Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 371

"Female benefactor!" The little novice shouted loudly as he ran down the stairs.

Yan Qingyi stopped, turned to look at the little novice walking towards him, and smiled slightly, "What\'s the matter? Little monk!"

After the little novice ran up to Yan Qingyi, he looked up at her and asked, "Senior Brother Qingchen, let me ask you what your name is!"

Did he remember something?

Yan Qingyi squatted in front of the little novice, raised her hand to touch his white face, grinned, and replied with a smile: "My name is Tang Yaner, little monk, go and tell your brother!"

"Yes, thank the female benefactor for telling the name taboo!" The little novice folded his hands together, and after bowing, turned around and went up the mountain.

Yan Qingyi stood up, looked at his back, sighed, and turned to go down the mountain.

This time, it is estimated that it will take several months to come.

I just hope that at that time, Qingchen still remembered that she came to see him.

"003!" Yan Qingyi said while walking, "You help me change my face, it\'s impossible for me to get close to Wei Junchang in my current state!"


[Okay, then I will turn you into a person who is as beautiful as a god and fascinated by all men! 】

After 003 finished speaking, he suddenly appeared in front of Yan Qingyi, holding a bottle of potion and a mirror in his hand.

The mirrors in this world are all bronze mirrors. People look blurry and not clear at all. It is really only him who can think of bringing her a mirror!

After 003 handed her the mirror, he poured some potion in his hand, and then kneaded and kneaded it on Yan Qingyi\'s face. After a while, her appearance had changed into another person!

After she was done, 003 stepped aside and asked her to take a mirror and take a picture of herself!

When Yan Qingyi thought that she was about to have another beautiful face, her blood began to boil.

She picked up the mirror and looked at her face. Suddenly, her heart seemed to stop beating suddenly, and she was dumbfounded!

I saw her beautiful and pure in the mirror, shy and lovely, her crystal clear snow skin and jade skin flashed with an ivory-like halo, her soft white skin was as graceful as a watery hibiscus, a creamy snow lotus, and her stunning and delicate fragrance was as red as a blush. Fire, the pure and beautiful eyes with a lot of style are shyly closed, the black and long eyelashes tightly cover the pair of water-cut pupils and tremble, and under the straight jade neck with fairness and beauty, there are a pair of soft and round shoulders!

This appearance, compared with the original owner, can really be said to be a country of beauty, a country and a city, if this is in the crowd and cast a wink, others won\'t be able to fascinate her?

【satisfied? ] 003 asked.

"...Satisfied...Satisfied!" She smiled so much that her mouth couldn\'t close, she was quite satisfied, this beauty is rare in the world, do you think she is satisfied?

【It\'s good to be satisfied. ] After 003 finished speaking, he made a money bag out of thin air, opened it, and sent it to her. [There are one thousand taels of silver bills, go and exchange them. Don\'t you have a word on earth called tofu xi shi? You can sell tofu, you are so handsome, as long as you stand on the ground, it will not take long for you to become famous in Xianglan City. Then Wei Junchang will definitely come to you and give it to you. Fascinated by the fascination, to deal with people like him, only beauty can do it! 】

Yan Qingyi was stunned when she heard it. She also said that she would rely on her beauty to lure Wei Junchang directly. I didn\'t expect that 003 would actually give her this trick. If he were a woman, those men would definitely be caught He\'s playing around!