Ex-wife,Please Sign

Chapter 77

While washing tomatoes, Xin'an suddenly heard Yi Shan ask, "you and Mr. King What's going on? "

She secretly took a look, Yi Shan asked some hesitation, as if for fear that she was not happy, but also busy back to the body.

Xin an shrugged and pretended to be relaxed. "Isn't it just those gossip magazines? As you know, there are many rich and powerful families, and gossip has always been the most popular one. They like to make things up! I am in charge of the cooperation project between Qiao and Century Group, so I contacted Mr. Jin several times and was photographed

Xin'an is not sure whether Yi Shan will see through her lies. But what else can she do except deny this kind of thing?

Yi Shan nodded, "I understand what you said. I believe you! Just be careful in the future. Don't let people hold the handle. Especially your mother-in-law is so difficult to get along with. Don't be caught by her

"I know!" Xin an turned to smile at her, "don't worry! When you have time, do more square dancing, go shopping and watch less gossip. "

In such an environment, Xin'an felt bad. She felt very aggrieved, but those aggrieved even the closest people can not say, on the contrary, they have to hide from her.

She used to be the closest person, but now she has to act, including her relationship with Qiao Yi and her secret with Fu Lixing. All of all, pressure her heart so heavy.

The atmosphere at dinner was pretty good, mainly because Qiao Yi had good acting skills and was very popular with Yi Shan. Sometimes, knowing that he was acting, Xin an couldn't help thinking that it would be nice if the three members of the family were as harmonious as they seemed. The fact is that this camouflage is like a thin layer of paper, which can't be poked. Once poked, it will be broken. It's very fragile.

"Qiao Yi..." Yi Shan hesitated and said, "I've seen the news a few days ago, but I believe Xin'an is not like what the report says! She's a good girl. That's what a mother knows best. Don't be misled! "

"Ma..." Xin an frowned and didn't want her to mention it. Qiao Yi nodded on the surface and said "I understand", but he didn't know how to sneer in his heart!

Yi Shan is also inconvenient to say more. She can only smile, "that's good, that's good..."

The mobile phone rings. Xin an seems to feel something in advance. With a shake of her hand, the chopsticks fall onto the table. She didn't dare to look at Qiao Yi's eyes. She ran to the sofa and took out her mobile phone. It was Fu Lixing's number.

The two eyes behind are staring at each other. If you hang up the phone, it's hard to avoid the suspicion that there is no silver here. Xin an only steady mood, pretending to be calm, said: "the company's phone, you eat first!"

I went to the balcony and bit my lip. It takes a lot of courage to answer his call.

"What do you want?" When you open your mouth, it's a word with emotion.

"Are you at home?"


"I'm downstairs now!"

"Ba Ba --" two trumpets. Looking at it, a car stopped in the shade of a tree in the distance. The lights flashed like the eyes of wild animals.

When Xin an Dun was flustered, she almost didn't control her emotion and cried out, and hurriedly lowered her voice. "What on earth do you want to do?"

"I haven't had dinner yet. Now that I'm here, why don't I go up for dinner?"

"You --" Xin an held back her anger. "What's your status in coming to my house for dinner?"

"Your client, friend? It's normal to be a guest at your house, isn't it? " He said with an evil smile, "do you think too much? Are you guilty? "

"Qiao Yi is here, too!"

"Oh..." He didn't seem to expect that. He said it every two seconds. "Then come down!"

"You are crazy! We are eating now. What excuse can I use to come down? They'll be suspicious if I walk away suddenly. If you have anything to do tomorrow, you can go first... "

Xin'an is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She keeps turning back. Qiao Yi seems to have noticed the situation here. She turns her back to him in a hurry. She is afraid that her eyes will leak. She is nervous, and the whole person can't stop shaking.

"I want to say now, you come down!"

"Don't push me, will you?"

"I've given you a chance. If you promised me yesterday, you don't have to go to the present. Xin'an, the right to choose is in your hands. You choose the wrong way, not me! "

"But I..."

"I'll give you ten minutes. If you don't come down, then open the door in ten minutes!"

"Hello, hello..."

The phone was hung up and the lights in the shade flashed again.

Xin An, with a white face, goes back to the living room with a lot of worries. Yi Shan cares: "what's the matter? What happened? "

"Nothing, nothing, the company has a little problem!" Xin an forced to smile, trying to find an excuse to get away. "Why don't I go back and have a look first, and take your time?"

"You didn't drive. I'll see you off!"

"No, I'll take a taxi myself!"

"If you're in a hurry to go back, you'd better let Qiao Yi give it away! At night, a girl is not safeXin An is more anxious. If she goes down now, she will definitely meet Fu Lixing. She can't let Qiao Yi go downstairs. Seeing that he was about to get up, he grabbed him. "Forget it! It's a bit too late now. It's too late to deal with it tomorrow! "

Qiao Yi frowned and looked at her suspiciously. She was obviously aware of her strange behavior.

As time went by, Xin Anru felt numb on her scalp. "Mom, is your cooking too spicy today?"

"Yes? It's the same as before

"Maybe I've been eating light recently. It's too spicy. Do you have orange juice at home?"

"No! Don't you always dislike drinks? "

"Too much boiled water has no taste. I like orange juice very much recently!" Xin an dry smile two, "you eat first, I go to buy!"

Qiao Yi thought she was strange and said on her own initiative. "I'll go!"

"No! You're not familiar with the neighborhood. I'll just go. I'll be back in five minutes! " For fear that they would not agree, they stood up in a hurry, grabbed the key and went out, "don't you all come out, I'll be back soon!"

Qiao Yi's buttocks left the chair and sat back depressed. The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt, and his brows wrinkled in distress.

Xin an ran down in a hurry. As she ran, she had to look back to see if anyone was on the balcony. She got into the car and gasped. It's better to be furtive than underground work.

Fu Lixing sat firmly in the driver's seat, with one hand on the edge of the window. In the dark blue smoke, he turned to her and looked at her watch with a smile. "You're on time! In a second, I'll be up there. "

"You..." Xin'an breathed well, very mad, gnashing his teeth. "What on earth do you want to do?"

"If you say what I want to do, of course it's you!" Fu Lixing said calmly, "of course, it depends on whether you do it or not."

"It's not safe here. Drive away!"

Fu Lixing still looked at her in a quiet way, not moved. On the contrary, he thought her crazy appearance was very interesting, and the corners of her mouth were quite happy with a shallow arc.

"I told you to drive!"

"Are you ordering me?"

"That's right!"

"I'm so sorry..." Fu Lixing's slender fingers flicked the ash, and his tongue licked his thin lips, which made him proud. "I don't take orders from anyone, especially women!"

Xin an really wants to tear his self righteous face. This man looks like a gentleman. In fact, he is hateful. His soul is as ugly as a devil. He just wants to kill her.

At that time, he was so angry that he rushed to drive directly. But as soon as his hand touched the steering wheel, Fu Lixing put his back on the seat of the car.

Her legs are still in the co driver's seat, but her upper body is tightly pressed on the driver's seat by him. He had the advantage in position and physical strength, firmly controlled her, and their chests were close to each other. The warm and full touch made Fu Lixing enjoy it very much. He couldn't help whirling twice, and his mouth gave out a comfortable sigh.

The eyebrows close at hand seem to be shining, beautiful and frivolous.

"You see, this time you took the initiative. I didn't force you! Women are right and wrong, mouth shouting do not, the body will make diametrically opposite behavior. You call it, throw yourself in the arms, understand? "

Fu Lixing examined her in the dim light and liked her angry appearance very much. Especially that pair of eyes, water light, hook people in the invisible, he has not seen such pure, so black and white eyes for a long time. It's so clean that sometimes he wants to dig out her eyes.

She may not know that there is a kind of charming style on her eyebrows. Of course, she didn't mean to seduce people, but an invisible taste. Especially when you are angry, the smell comes out completely. The flushed face, the pink lips and the gasping breath make people have the impulse of cruelty.

Looking at the rising and falling chest, Fu Lixing's mind was full and pink when she was naked. She couldn't control her thinking at all. She thought of her pure and beautiful body like a lamb, ready to move.

"Fu Lixing, let me go!" Xin'an twisted a few pieces and was very angry. "What? Don't be sentimental. I just want to drive away from here!"

"That's because maybe you don't know, you are attracted by me, so you are in my arms again and again! Once or twice, maybe it's just a coincidence, but every time, what does it mean? "

"You've been pestering me!"

"You see, you said these words that I don't like to hear..." Fu Lixing stroked her face and pressed her lips again. This pair of thin lips really made him love and hate. "Why can't you be good? I just want to have dinner with you. Why are you so resistant? "

"What is our relationship? Why should I have dinner with you? " Xin an rolled his eyes. "What you want has been got. What are you still pestering me to do?""It's only because you have such a good taste that you call me shisui Zhiwei. It's rare that a woman's body has such an attraction for me. Do you think I'll let it go easily? "

I have been off the Internet all afternoon, and I can't send a manuscript or return a message, but I've coded it quietly, two minutes at a time! Thank you!