Evil emperor's sole love: flourishing age's little poisonous queen

Chapter 171

Wei Jingyao had another plan in his mind. He held his hands and looked up at the Ninth Five Year Plan on the Dragon chair. His eyes were clear and bright.

"My son is willing to go." Wei Jingyao was bitter in his heart. If he didn\'t go, he was afraid that no one would go.

If they don\'t cut themselves with knives, they will never know the pain. They will just hang up and say high sounding words.

The censor sighed. It was obvious that it was their plot. The king of Chu couldn\'t see it, but he was eager to jump into the fire pit.

Wei Zheng\'s eyes are dark and frightening. Today, Chengzhou may have become a dead city like purgatory. Wei Jingyao will only go there and never return.

The door of xincaotang is surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. People who come to buy medicine almost break the threshold.

Niuhuang pills are not commonly used, and ordinary shops don\'t hoard much.

Because of the outbreak of the plague, everyone is scrambling to buy. Now in the whole capital, there are only new thatched cottages in stock.

"Don\'t rob them. No one can buy them in such a crowded way. Our shopkeeper said that if you want to buy medicine, you should consciously line up. It\'s convenient for you, and it\'s convenient for us."

The boy in the heart thatched cottage cried out with his throat. These people are so crazy, just like the refugees who suffered from the disaster a while ago. They can\'t hear anyone at all. They just rush forward noisily.

"If we don\'t line up, we\'ll close down." There\'s no way. The boy takes out his mace and threatens them.

It has to be said that this method is really effective. In a short time, all the people lined up in two long lines.

"That\'s right. Everyone line up and take money with one hand and medicine with the other."

Most of the Niuhuang pills in the drugstore have been sold, but there are still an endless stream of people who come to buy them. Some even want to buy two more and stay at home for a rainy day.

Looking at the endless supply of Niuhuang pills, the shopkeeper immediately had a plan.

He found a clean wooden sign, wrote a few big words on it, and ordered him to put it at the door of xincaotang.

As soon as Xie Fuyao got out of the carriage, he saw the spectacular scene in front of him. With these medicinal materials, the plague might be able to be controlled.

Originally thought there was medicine to buy, these people should be happy, who knows they all droop a face, a look of bitter hatred.

As he walked forward, Xie Fuyao heard them murmur in a low voice, "this... How can the price go up? Isn\'t it robbing while the fire is burning? "

"Yes, yes, the price of this Niuhuang Pill is very expensive. How can we afford this price increase?"

"If you can\'t afford it, get out of the way. There are plenty of people who can afford it."

It turns out that this is the case. Xie Fuyao\'s heart sank. Fortunately, he did not feel at ease and took a special look. Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper took the opportunity to bid up prices.

The shopkeeper looked at the huge income in front of him, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Although this young owner is young, he really has a way of doing business. He knew that he should have stocked up some Niuhuang pills. It would take him most of his life to sell medicine.

Looking at the bright sign in front of him, Xie Fuyao\'s mouth was stiff. In just a few hours, the price of Niuhuang Pill has doubled.

"Well, who are you? I\'ll rush in. I don\'t see the queue here. " The small Si grins to scold a way, busy a day, he has already had no patience.

"Bah, you don\'t have eyes, and you don\'t have a good look at the person in front of you. It\'s enough for you to shout and drink." Ziyu pushed his little Si and scolded angrily.

Just now, he only saw a figure floating in front of him, and then he subconsciously said this sentence. Now that he saw that the person in front of him was the young master, he was scared out of his wits.

"The little master... Is the little one who has no eyes. The little one should be damned!"

Xie Fuyao looks at him, turns around and walks into the gate of xincaotang. He looks around. The scene in front of him makes Xie Fuyao angry.

The place where Huang Tiancheng was supposed to be treated is now full of Niuhuang pills. Patients who want to see a doctor can only wait outside in line with those who want to buy medicine.

"The shopkeeper is really leisurely. Don\'t we have to do business in xincaotang?" Xie Fuyao\'s eyes were full of cold light.

"Young master, your move is really amazing. Now in the whole capital, only our heart thatched cottage has Niuhuang Pill."

The shopkeeper\'s head, which was dazzled by money, didn\'t recognize the irony in Xie Fuyao\'s mouth for a moment. He said with a smile.

"Just now I have raised the price of Niuhuang pills. When the remaining Niuhuang pills in the warehouse are sold out, our new thatched cottage will be able to support these guys even if it is closed for one year."

"The shopkeeper is so short of money! The poor should take the lives of the people in the city to satisfy your so-called selfishness. "

Xie Fuyao\'s eyes were deep, his sharp eyes were like cold icebergs, and his whole body was filled with chills.

"You know clearly that the plague is rampant outside and the price of medicine is raised. If they are infected with the plague, can the people in the city be spared?"“ Young master, what we pay attention to in doing business is business opportunities. Now business opportunities are just around the corner. When should we not turn now? " The shopkeeper\'s taste slowly came out of the meaning of Xie Fuyao\'s words. Although she could see the right time, her business mind was much worse“ We are businessmen. It\'s good to make money, but we only earn the part we deserve. If we sell it at the normal price, can\'t the shopkeeper make money? " Xie Fuyao saw the doubts in the shopkeeper\'s heart. If he had been in his last life, he would have agreed with him. But after seeing the cruelty of the plague, he would not and could not do so“ In extraordinary times, we will do extraordinary things. Now we sell things by quantity rather than price. If we can make money, we should not be too greedy. If we damage the reputation of xincaotang, can the shopkeeper afford it? "“ You are a small family. Naturally you has the final say, and the money is not my own. The shopkeeper nodded bitterly“ The shopkeeper will be bothered to adjust the price back now, and then note below that the people who just bought the expensive medicine can come to get back the extra money with the medicine bag. " Xie Fuyao\'s tone is cold“ In addition, Mr. Huang still has to go to the hospital to see a doctor. The team of seeing a doctor and buying medicine should be separated. What he used to do is still what he does now. He should not be lazy. "“ Yes The shopkeeper sighed and immediately began to prepare“ I still have to tell you something from the young master. Now all the herbal medicine shops have increased their prices, only we don\'t... "if this is spread, other shops will feel that xincaotang doesn\'t abide by the rules