so he can handle this by himself.

And the efficiency is much higher than before.

Almost ten minutes later, the abyss overlord said to Gu Xin, who was leaning against the cave wall: "It\'s done, we\'ll set off now."

Gu Xin heard the words and left the cave wall, stood up straight, and said, "Okay, then go."

The abyss overlord sat on the throne and controlled the giant bear to fly forward.

At the same time, he said to Gu Xin: "It won\'t be long before Lin Yu and the flying beast will know that the abyss master is dead, and your opportunity may appear at any time."

"I know." Gu Xin replied lightly.

Seeing his calm look, the abyss overlord had to remind: "Should you tell me now, which direction should you go?"

Hearing this, Gu Xin strode to the throne, stood facing the right side of the throne, and then said, "This is the direction I\'m facing now."

The abyss overlord glanced at him, and immediately adjusted the direction of the giant bear\'s running.

Seeing this, Gu Xin turned and left and went to the back of the giant bear.

Next, he needs to wait for the flying behemoth to come down to harass him, take the opportunity to fly to the flying behemoth, and then enslave the flying beast with the help of Yuan.

In the air, the flying behemoth didn\'t know the existence of Gu Xin at all, nor did he know what happened to the giant bear.

Just after seeing the giant bear running wild again, it immediately sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise.

"The giant bear started to move again, moving in a different direction."

The flying giant said to the giant tortoise.

After listening to it, the giant tortoise said yes, and then sent a voice transmission to Lin Yu to relay the news to Lin Yu.

"It seems that the Lord of the Abyss has now been killed by the Lord of the Abyss." Lin Yu guessed.

The giant tortoise replied, "Me and the flying beast thought the same thing."

Since the giant bear began to run at full speed again, it means that the anima is still enough, and there is no sign of exhaustion at all.

From this, it can be reversed that the giant bear stopped because the abyss overlord was robbing the giant bear of control.

The Abyss Lord is definitely not the opponent of the Abyss Lord, so the Abyss Lord must have been killed by the Abyss Lord at this time.

"In that case, there is only one meteorite left on the giant bear?" Lin Yu continued to speculate.

"It should be." The giant turtle replied.

"However." Lin Yu hesitated: "It is also possible that they are playing tricks to deceive us, tricking the flying behemoth to attack the giant bear, and then find a chance to enslave the flying beast."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out," said the giant tortoise.

Lin Yu thought for a while and said, "Let the flying behemoth continue to follow the giant bear like this, and don\'t do other stupid things~www.novelhall.com~ OK." The giant tortoise agreed, thinking about the flying beast telling it.

Then, the flying giant continued to fly right above the giant bear, tracking the giant bear all the way, and at the same time constantly informing the giant tortoise of the giant bear\'s whereabouts.

And just like that, three hours passed.

On the giant bear.

between the thrones.

The abyss overlord voiced to Gu Xin: "It seems that Lin Yu will not give you a chance."

For three full hours, the flying beast showed no sign of attacking the bear at all, which showed that Lin Yu chose a conservative approach.

I want to wait until the giant bear\'s heart is completely exhausted before making a decision.

Gu Xin replied lightly: "Come on, soon they will have to make a choice."

After he finished speaking, he continued to stare at the sky, his eyes resolute, as if he had calculated that the flying behemoth would act according to his vision.

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Meanwhile, in the air.

The flying giant beast sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise: "Now there is trouble."

"What\'s the trouble?" the giant tortoise asked hurriedly.

The flying behemoth replied: "I sensed that there are a large number of enslaved beasts in the direction of the giant bear."


The giant tortoise was startled.

This is not a good thing.

A large number of enslaved giant beasts means that there are many meteor gods gathered there.

If the abyss overlord and those meteorites are brought together, it will be difficult to rescue the giant bear.

"Wait first, I\'ll tell Lin Yu about it."

The giant tortoise quickly spoke to the flying giant beast, and then sent a sound transmission to Lin Yu. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!