Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 263

At three quarters of noon, Yan Qingyi and Chonglian left the Seven Lights Sect together.

Yan Qingyi thought that they would take a carriage to Luoyue City, but unexpectedly, Chong Lian didn\'t take a carriage or ride a horse, and walked directly to Luoyue City!

It\'s not that Yan Qingyi is too pretentious, the main thing is, in this summer, walking under the scorching sun, no matter who it is, can\'t bear it?

So it didn\'t take long for Yan Qingyi\'s body to be hot and sweaty.

Turning his head to the side, he glanced at Chong Lian, and seeing that he looked like a normal person, when there was not even a drop of sweat on his face, Yan Qingyi couldn\'t believe it. After all, in such weather, walking on the forest path for half an hour, the other party didn\'t take a breath, didn\'t say anything, didn\'t sweat, could this be a human?

Yan Qingyi retracted her gaze and looked forward. After gently wiping the sweat off her face, she cautiously said, "Lord Sect Leader, Yunyi is a little tired, can you rest for a while before leaving?"

Chong Lian didn\'t even look at her, and said coldly, "If you feel tired, you can go back."

Except when there is no important task, Chong Lian doesn\'t like to travel with his disciples. If it wasn\'t for Jiu Xia\'s strong request for him to bring Yan Qingyi, seriously, he would never bring such a delicate girl!

With a sigh in his heart, Yan Qingyi could only grit her teeth and insist.

Luoyue City is not far from Qixing Mountain, and it only takes about an hour to walk. By the time they arrived at Luoyue City, Yan Qingyi was already out of breath. The sweat on her body was like a basin of water had been poured on her. The heat made her dizzy!

Chong Lian ignored her, and after asking people where the Yuefu Inn was, he walked towards the Yuefu Inn.

Yan Qingyi was like a pug, Pidianpidian followed behind him. From time to time, I look here and there, I value Zonglian and walk away, and I trot to follow!

The long legs of the pity, Yan Qingyi can walk two steps with one step, so more often, Yan Qingyi is running behind him.

The Yuefu Inn was located by the Chenghe River in the west of Luoyue City. After arriving, Chonglian opened two good rooms.

Yan Qingyi wondered in her heart, why is this sect master here? Why are you still staying at an inn?

The shop assistant led them to the room before leaving.

Yan Qingyi went into Zhonglian\'s room, turned around and closed the door, and then went to pour a cup of tea for Zhonglian. Then he stood beside him and wanted to ask, but because of the identity of the other party, he didn\'t dare to ask anything at will, very tangled!

Chong Lian picked up the teacup, took a sip, and glanced at Yan Qingyi.

"Come out with me, don\'t ask more questions, all you have to do is lie beside me like a corpse, understand?"

Is this guy the roundworm in her stomach? She didn\'t even ask, but the other party cut her way outright!

What can she say? Of course I can only nod in agreement!

"Go and ask the shop assistant to copy two side dishes and bring them up."

"Yes, Master Sect Master."

As soon as Yan Qingyi left, Chonglian stopped her. When he looked at her back, his eyes were cold.

"Don\'t call me the teacher outside in the future."

Yan Qingyi scratched her cheeks, turned to look at him, thought about it, and said, "Yes, son."

Chong Lian nodded in satisfaction, and Yan Qingyi then stepped back.

After reaching the bottom, Yan Qingyi asked the shop assistant to cook two side dishes and one meat dish. After giving the order, she did not go back immediately, but at the door of the inn, relieved the bad anger in her heart that made her want to go mad!