Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 290

Those officers and soldiers are just some puppets with a little training, trying to catch them and pity them is just a dream.

Those officers and soldiers, even if they saw the pity them, couldn\'t chase them, because when they found them, they had already flown away. In the end, I could only watch the cooked duck fly away.

"General, they all ran away!" An officer and soldier walked in front of Tan Scoop and said like a bell.

"Send someone to chase, and they won\'t get far!" Tan Scoop looked around and gave an order, "The Seven Lights Sect will be burned down, and not a single room is allowed!"

"General!" Another officer and soldier ran in front of Tan Scoop. After he bowed his hands and saluted, he said, "The Seven Lights Sect\'s people have all run away!"

Tan Scoop gritted his teeth, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Damn, they\'re still a step too late!

"Got it!" Tan Scoop said.

The people above told him that there are more than 500 disciples in the Seven Lights Sect. There are tens of thousands hidden in Lan Yuguo outside.

The people from the Seven Lights Sect ran away today, and he doesn\'t believe in using that woman\'s information, so he won\'t be able to catch them in the future.


As night fell, in the Tongfu Inn in Luoyue City, the four of them were sitting around a round table. Everyone had a sad expression on their faces.

Feng Xingtian said: "What should I do now?"

Jiu Xia said: "What I\'m most afraid of now is that He Yuan told the officials about everything in the Seven Lights Sect. In order to not have more dreams at night, let\'s kill her first, only dead people can\'t speak!"

Chonglian\'s cold breath came out, and his eyes were as cold as ice and snow. He said coldly: "It\'s too cheap to kill her directly, catch her and tie it to me. Xingtian, inform the other people below, don\'t do it during this time. any action."

"Yes!" Feng Xingtian stood up, "My subordinates will go and order!"

"Then I\'ll go too!" Jiu Xia said to Chong Lian, then looked at Yan Qingyi, "Yunyi, stay here and take good care of the leader!"

"Well, Sister Jiuxia!" Yan Qingyi said.

Even if Jiuxia didn\'t say anything, Yan Qingyi would stay here to accompany Zhonglian.

After they left, Yan Qingyi looked at Chonglian.

Chong Lian\'s face is very bad now, and he is in a very bad mood when he sees it. If it was before, Yan Qingyi would probably be very afraid of him. But now, she doesn\'t have the slightest timidity towards him.

"Master, don\'t get too angry. Although the Seven Lights Cult is gone, the people who belong to the Seven Lights Cult are still there. There will be no difficulties in making a comeback in the future, isn\'t it?"


Chong Lian didn\'t want to say too much, and now his heart is very irritable. If he hadn\'t considered the wandering disciples and the person in front of him, he would definitely not sit here peacefully.

Yan Qingyi didn\'t know how to comfort him, so she poured him a cup of tea.

He didn\'t drink it, just looked down at the tea Yan Qingyi just poured for him.

"Go to sleep." Chong Lian whispered.

"No, I want to accompany you, I won\'t sleep if you don\'t sleep!" Yan Qingyi was not afraid that he would not sleep, she was afraid that he would leave the inn while she was sleeping.

People in the government must be looking for him everywhere now. Once he leaves here, needless to say, he will definitely be caught. Also, she didn\'t know what Heyuan said in front of the official, anyway, it was the safest to stay here!

"You are really stubborn!" Chong Lian pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a little irritable, "Go to sleep, I won\'t go out."

Yan Qingyi still didn\'t believe him, but now she didn\'t want to make the other party more angry, so she got up and walked to the bed behind him and sat down, took off her shoes, and lay on it.

She just stayed in his room so she could see what he did.

Seeing her like this, Chong Lian let out a long sigh.