Evil Boss Comes Again

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For the next half month, Yan Qingyi would go to the gym for a few hours every day after class. Not to mention, exercising to lose weight is really effective. In just half a month, she lost five pounds. If you continue like this, you will be able to lose weight slowly within a few months!

I only lost five pounds, and I couldn\'t see it with the naked eye.

Therefore, every time Yan Qingyi returned to the dormitory after exercising, she would be laughed at by them.

At the beginning, Yan Qingyi didn\'t want to pay attention to them, but later she felt annoyed. When they started taunting, she left the dormitory and went outside the corridor.

On this day, the fact that Yan Qingyi went to the gym was spread as a joke in the school. As soon as she appeared at the school, she would become the object of ridicule. Not to mention that those students would mock her, even the teachers of their class would make fun of her behind their backs!

So to avoid the limelight, she took time off from the teacher and went to the gym.

The original owner is a dispensable person in this school. If she doesn\'t come to class, teachers and classmates are happy. According to their words, the presence of a person like her in the class is a completely unpleasant existence.

It was because of her that when other classes talked about their class, the first thing they mentioned was that fat woman Qin Shan, so it gave their class a very bad impression. Now that Qin Shan wants to ask for leave, of course the teacher will not refuse!

While the whole class was running against Yan Qingyi, Yan Qingyi was working hard to make herself better in the gym.

For those public opinions that turned to her, she felt that there was no need to be more truthful and try to make herself better and better. This is what she should do the most right now. Instead of losing confidence because of the ridicule of others, and then becoming decadent, resentful, unwilling, and even wanting to die!

This is not Yan Qingyi\'s character, so now she needs to slowly improve herself when everyone looks down on her the most. Only when she is good will those public opinions be self-defeating. He will be the one who was bullied, insulted and ridiculed by everyone again!

After going back in the evening, Yan Qingyi knew that once she showed up at the school, she would be looked down upon by others, so she simply did not stop and took a long vacation from the teacher. Just like at noon, the teacher did not ask her the reason, and just approved it!

After taking leave, Yan Qingyi worked even harder to lose weight. Now, apart from eating and sleeping outside, she spends the rest of her time in the gym. In order to achieve a better weight loss effect, she ate some protein food out at noon, and some vegetable salad at night.

The coaches in the gym all said that she was too hardworking. Every day, she treated the gym as her own home, so she almost went to sleep here without packing a bed!

Every time he heard such words, Yan Qingyi just smiled and didn\'t make any answer.

Yan Qingyi practiced for half a semester. After the summer vacation, she practiced for more than a month. By the time the next semester started, she had only weighed more than 110 pounds. At this time, she was already sturdy. The fat, especially her belly, already has six beautiful abs, as well as that attractive mermaid line!

During this period, she rented a single room outside for a quarter. In addition to sleeping at home, she spends most of her time in the gym, and in the rest of the time, she learns a few taekwondo techniques for self-defense.

School starts tomorrow, and of course Yan Qingyi doesn\'t want to wear those baggy clothes to school, so she went to the mall and bought some nice clothes.