Extraordinary Dumb Son-in-law

Chapter 60

"What did you say?" Mao Yijun frowned "I said, this operation is impossible to succeed! No matter in theory or in practice!" The woman pointed at the patient, "You treat her like a guinea pig!"

"Mao Yijun, are you sure? Then operate on the patient! Originally, she could live another five or six years! If you do this, there is nothing I can do. Just suture it and take first aid measures immediately. If the first aid fails, issue a death notice. "

After the woman finished speaking, her complexion completely darkened Mao Yijun slowly looked at Liu Hongqiang Liu Hongqiang has already started to tremble non-stop at this moment, he swears that he just wants to gain fame and fortune, and never wants to murder anyone\'s life!

But he never thought that if he hadn\'t insisted on picking up the patient, insisting that he would definitely be able to treat it, and insisting on taking credit for Qin Li, such a thing would never have happened!

"Liu Hongqiang!" Pan Liangwei was also angry, "What happened in the operating room that day? You said you can treat, why did this happen!"

The woman also turned to look at Liu Hongqiang: "Are you the chief surgeon? A person like you is not worthy to be called a doctor at all!"

"No, at that time in Yangcheng, a person was indeed cured, and it was the same symptoms." Pan Liangwei kept explaining "Did you remove any flaws? Or did you forget something?"

Pan Liangwei stared at Liu Hongqiang Suddenly, Liu Hongqiang broke down completely and shouted: "The successful example of Yangcheng is not made by me at all!"


This sentence is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue!

The entire operating room, including the nurses around, were completely stunned, and then a sense of astonishment hit their hearts!

This Liu Hongqiang.. Snapped!

This time it was not Mao Yijun, but Pan Liangwei who slapped Liu Hongqiang across the face: "I really misjudged you!"

"You didn\'t do it, what credit do you take!"

"You won\'t, why do you pretend to understand!"

The female doctor kept shaking her head in disbelief: "How can there be such a person in the world!"

Mao Yijun\'s face was full of remorse, he knew that this kind of case is not something ordinary people can do, so he shouldn\'t trust Liu Hongqiang so much!

Why didn\'t he ask Liu Hongqiang to do an experiment for him first, and then perform the operation!

Liu Hongqiang couldn\'t help squatting on the ground and crying bitterly: "I didn\'t mean it, I really didn\'t mean it!"

But at this moment, no one paid attention to him at all!

"The most urgent thing is to give first aid first!" Mao Yijun said "No!" The woman suddenly looked at Mao Yijun. "He said just now that he was not the one who succeeded. So, someone else cured it? Who is that person?"

"Liu Hongqiang, who is that man!" Pan Liangwei shouted angrily with his head bowed Liu Hongqiang trembled, and suddenly there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "It\'s the market doctor who cured Liu Zheng\'s father, Qin Li from Qiankuntang."

Qin Li?

For a moment, Pan Liangwei heard this person "Doctor Pan, do you know who it is?" Mao Yijun frowned "I know, but that person seems to be still in Yangcheng, and he is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. He opened his own clinic." Pan Liangwei was completely discouraged But the woman\'s eyes were bright: "A dead horse should be treated as a living horse doctor. I suggest that someone use a helicopter to pick up Qin Li immediately. I can delay this old man for a long time!"

"Are you sure?" Mao Yijun\'s eyes widened, "If so, let someone shout!"

It can be saved, even as long as it can prolong life!

It\'s better than dying in Jiang City Hospital today!

Pan Liangwei immediately went out: "I\'ll go recognize someone!"

Liu Hongqiang fell to the ground and didn\'t speak. He knew that he couldn\'t run away! Without the Jiang family\'s action, the Jiang City Hospital will not spare him!

"Okay, I\'ll get someone to pick you up right away!" Mao Yijun handed everything over to the woman, and immediately followed Pan Liangwei out It seemed like a long time had passed in the noisy operating room, but it was only five or six minutes!

At the moment outside the operating room, Qin Li was telling Jiang Limin about Zhou Xuanyi\'s situation "The person who showed Zhou Ping\'s daughter was also named Liu Hongqiang. He almost killed her. He was an extremely irresponsible doctor." Qin Li said, "I just don\'t know if the people here just have the same name."

Jiang Limin\'s face turned pale when he heard that, remembering the angry shout inside just now, and the woman who entered suddenly, he stood up immediately and was about to go in!

At this time, the door of the operating room opened!

Mao Yijun and Jiang Limin met their enemies!

"How is my mother, Dr. Mao? I have something to ask you."

"Patriarch Jiang, there is something wrong with the operation, we need a little time..."

The two spoke at the same time, and Mao Yijun felt a little guilty But Jiang Limin\'s heart skipped a beat: "What do you mean?"

"Patriarch Jiang, I..."

"Don\'t talk to me first, let me ask you, is the doctor who operated on my mother named Liu Hongqiang? Is he the vice president of Yangcheng People\'s Hospital? He also treated a girl named Zhou Xuanyi?"

Pan Liangwei, who came out with Mao Yijun, was stunned when he heard Jiang Limin\'s words Mao Yijun was also confused, and the corners of his mouth trembled: "You...you know everything?"

Now, it was Jiang Limin\'s turn to collapse. He was only guessing and was not sure, but Mao Yijun\'s words made him almost faint "I know what it means? What do I know! Do you think my mother is not a human being! Has something happened to my mother!" Jiang Limin grabbed Mao Yijun\'s collar "Let me tell you, if you Jiang City Hospital is responsible, I will never let you go!"

Mao Yijun closed his eyes tightly and begged for mercy: "Patriarch Jiang, we are looking for someone to ask for help. This is our reason!"

"Since you know that person can\'t heal, why did you let him perform the surgery!" Jiang Limin shouted angrily!

"We don\'t know!" Mao Yijun\'s face was full of bitterness, "He insisted on saying that Zhou Xuanyi was cured by him, and he took credit for it!"

Pan Liangwei regretted it too much: "I believed him. At that time, it was not him who treated Zhou Xuanyi, but Qin Li from Qiankuntang! We have to go to Yangcheng now, and invite Doctor Qin to come over!"

Qin Li was stunned when he heard it from behind: "Looking for me?"

Pan Liangwei was stunned for a moment, then raised his head abruptly, his eyes widened when he saw Qin Li: "Doctor Qin, you are in Jiang City!"

Jiang Limin also looked at Qin Li, and then at Mao Yijun: "What did you mean just now?"

When Mao Yijun had time to explain to Jiang Limin, he grabbed Qin Li\'s arm and dragged Qin Li into the operating room: "Patriarch Jiang, I will definitely apologize to you when I come out!"

Qin Li was dragged to the operating room and saw Liu Hongqiang kneeling on the ground, a female doctor who was busy, and old lady Jiang with a pale face and almost flat electrocardiogram!

In an instant, Qin Li understood everything!

He didn\'t ask anything, he didn\'t bother Liu Hongqiang, he didn\'t listen to Pan Liangwei\'s apology and Mao Yijun\'s fawning voice In his eyes at the moment, only the dying Mrs. Jiang!

The Jiang family took him well, and even took him to the Jiang family today as a guest!

Qin Li was so angry that he even wanted to slap Liu Hongqiang to death, but he held back. Because he knew that Mrs. Jiang needed him right now!

He has no time for anything else!

"Get out of the way." Qin Li stepped forward and said coldly The female doctor was taken aback, and just about to say something, Mao Yijun spoke immediately "He is the one who cured Zhou Xuanyi."

The female doctor blinked, but still took a few steps back, but she still stared at Qin Li with suspicion in her eyes She was afraid that there would be another Liu Hongqiang!

Qin Li stepped forward, spread out the bag of silver needles in his hands, and guided by spiritual energy, he first touched a few acupuncture points on the old man\'s body with his fingers!

Suddenly, the wound that was still bleeding slowly stopped bleeding suddenly!

Seeing this scene, Mao Yijun, the female doctor and others all stared wide-eyed!

Originally, Mao Yijun didn\'t really believe that such a young guy could really be cured, but he dragged Qin Li in just now, it was really a helpless strategy!

But at this moment, he kind of believed it!

A silver needle was injected with spiritual energy, and Qin Li slowly pierced the old man\'s acupuncture point!

Then, the second, the third!

Fifth root!

Qin Li\'s face suddenly turned pale, but the electrocardiogram of the old man on the bed recovered quickly!

"It works!" The female doctor shouted, looking at Qin Li in amazement, her eyes were full of shock Pan Liangwei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and Mao Yijun\'s expression softened The little nurses around looked at Qin Li with shock in their eyes, but Liu Hongqiang, who was kneeling on the ground, was completely sluggish after hearing these words!

The eighth root, the ninth root!

Qin Li gritted his teeth and pierced the last one, sent spiritual energy towards the old man again, and stood up slowly: "Just pull out the needle in five minutes."

After the words fell, before Mao Yijun and others could speak, Qin Li\'s eyes flickered, and he fainted on the ground immediately!

"Doctor Qin!"