Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 298

After Yan Qingyi left, she got into the woods, and by the bright moonlight, she leaned against the tree and waited for more than an hour before calling 003 out.

Under the moonlight, 003 was as bright as usual.

【You want me to help you steal the body, right? 】

003 is really smart, she didn\'t even say it yet, he actually knew it.

That\'s fine, she doesn\'t have to spend too much saliva.

Yan Qingyi nodded and looked up at him.

"Yeah, now that the Seven Lights Sect has become like this, I don\'t want to watch Chong Lian and Jiu Xia have an accident anymore, go and help me bring the body back!"

[Okay, who made me your system? Whatever you ask me to do, I will promise you. Okay, I\'m going, you wait for me here, don\'t go anywhere, I\'ll come later. 】

"it is good."

In this way, 003 disappeared in front of Yan Qingyi.

Yan Qingyi squatted down on the ground along the trunk of the tree, then picked up the leaves on the ground, while in a daze, thinking about what to do with the Seven Lights Sect in the future.

Now that the Seven Luminaries Religion has become like this, it will be revived, and its vitality will be severely damaged.

People in the government already know a lot of things about the Seven Lights Sect. Even if the Seven Lights Sect regroups, it will not be as brilliant as it used to be.

The Seven Lights Religion is really important to Chong Lian.

She knew that no matter what she said, Chong Lian would never give up the Seven Lights Sect. So what she can do now is to help him restore the Seven Lights Sect to its former glory. Even though she will face ups and downs and thorns along the way, she must be helped and pity.

She will be happy only if he is happy.

Only when he is better can she attack him better.

Before Yan Qingyi could think of a way to deal with it, 003 stood in front of her with a person\'s body in her arms.

This sudden appearance almost startled Yan Qingyi.

She stood up suddenly, looked at 003 in amazement, her mouth moved for a while, and then she asked.

"Why are you so fast?"

[You haven\'t tried it yet, how do you know I\'m fast? 】

"..." What is this? What she asked was how he brought Feng Xingtian\'s body back so quickly, it was true, what he said was wrong!

After Yan Qingyi threw him a blank eye, his gaze shifted to Feng Xingtian\'s corpse in his arms.

There was a large pool of blood on Feng Xingtian\'s chest, it seemed that he was killed by a sharp weapon, and it was a fatal blow.

She remembered that Jiu Xia had previously said that Feng Xingtian had been plotted against, so she was caught. However, apart from the one on his chest, she didn\'t see that he suffered any other injuries!

003 sighed when she saw that she was thinking about things.

【Ugh! Don\'t think about it, he\'s poisoned! 】

"Poisoned?" Yan Qingyi frowned immediately, "What kind of poison did he get?"

【You can tell by pulling up his sleeves! 】

Yan Qingyi didn\'t speak, walked in front of him, pulled up the sleeve of the outer hand, and saw a black mark on his arm. Because the moonlight was very bright, after Yan Qingyi took a closer look, she saw a small hole in the middle!

This hole is not small, it is similar to the ear hole that girls usually punch in the ear, as long as it is not too far away, it can be seen.

It turned out that the so-called conspiracy against Feng Xingtian was that someone used a poisonous needle on him!

She just said, Feng Xingtian\'s martial arts are definitely not under the pity, if the other party didn\'t make some bad ideas, how could he be killed by the other party?

"These people are really cunning. If they can\'t beat them, they will plot against them, really!"

[This is a member of the Seven Lights Sect, what does the Seven Lights Sect mean to those people? It means a cult, of course they will use some intrigue. It\'s normal, don\'t worry. Alright, I\'ll put the body here, you can call them out to carry it later. I\'m so handsome, it\'s not good for people to see me! 】