Evolution Frenzy

Chapter 43

The main artery of the blood vessel was cut, and a large amount of blood gushed out like a fountain. Before long, his body became cold and obviously died.

After releasing his body, Duan Fei slowly came to the window.

Looking down, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery in this area. Perhaps because this place is located in a remote place, the walking corpses here are not as dense as those in the city center. Looking around, I only saw one or two wandering walking corpses.

However, Duan Fei knew that all this was temporary.

A shot in Cao slong\'s left leg, the smell of blood will soon spread far away. The smell of the walking corpse is extremely sensitive. Even a few kilometers away, it can smell the faint bloody smell in the air, and then find Cao slong and them. So Duan Fei must speed up his steps and get to the shelter as soon as possible.

He lay down and through the sight on the sniper gun, he quickly noticed that the number of walking corpses on the edge of the city center was increasing at some time, and began to move slowly in their direction.

It seems that these zombies have noticed the existence of Cao Silong. It\'s not safe here.

Frowning, Duan Fei stood up and prepared to go back.

Before leaving, he searched the sniper\'s clothes and found a pistol and two army spikes.

This is his life-saving weapon. If the enemy finds his whereabouts, it can reverse the war situation at the most critical moment.

Unfortunately, Duan Fei was his enemy. He lost his life before he pulled out his pistol.

After the general stabbed and pistol into his pocket, Duan Fei thought about it and carried the sniper gun on his back.

Sniper gun is a good thing. It can kill enemies far away without sound. This is particularly important for them now.

Duan Fei took the sniper gun and played with it. He soon learned several joint points. Compared with later weapons, the present gun is still too simple. He can master the skills of using it at a glance.

After becoming a B-level awakener in his previous life, Duan Fei majored in close combat, but in many cases, he likes to solve problems with guns. Therefore, like his combat skills, Duan Fei\'s gun skills are also very strong.

In the end of the law era, in order to deal with those huge and powerful monsters, humans tried countless methods. In these methods, in addition to the full research and funding of genetic energy and awakened people, the vast majority of human energy is devoted to the production of weapons.

At the moment when mankind is about to perish, human potential is fully stimulated. The development of thermal weapons has experienced several cross era changes in just a few decades.

In this unprecedented wave of weapon technology, the most famous one is the invention of the force artillery.

The attack force of the force gun is no different from that of an ordinary pistol, but the difference is that it uses not bullets, but energy bodies highly concentrated by powers.

The awakened one can deal huge damage to these monsters from a distance by using the force artillery. The most important thing is that this kind of force artillery also has the function of storing energy. In normal times, the awakened person can temporarily store part of his energy in the force artillery. When fighting, he can launch it directly. Moreover, this kind of energy stored force artillery can also be used by ordinary people in addition to the awakened person.

Duan Fei remembered the invention of the force gun, which immediately set off a trend of hot weapons among all the awakened people. I was also curious to buy one, and then I fell in love with guns and kept practicing.

Like his close combat awakener, the force gun perfectly makes up for his shortcomings in long-range output.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before the invention of the force gun. However, the Apocalypse has just passed. Even if most zombies have mutated, they have not become too strong. Ordinary heat weapons can kill them as long as they hit the key.

With this sniper gun, Duan Fei thought that on the way to the shelter, he should save a lot of trouble, and the sniper took a lot of cartridges, which was enough to support them for a long time.

After tidying up these things, Duan Fei hesitated for a moment and cut several more wounds on the sniper with a dagger. The blood soon dyed his body red.

Then he opened all the doors and windows, dragged his body to the window and lay on the edge of the window.

The pungent smell of blood spread slowly with the breeze.

After all this, Duan Fei turned around, quickly left the building and ran to the place where Cao Silong and them were hiding.

At this time, a large number of walking corpses are coming in their direction.

The sniper\'s body can help Duan Fei temporarily attract and confuse the attention of these walking corpses. The bloody smell on his body will lead the walking corpses to the building. Before his body is eaten, Duan Fei will have enough time to escape here and go to the shelter.

In the public toilet, everyone was pale and hid in the corner, and fear tortured his nerves.

Cao Silong lay flat on the ground, padded with clothes. His face was still pale, but it was much better than before.

When going out to perform the task, some hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs must be taken. It is because of these drugs that Cao slong\'s injury can be quickly stabilized.

Now his lower leg was wrapped in layers of white bandages, and blood penetrated the bandages, reflecting part of it. The wound was controlled in time. There should be no big problem, but now I can\'t walk.

Xiao Qin and the three of them stood quietly by the door, vigilantly observing the movement outside.

At this time, Duan Fei had come to the door and knocked. After knocking, Xiao Qin\'s voice came from the door.

"Who is it?"

"It\'s me, Duan Fei!" I whispered.

Just after that, the door opened with a "creak". Xiao Qin looked at me with a smile. It seemed that they were finally relieved.

"Brother Duan, it\'s great that you finally come back!" Xiao Qin said happily.

After all, it is an impossible task to deal with the sniper alone at such a long distance.

Although the time is short for five or six minutes, they feel longer than a century. Every second here, they fall into endless worries.

They were not relieved until Duan flew back.

"Well, did you succeed?" Cao Silong lay on the ground with a weak voice.

"Don\'t worry!" Duan Fei smiled and said, "the man who attacked us has gone to see the king of hell!"

As soon as the words fell, all the soldiers took a breath when their faces changed.

"You killed him?" Xiao Qin is still a little incredible.

Until Duan Fei nodded and admitted, their eyes were full of shock and admiration.

You know, in the situation just now, the sniper was far away from them. It was a miracle that he could easily escape the sniper\'s killing, find his hiding place in such a short time, and then kill him.

No one can have such observation, reaction and speed.

But Duan Fei did it! This can not help but let everyone fall into a great shock.

But on second thought, I was relieved when I recalled the invincible appearance when I slaughtered the walking corpses. After all, Duan Fei is a legendary ancient warrior.

At this time, Duan Fei squatted down, carefully looked at the injury on Cao slong\'s leg and asked, "brother Cao, how\'s it going? Is it better?"

Cao slong smiled and said carelessly, "it\'s much better. This little injury is all right. I think when I was on duty, I was shot by terrorists and directly hit my left chest. I almost hit my heart and killed me. What\'s a gun in my leg!"

Hearing Cao Silong\'s words, Duan Fei smiled and said nothing more.

Cao Silong is an open-minded and positive person. He can be so optimistic in this situation. No wonder commander Luo gave him a green eye, promoted him in every way, and finally gave him all the federal bases.

"Well, it\'s not too late. We must start quickly. How far is the shelter from here?" I asked.

Xiao Qin thought for a moment and said, "now we have left the highway. This is a fork. If we get to the shelter, we still have about 20 to 30 kilometers. We should be there in half a day!"

Duan Fei frowned at his words.

This distance is nothing to me, but it is still far away for them. Moreover, they have to take Cao slong, a wounded man, and the speed will undoubtedly slow down a lot.

Fortunately, the closer to the shelter, the fewer walking corpses. Because the corpses here have basically been emptied by the army, which is undoubtedly good news for them.

"Is there a shortcut? It\'s getting late. When it gets dark, it\'ll be in trouble!" I asked.

At this time, Cao slong put in his mouth and said, "we usually drive cars, so we all take the highway. There are short cuts, but if we take a short cut, we have to go through an artificial forest, and the road there is difficult to walk, so we can only walk. Brother Duan, what do you think?"

Duan Fei nodded slightly and said, "yes, let\'s take a shortcut. Now, time is the most important!"

"Then listen to you!"

Cao Silong nodded yes, and everyone had no objection. Time is pressing. Under the leadership of Duan Fei, everyone set off immediately.

Cao Silong couldn\'t walk because of his leg injury, so his three subordinates carried it in turn, while Duan Fei took a sniper gun and vigilantly paid attention to the movement around. As long as there were walking corpses, he would shoot them immediately. The sniper gun has a silencing effect, and I don\'t have to worry that it will lead to walking corpses.

In this way, their team finally got closer and closer to the shelter.