Ex-wife of A Billionaire

Chapter 252

After arriving at the hospital, Li Yunze directly took Gu Beichen to the examination room, "take it off and have a look..."

Gu Beichen\'s face was already very bad. When he took Jian Jie to the bedroom, he was almost unable to hold on... So he didn\'t dare to stay more and let Jian Mo find something different, so he deliberately stimulated her to have a rest.

All the way, even though Li Yunze has been driving carefully, but because of friction... Gu Beichen is just as uncomfortable.

"You die!" When Li Yunze saw that under the large dark red skin behind Gu Beichen, fine blood particles and sweat penetrated out, he couldn\'t help scolding angrily, "let you stay still tonight, you have to go..."

Gu Beichen\'s eagle eyes were getting deeper and deeper. He didn\'t speak, but his thin lips closed tightly into a straight line.

Li Yunze cools his face while carefully treating Gu Beichen\'s wound... When he sees that his waist is more serious, he sinks his face.

"Yunze, you don\'t know..." Gu Beichen\'s voice was slightly far-reaching and enchanted. "At that time, I saw that she was worried in her eyes... Although she tried to hide it, she was obviously relieved when she saw me."

As soon as Li Yunze heard it, his heart was sour

Even though Beichen had never been so ecstatic about a thing before, he was already happy and angry under the experience of the emperor, but... Now he is as happy as a child.

"At that time, she took the initiative to hold me." Gu Beichen\'s tone was lighthearted for a few minutes, although it didn\'t match his pale face at the moment. "I just thought. I like it if it hurts more!"

"Gu Beichen, you\'re fucking sick!" Li Yunze couldn\'t stand hissing.

"Well, I\'m sick..." Gu Beichen\'s smile on his thin lips instantly reached the bottom of his eyes, but his voice was low with a touch of melancholy, "only she... My disease can be cured!"

Li Yunze\'s actions stopped. He didn\'t know what mood he was looking at Gu Beichen. The complex emotions at that moment made him suddenly feel... That he can live up to his life when he touches love. However, in order to touch this love, how much bitterness and bitterness do they have to bear.

Can\'t bear to blame Gu Beichen for not cherishing himself. Li Yunze treated his wound quickly and persuaded him, "you\'d better not move around these two days. If you go on like this, you\'ll get an internal injury sooner or later."

"I\'m afraid not..." Gu Beichen\'s cold, carved face showed a thin smile. "I\'ll take Mo\'er back to grandma for dinner at the weekend. And..." he paused, and a smile filled Junyi\'s eyebrows and eyes. "My son will be four years old soon!"

He missed his birthday for three years and the moment when he was born, and every subsequent growth... As a father, he didn\'t want to be absent.

"Ha ha..." Li Yunze directly laughed sarcastically, "you like to be a father. You really quickly entered the role." When he said this, he didn\'t respond to Gu Beichen\'s age.

Gu Beichen is lying on the hospital bed. Because his back is burned by the hot air flow and the tossing at night, he can only hang his back to the sky

He looked at Li Yunze with a proud smile. "Yunze, that\'s my son!"

"It\'s you when you finish Jian mo..." Li Yunze said subconsciously. Suddenly, he widened his eyes. "What are you talking about, your son?"

"Well..." Gu Beichen has pride in his eyes. "Jian Mo gave birth to my child!"

"...." Li Yunze had no way to think, so he could only look at Gu Beichen directly.

Should the plot turn around like this?

Li Yunze asked uncertainly, "are you sure?" Then he took out the essence of the doctor, "do you need DNA? I can make an appointment for you!"

"Even though my eyes were soft, my son said," even if my eyes were cold. "

The fact is that the joy of accidentally discovering that the child is his own... Can\'t be understood by others.

Looking at Gu Beichen\'s pale face with a happy smile, Li Yunze breathed a sigh of relief from his heart... Because he saw Beichen\'s long lost humanity now.

Since that happened, in fact... Beichen\'s body has been impersonal.

The next day, it drizzled in Los Angeles after a gloomy night.

What happened in the suburbs was like a dream. There was no news from the media or anything.

Lin Nan stabilized after surgery, but it may take a few days to wake up... Because of his special status, Gu Beichen discussed with Li Yunze after his condition was stable. This matter must be known to the Lin family.

It\'s inconvenient for them to intervene too much in military affairs!

Xiao Jing woke up early the next morning... Just because of the cracked ribs, it was inevitable to lie in the hospital bed for a few days.

As for what Lin Chen didn\'t do to the South last night, it doesn\'t matter who he didn\'t do to the North

The surface of Los Angeles looks the same. The hot news these two days is still the emperor\'s new community, and the characters... Naturally, Gu Beichen.

In addition to the constant popularity, recently, the lawsuit between Mo Shaochen and Chu Zixiao has also attracted much attention... People are always guessing who will win and lose this complicated lawsuit in the end.

Li Xiaoyue, Jian Mo and Jian Jie had dinner together in a restaurant near runzeyuan, while talking about the lawsuit between Mo Shaochen and Chu Zixiao yesterday

"Alas, elder martial brother Mo\'s lawsuit is simply shocking. It\'s really incomparable." Li Xiaoyue is still a face of worship, "however, Chu Zixiao is also powerful this time. Several views just refuted all the views of the prosecution in the first court session."

Jian Jie fans his eyes curiously and listens to Li Xiaoyue\'s words. Now he is very curious about the world... Like ordinary boys, he likes some mechanical and brain games and things.

Jane Mo is lack of interest. Her major is different.

"By the way, Han Zhenzhen went to the Chu Tang law office." Li Xiaoyue suddenly said, "Lin fan has also passed."

Jane Mo frowned slightly, and then said casually, "it\'s good, near water."

"I think you are not rare, so you are free..." Li Xiaoyue laughed and scolded.

Jane Mo glanced. "What should I do? Can I have vinegar?"

As soon as he heard "jealous", Jane Jie looked at Jane Mo, "Mommy, who are you jealous of? Is it a man other than the unknown daddy?"

Jane Mo can\'t stand it. She looks directly at Jane Jie\'s helpless face... She is not stared at by her husband all day, but watched by her son. Her heart is broken!