Evil emperor's sole love: flourishing age's little poisonous queen

Chapter 184

"It\'s a little difficult." Wei Jingyao lowered his eyes and whispered.

Fuya is the only place in Chengzhou that has not been infected. If people infected with the plague are brought here, they will not infect other soldiers very much, and everyone\'s situation will become very passive.

"But we don\'t seem to have any other way now, unless the Lord is willing to let him go and take him to the west of the city, but there are many risks to take."

Xie Fuyao\'s red lips move back and forth. In the face of a person who can\'t be completely trusted, no matter where he puts them, there will be danger.

"Yes Wei Jingyao frowned, and his eyes were tinged with a trace of worry.

He was locked up by himself, on the one hand, because he was unidentified, for fear that he would do harm secretly, on the other hand, to protect him.

The safest place in the whole government is the prison. If he is really Cui\'s doctor, Wei Zheng will try his best to get rid of him.

The news of Cheng state is so thorough that Wei Zheng must have a lot of Eyeliner here.

But he has not yet found out who the eyeliner is, and the whole state is unsafe now, so Cui Chen can only deal with it.

"It seems that the only hope is on him. If he develops an antidote, everyone will be happy, but if he can\'t, he will have to wait for death with the person infected with the plague."

Wei Jingyao\'s eyes were cold and his words were cold. Since he had a special identity, he had to shoulder his own mission. No one could help him.

Looking at Wei Jingyao in front of him, Xie Fuyao has a strong sense of strangeness.

Although I know that his practice is not wrong, but my heart is still sending out bursts of chill.

Under Xie Fuyao\'s instruction, Ziyun goes to the cell leisurely with his food box and bedding.

After the jailer opened the door, he went outside. Ziyun put all his things on the ground, and then stretched his tired waist.

"Here, it\'s cheaper for you. Take your time. I\'ll go first."

"Oh, don\'t hurry." Cui Chen holds the quilt in his arms and reaches for Ziyun.

"What for?" Purple cloud impatient way, "don\'t always move, like a Padawan."

"Oh, we are all medical students. Why be so stiff?" Cui Chen was smiling.

"I\'m really bored to stay here alone. Why don\'t you stay and have a drink with me?"

"If you want to drink it yourself, I\'ll leave first." Ziyun raised his head and looked like he was too angry to pay for his life.

"Oh, you can\'t be so cruel." Cui Chen has a pathetic look, and his lotus root pink dress is in his hands.

"It\'s so dark here. I\'m the only one here, and there are mice and cockroaches. I\'ll be afraid if you want to leave."

"If you\'re a man, what\'s the rat afraid of? Just drive it away." Ziyun frowned and sneered mercilessly.

"He\'s just a weak man. Of course, he\'ll have something to be afraid of. Even if you don\'t comfort him, he\'s still so fierce."

Cui Chen lowered his eyes, did not know that Ziyun bullied him.

Ziyun looked at the corner of his clothes which he held tightly, then glanced at his wronged appearance, and sighed helplessly.

"Come on, just drink with you. I really owe you in my last life."

Ziyun sat cross legged on the ground, opened the food box, a mellow fragrance came.

The night is getting thicker, and the silence is written in the heavy steps. One by one, two people walk in the hazy moonlight, just like that night, they know each other by heart.

"Miss Xie, I don\'t think we\'ve had dinner yet. I\'ve already sent someone to pass it on. Let\'s have some together."

Wei Jingyao suddenly turned his head and looked at the people behind him with a soft look. His eyes were like cold stars and his face was like snow moon.

Without waiting for Xie Fuyao to refuse, he took the initiative to open the door of his study. The candle on the desk trembled slightly, and the breeze brought by the door tilted the flame.

As soon as Xie Fuyao entered the room, he felt that he was surrounded by a warm light, and his chill was slowly melted by the light.

"Let\'s have a cup of tea to warm up. There\'s a shortage of materials here. It\'s all old tea from last year. I hope Miss Xie won\'t give up."

A cup of warm and fragrant tea was delivered to Xie Fuyao.

Looking at that pair of clear, deep and warm eyes like spring water, Xie Fuyao lowered his eyes and drank tea in small mouthfuls.

"How can it be? Although it\'s old tea, it\'s fragrant."

Put down the cup, Xie Fuyao\'s eyes inadvertently across the desk, above is a just made painting, but this painting is the external panorama of Chengzhou.

There are different marks on the red dots around. If my guess is correct, these red dots should be the location where the Dragon chanting people are ambushing.

"It turns out that Wang Ye is busy this afternoon." Xie Fuyao picked up the painting and looked at it carefully.

The city wall is outlined by several lines of different colors, so people can\'t see what its function is“ Is this the plan of the Lord? " In the face of Xie Fuyao\'s hot eyes, Wei Jingyao nodded, "not bad!" Wei Jingyao took Xie Fuyao\'s drawing and spread it on the table“ But there are still a few places that have not been confirmed, so we need to run two more times on the seventh day. " Wei Jingyao pointed to the place, or a blank, only sparse weeds, let that place is not so monotonous“ Does the Lord want to attack the West from the east? " Looking at the contents of the drawing, Xie Fuyao pondered for a moment. Those lines of different colors should be the people Wei Jingyao wanted to send. Let people gallop down from different parts of the city wall to attract the attention of the people hiding in the dark. This is the best time for Liang Rui to leave Chengzhou. For Shangwei Jingyao\'s enigmatic eyes, Xie Fuyao\'s eyes are a touch of worry, she slowly said the question in her heart“ If so, the people who attract attention will never come back. "“ In Miss Xie\'s eyes, is this the kind of person who is so careless about people\'s lives? " Wei Jingyao\'s thin lips curled up and his smile deepened“ The so-called secret can\'t be revealed. Miss Xie will know it then. "“ Does the Lord want to confuse the real with the fake? " Looking at Wei Jingyao\'s self-confidence, Xie Fuyao\'s heart is full of speculation“ Smart Wei Jingyao\'s mouth is warm smile, a pair of eyes like a bright crescent moon, most know their own is really Xie Fuyao“ It seems that nothing can escape Miss Xie\'s eyes. I knew that I should have hidden this drawing for a few days. "“ I\'m afraid it\'s a little late for you to say that now! " Xie Fuyao smiles a little. Until today, he has really seen Wei Jingyao\'s talent and ability