Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 386

The eldest lady made such a fuss, Wei Zhengde lost his mind to accompany Yan Qingyi to dinner, and left the censor\'s mansion.

Then after about two hours, at noon, when Yan Qingyi came out for a walk, she heard the servants in the mansion say that the eldest lady has left the imperial censor\'s mansion!

Needless to say, Yan Qingyi could also guess that it was Wei Zhengde who had a conflict with her. She was out of breath for a while, so she left the censor\'s mansion!

And the origin of this conflict is probably because of Yan Qingyi herself!

This eldest lady is really stupid, she just used a little bit of lip service, she quarreled with Wei Zhengde, and then left the censor\'s mansion!

Now that the eldest lady has left, Yan Qingyi naturally has no rivals.

As for the other two ladies, she felt that there was no need to deal with them, because looking at them, they should belong to the Buddhist system. Just accompany him. If he doesn\'t come, they will live on their own. There is less open and secret fighting, and they can end up at ease, which is good!

It was not until it was dark that Wei Zhengde came back to Yan Qingyi\'s west wing.

But when he came back, he drank a lot of wine.

Moreover, he still smells of a woman\'s rouge.

Don\'t think about it, you know that he went to the land of fireworks.

This man really makes people don\'t know what to say.

The family just married a concubine, but she went outside to have fun the next day!

It\'s really ironic, he also said that she is his apex, and he protects her everywhere, but he went out for food so quickly, how dare you say that she is his only one?

But it\'s not bad, anyway, Yan Qingyi didn\'t want him to touch her, so he went to find another woman, and it was too late for her to be happy.

Just the thought of him sneaking out for food makes me feel sick!

Wei Zhengdra took Yan Qingyi and walked to the bed and sat down. He looked at Yan Qingyi drunkenly. He opened his mouth, and the smell of alcohol came from his mouth, making Yan Qingyi dizzy!

"Yan\'er, do you know where I went?" Wei Zhengde tilted his head, his face was red, looking at the way he was sitting, if it wasn\'t for his hands on the bed, he probably fell to the ground.

"I know!" Yan Qingyi nodded, deliberately pretending to be aggrieved, "Sir, you went to the land of fireworks to find other beauties, my lord, it\'s not people who said you were married to you, how could you be so quick? How about looking for another woman? You really make Yan\'er very sad!"

Yan Qingyi thought that Wei Zhengde would admit it, and then confessed to her, but he didn\'t, because she thought too much, and he didn\'t entangle with those women in the land of fireworks at all.

The smell of rouge on his body was the rouge he bought for her when he went out earlier.

As for being so drunk, he went to the Prime Minister\'s house, and he came to the Prime Minister\'s house without getting drunk.

In this way, Yan Qingyi saw Wei Zhengde who has become what he is now, and smelled the rouge smell on his body that only women can have!

Yan Qingyi looked at the box of rouge in his hand, and it was a little hard to accept this fact for a while.

She thought that Wei Zhengde had a big quarrel with the eldest lady, and then went out to the fireworks field to find some fun. Unexpectedly, he actually went to buy rouge for himself.

"It\'s really fragrant!" Yan Qingyi took it with trembling hands, opened it and saw that it was the so-called blush, so she stretched out her index finger to get a little bit of it, put the tip of her nose and sniffed, then closed the lid and looked at Wei Zhengde, " Thank you sir!"