Ex-wife,Please Sign

Chapter 209

Xin an followed up the office, Fu Lixing said: "close the door."


Closed space, the atmosphere is more tense.

"Are you familiar with Gu QingHan?"

"No, I don't know He's here for the first time today. "

"So close the first time?" Fu Lixing sneered that his stomach was full of acid.

"I accidentally sprained my foot. President Gu helped me, that's all."

Fu Lixing was still stiff and silent.

"OK, don't you know who I am?" Xin An said in his heart, I only love you!

"I don't ask you because of our personal relationship, but in the company, everyone knows your relationship with me, and you are the general manager, cuddling with customers, which has a bad influence."

Xin An's face turned white.

He knew that they had nothing to do with her. Why did he satirize her with those hurtful words? In this way, can let him vent his anger and make him happy? So she chose silence.

The last reaction Fu Lixing wanted at the moment was her silence, which seemed to be acquiescence.

He knows her conduct well in his heart, but when people are angry, any small thing will cause a big reaction like the butterfly effect, and become the fuse of anger. Most of the time, it's not the matter itself that gets angry, but her attitude and some things in the past.

"In the company, or elsewhere, I hope you can abide by the professional ethics of a manager and keep a distance from male clients."

Fu Lixing left with these words, and the two continued to have a cold war for several days.



Tang Tang took out the mirror and added some blush. When the waitress came to add water, she asked, "how about my makeup? Will it be too strong? "

"No, light makeup suits you." The waitress praised her from the bottom of her heart and thought she was beautiful.

"Thank you."

Happy mood only lasted a few seconds, Tang Tang immediately fell into self mockery. No matter how pretty she looks? He won't even look at her.

Just because I love him so much that she has been holding on till now.

A figure in her opposite seat, Tang Tang eyes a bright. "OK, here you are!"

Fu Lixing took out his cigarette box as soon as he sat down.

"Why don't you look well? Haven't you slept well these days? "

He took a cigarette and put it into his mouth. He held it in his mouth, lit it and took a deep breath.

This is the third pack of cigarettes today, but it can't calm the nerves at all. The temple still jumps violently, and the head is very painful and chaotic.

"Why do you smoke again? You didn't smoke in front of me before. This is the restaurant. Will you stop smoking? "

Tang Tang reached out to take his cigarette, but Fu Lixing avoided it, frowned, with some impatience. "You came to me, not about my mother's body?"


Tang Tang is a little lost, although he knows that he only wants to see her for Qin Yaxiang.

"A month ago, my aunt had a physical examination, and the report came out that her heart was not good, and every organ had serious failure, not only aging, but also emotional depression. I didn't dare to tell her. I just said that my heart is normal. "

"Do you have the medical report?"

"No, it's still in England. I'm telling you this because I want you to care more about her. It's not easy for her to be alone now. Mother is like this, on the one hand, looking forward to her son looking for a girlfriend, on the other hand, worried about her son being robbed, she will have a very strong psychological gap, especially Xin'an is not what she likes, so she is even more rejected. In the long run, her body will not be able to support her. "

"I know that. There's nothing else. I'll go first."

"Do you have to be so heartless to me? Since when has it been so hard to be alone with you for five minutes? "

"I have something to do."

"Please listen to me. I left you first, and now I'm reluctant to let go. You must think I'm cheap, but I have to leave. I have difficulties. "

"The past is over. Don't talk about it any more."

"Don't you want to know why?"

"I don't want to." Fu Lixing said with certainty.

Tang Tang moistened his eyes. "But I want you to know how much I have suffered in recent years. I broke up with you suddenly and went abroad because... " She closed her eyes and said sadly, "because I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I don't know how long I can live."

Fu Lixing was stunned, and the cigarette between his fingers was cut off.

Although after many years, he did not care, but did not expect this reason.

"You Why don't you tell me? "

"Because I don't want you to worry, and I had a mastectomy, I'm not a complete woman, I don't know how to face you! Moreover, the doctor said that even if it is removed, it will not recur. I may die. I don't want to delay you. "Fu Lixing didn't know what to say. After a long time, he sighed. "I'm sorry I... "

"You don't have to apologize. I chose to hide it. Leaving you that year was the most regretful choice I ever made. At that time, I always looked forward to waiting for me to cure my illness, maybe I can get back together with you, but It's too late! I don't want you to sympathize with me and know that you won't look back. I just can't stand your cruelty to me. "

"The grievances I've suffered over the years are my willingness, but Because I love you, I shouldn't be treated so cruelly by you. "

Tang Tang's smile was very bitter. "You told me not to waste time on you, but who should I go to? Which man can accept a woman who has no chest and is likely to die of cancer in the future? Every day when I take a bath, I cry. I hate why God treats me like this. On the battlefield, I even thought that it would be a relief to die like this. "

"I don't know what to say. If you had told me the truth, I would have been with you, but now..."

"I understand! I have no other request, I just ask you, don't be too cruel to me, OK? Otherwise, I will really lose the courage to live. "

The blood of the whole body flows to the heart, as if a hand is tearing Fu Lixing's heart.

In this life, he and Tang Tang Tang will never go back. But people have compassion. After all, they have known each other for so many years that he can't be completely indifferent. For a long time, he laughed at her, "OK!"

Tang Tang dried his tears, "you don't have to treat me as a patient, just like before! We haven't had dinner together for a long time. Please accompany me today


Xin'an and Gu QingHan have signed the contract at more than seven o'clock. Gu QingHan proposes to have dinner together. Xin'an insisted on being the host and found a French restaurant.

Gu QingHan shakes the red wine glass, and the light is reflected on his face, outlining a gentle and elegant shadow.

"This restaurant has a good atmosphere. I like it."

"I know you lived in France for a while, and the French food here is the most authentic in a city. I think you must like it."

Gu QingHan smiles. "So it's not without reason that you can still work as a project manager in century group after you leave Qiao. I appreciate people who are well prepared."

"Opportunities are for those who are prepared, aren't they?" Xin an clinks a cup with him, "even if be identified by the person is relation door, also if have certain level relation door."

"You're very humorous."

Sheen shrugged. "No one said that. I'm just telling the truth."

"No wonder Mr. king is very fond of you. It's a pity Your road doesn't seem to be so smooth. "

Sean put down her glass and looked at him. "Mr. Gu, now that the business is over, you can get to the point. There's no point in going around in circles."

"Since manager Xin is so straightforward, I will tell you the truth..." The gentleness in Gu QingHan's eyes faded a little, and there was more edge. "I want you to leave Yaoyao."

Xin an had expected this, so she just laughed calmly. "I don't know what identity Gu always said this to me?"

"I'm Yao Yao's brother."


"Her mother is my stepmother, and, of course, to me, she is as good as her own mother. However, Yao Yao could not accept it until she came from city f to city A. I didn't want to push her too hard, so I didn't disturb her life. She should not have mentioned these things to you

"Not really. If she doesn't, I respect her privacy. But from what I know about Yao Yao, if it's just what you said, she won't tell you... "

"Deep evil? Want me to die? "


"There is a misunderstanding between me and her, but you can see how nervous I am about her."

"But have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't need your tension, it's a burden for her."

"I'm for her good!"

He is also a man who goes his own way in the name of "for her good", just like Fu Lixing. I never think I'm paying, but I never think about whether the other party wants it or not. Maybe men like them are so self righteous!

Thinking of the same experience, Xin an couldn't help feeling a little emotional. "Yao Yao and I are good sisters. It's impossible to break up. What's more, she is an adult and knows who to associate with and who not to associate with. You don't need to judge. Not to mention, you are not her relative. "

"I know you have a good relationship, but the real friendship is to think for each other. She has lost her job because of you. She even has problems with food and clothing. Don't you think you hurt her? Besides, you should have never told her that she was involved by you. "

"This problem has been solved by the Arab Bank and will not happen again."

Gu QingHan has become a little sharp. "It's the first time. How can you guarantee that it won't be the second time? Knowing that they will bring her trouble, but also implicate her, this is what you call sisterhood? When a reporter can only bury her talent, her real talent is in design, I will arrange the most suitable way for her, and will not let anyone affect her future. "This kind of conversation obviously makes Xin an very unhappy, but she can't refute it.

Gu QingHan is a strong man. She can't refute him at all. It can only be said that each of them has his own stand.