Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 285

Chong Lian woke up early today and was a little sleepy. Just as he was about to lie down to sleep, Yan Qingyi came to his side, tilted his head, Ye Ye Shenghui\'s eyes looked directly at him.

"Sir, I want to tell you something, but you are not allowed to be angry!"


"That\'s it, Yunyi didn\'t get separated from her parents!"

When Chong Lian heard this, he frowned, looked at her, and motioned for her to continue.

Yan Qingyi pursed her lips and continued speaking.

"Yunyi was born in a wealthy family, but unfortunately, her mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to Yunyi, and her father hated Yunyi because of this, and never made Yunyi better. A few years later, her father married another woman. As his wife, he gave birth to a young master. Since then, Yunyi\'s life has plummeted. My father often beats and scolds Yunyi because of his younger brother, so when the sect master saw me, it was Yunyi. When he escaped from the mansion! Lord Sect Master, Yun Yi finished speaking."

Chong Lian was originally quite sleepy, but when he heard Yan Qingyi\'s words, the sleepiness disappeared instantly. He sat up and leaned back against the head of the bed, a cold light flashed in his dark and deep eyes.

It turned out to be so, no wonder she looked so thin, and her feelings were unequal treatment at home, so she became like that.

It\'s just that people say that tiger poison doesn\'t eat offspring. Although her mother died because she gave birth to her, no matter what, she is also his own flesh and blood. How could he abuse her just because someone left?

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I..." Yan Qingyi looked away and whispered, "I want revenge, so I want to learn martial arts."

"You mean you want your whole family to die?"

"No no no, I don\'t want them to die, I just don\'t want them to live better!" Yan Qingyi said.

"Don\'t study, I will ask Xingtian to do the rest, and you will stay in the Seven Lights Sect. As long as I am here, no one will dare to hurt you."

Yan Qingyi was betting, she was betting that Zhonglian would avenge her. Looking at it now, I have won the gamble!

In my mind, the sigh of 003 sounded immediately!

This host is really cunning!

"Master Sect Master, won\'t this be very good?"

"You saved my life. I am a person who is right from wrong. You have been in the Seven Lights Sect for a few months, so you should understand."

Of course, Yan Qingyi knew that Chonglian was a right and wrong person, otherwise, she wouldn\'t tell him that. It is impossible for Jiuxia to help him as always.

"Then Yunyi will thank the sect master first."

"Go and call the left palm envoy!"

"Yes, Master Sect Master!"

Yan Qingyi saluted, turned around and went out the door, then went straight to Feng Xingtian.

When Yan Qingyi found Feng Xingtian, he was chatting with Jiu Xia about some topics that Yan Qingyi could not understand. Seeing Yan Qingyi coming, the two of them gave her an amiable smile.

During this period of time, Chonglian\'s change in Yan Qingyi\'s eyes was seen by everyone.

To tell the truth, when Feng Xing Genius started, he didn\'t dare to think that Zhong Lian would treat this little girl so special. At the beginning, he thought that Yan Qingyi would be treated more harshly in front of Chong Lian, but he did not expect that in just two months, Yan Qingyi was deeply loved by Chong Lian!

Yan Qingyi told Feng Xingtian that Chonglian wanted to find him. After hearing this, how could Feng Xingtian dare to neglect him? After talking to Jiu Xia, he went to Yuhuan Pavilion.

After Yan Qingyi bowed to Jiu Xia, she immediately withdrew.


Chong Lian had already got out of bed and sat at the table drinking tea. After a while, he saw two figures, one big and one small, entering his line of sight.

Feng Xingtian came to him and bowed his hands.

"Sect Master, do you have anything to do with your subordinates?"