Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 186

Chu se began to feel anxious when he heard the voices pointing at him. She turned her head to stare at Yan Qingyi and shouted, "Qin Shan, what exactly did you shoot?"

"What else could it be? Of course it\'s evidence of cleaning the shit on my head!" Yan Qingyi smiled, "Chu se, don\'t take everyone for a fool, I know you don\'t like me , but you also need to have a little IQ, and you still want to harm people like this? I advise you to go back to the womb and recreate it, so don\'t embarrass your parents!"

"Chu se, I really didn\'t expect you to be such a person. Qin Shan has always tolerated you, but you have repeatedly targeted others. This time you framed her with my pen, and I won\'t. Forget it, I will tell the teacher, you can do it yourself!" Zhou Qing froze, and after saying this, he turned back to his seat and sat down.

"That\'s right, Qin Shan tolerates you everywhere, so don\'t target them like that in the future!" Wang Qingming said suddenly.

"I also think that you always bullied Qin Shan before, and they didn\'t say anything. We are all classmates, so let\'s get along well!" Jiang Yun said.

Chu se heard so many people talking for Qin Shan, the fire in his heart was like pouring oil, and it went straight to his head.

In her life, no one has ever said that to her. Now that these people are accusing her of Qin Shan, it\'s no wonder she\'s not angry!

"Chu se, if you are safe, it will be sunny. If you target me again and again, I, Qin Shan, are not vegetarian, so I can do it myself!" Yan Qingyi sat down on the chair and looked out of the window.

"Humph!" Chu se sneered coldly, with a grim face, "you made me suffer so much humiliation today, do you think I\'ll just let it go? Qin Shan, I tell you, there\'s no way, just wait and see, I will definitely kick you out of this university!"

After saying harsh words, Chu se left!

Li Qing and Wang Ranran pursed their lips, and after they glanced at each other, they also left.

The classmate in front of Yan Qingyi was a girl named Gu Yue. After she saw that Chu se and the others had left, she turned to look at Yan Qingyi and smiled.

"Qin Shan, you are good, don\'t worry, I will definitely support you in the future!"

"Thank you." Yan Qingyi showed her a smile, and then continued to look out the window.

Chu se is really infatuated with her. For this reason, she wants to deal with her. It seems that this eldest lady\'s temper is really big!

At this moment, the class bell finally rang, and Yuan Jilong came to the podium with a book. He put the book on the table, put his hands on the table, glanced at the classmates below, and then began to speak.

"Classmates, the teacher wants to talk about something today, and I hope everyone can listen to the teacher\'s words." Yuan Jilong cleared his throat, glanced at Yan Qingyi, and continued, "Our class is a whole, since we are one As a whole, there is no divided part, so I hope that everyone will treat every student around you well in the future, not to run on, not to laugh at, everyone understands?"

These students were all in their twenties, so everyone understood what Yuan Jilong meant. So after he said these words, everyone responded, of course, except for Chu Se, Li Qing, Wang Ranran, and Gao Yun, after all, these people are still on the same rope so far!

Zhou Qing raised his hand, and when the teacher asked him to speak, he stood up and said, "Teacher, Chu se stole my pen and then framed Qin Shan. Teacher, our class\'s grades are already very backward. "Teacher, you don\'t want an extra one in our class, do you?"